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Summoner of Dinosaurs in DxD Summoner of Dinosaurs in DxD original

Summoner of Dinosaurs in DxD

Tác giả: God_Of_Wolves

© WebNovel


12 Max

Indoraptor. He is named Ripper and he is nearly 1.5 times larger than the original. His main ability is Shadow manipulation and Shadow Travel. After Vander tames more of his familiars the more abilities he shares with his familiars. Ripper learned from Daisy the ability to control his genetic makeup to activate new abilities from it.

Yudon. A female hybrid by the name of Maximus for her power. Extremely aggressive with the unique ability of Ice Fire that freezes everything they touch. Her power grew after learning Wind magic to increase the intensity of her fire.

Metriphodon. This flying hybrid goes by the name of Terror. He is a Fire and Wind creature and while small his body is just as strong as other hybrids. He was the first creature that Vander managed to tame and his fire and wind are the most useful abilities that mix with the other creatures' abilities.

Erliphosaurus-Toxin's main ability is to manipulate powerful venom and poisons like water magic. To supplement this, his Earth affinity makes him a dangerous creature even at melee range.

Indominous Rex. Daisy is Vander's most powerful familiar as her Blood Magic and Lightning are in sync. After fighting Vander she learned to make the most of her Blood Magic to make armor that boosts her own defense and power. She has unlocked the power of all the creatures that made up her genetic makeup.

Ostoposaurous. Gustavo is a water and ice magic user which is the opposite of Maximus. He exhales at close-range blitz tactics.




Chromospinus- Spike is a Plasma user and his specialty is close ranged nonstop bombardment.

(They are not normal creatures. They all use unique magic abilities.)

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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