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Chương 2: Death



As Leon regained his consciousness, all he could hear was the loud ringing in his ears.

Leon ignored the irritating sound and let out a soft groan as he rolled over onto his back.

He felt like shit.

Put simply, Leon had never felt worse in his life.

It was almost as if he had been hit by a truck, as Leon could feel an ache coming from every single part of his body.

But even with this, Leon still managed to crawl to his feet.

As Leon's blurry vision cleared, he finally got a clear look at the battlefield and his heart sank.

It was hell.

Countless corpses and mangled bodies lay around him as a fierce storm of fire raged around him in all directions.

Leon didn't know what exactly had happened in the time that he was unconscious, but in that period the army of humanity had been dealt a heavy blow!

Desperate, Leon turned to look towards the only people who could change this battle's outcome, the heroes!

To Leon's horror, the heroes didn't appear to be doing much better than the regular army. Many heroes had already been defeated and lay in the battlefield's waste, and they didn't seem to be any sign of things better!

Even the golden-winged man from earlier was barely even recognisable now!

He was currently in a terrifying battle with three other 12ft demons. Half of his golden wings had been brutally torn from his back!

Quickly Leon turned to look at the other heroes, but all were in similarly dangerous situations of not even worse, all but one.

The Chaos Witch.

The chaotic energy that earned her title tore through the battlefield, annihilating anything in its path.

It was only after seeing this sight, Leon could finally relax.

Leon even laughed at his naivety.

Countless times the famous Chaos Witch had single-handedly dragged humanity out of its failing situations and it didn't seem that this time would be different

Turning away from the red sky and the horrifying battles going on there, Leon looked at his surroundings.

Although over half of the army had been destroyed, people were still fighting fiercely.

Leon couldn't just sit there and watch on as his fellow warriors fought with their lives on the line. If he feared death, he would have never joined the last legion to contribute in the first place.

Ignoring the battered state of his armour, Leon retrieved a decent spear from a nearby corpse and, after muttering a quick blessing for the dead, headed towards his nearest battle.

The sky seemed to go red from the overwhelming amount of blood and Fire in the surroundings as Man and Demon clashed viciously in a fight to the death.

Leon was deep in this meat grinder of a battlefield when his attention was grabbed by a gut-wrenching scream.

Normally, Leon would just look over before continuing to fight his way deeper into the demon horde, but this time, things were different.

As Leon looked over, he could see the little boy he had reassured earlier lying frozen beside a brutally torn corpse. In front of the boy was a 7ft tall demon that towered over him.

Leon didn't know if it was guilt due to fooling the kid or simply his own stupidity but before he even realised it, Leon found himself sprinting towards the boy.

Before the bat faced demon could bring down his sword and cleave the boy in half, Leon's ghostly figure appeared behind it, stabbing the demon through the shoulder!

The bat faced demon let out a shrill shriek of pain as it roared.

But Leon paid little attention to it as he turned towards the boy.

"What the fuck are you still doing sat there? Don't tell me you want to die boy?!!"

"But sir, the demon…"

"It doesn't matter! It's not like you'll be of any use in the first place. Take your sword and head to a battlefield where you can actually be of help!"

The boy hesitated briefly before scrambling away, but just before he left, he turned back to look at Leon with a fierce determination in his eyes!

"Mister! I'll definitely repay this favour one day!"

Hearing this, Leon just chuckled

The kid would have to stay alive first.

After making sure the kid had managed to get away, Leon finally took a good look at the demon in front of him.

A Garkaron demon, more commonly known amongst warriors as Bat face.

An upper class demon with distinctive bat-like characteristics.

Stronger than middle class demons, but not quite at the levels of a high-ranking demon.

Above average.

That was the best way to describe the strength of the demon in front of him.

Leon wasn't afraid. This demon was just like him.

Above average.

The term had been plaguing Leon like a curse no matter how hard he struggled; this seemed to be the limit of his potential.

But it was times like this that knowing your absolute limit wasn't a bad thing.

At least it could give you the Confidence to deal with such opponents

As long as he didn't mess up, this shouldn't be too difficult.

The ugly face of the Garkaron turned towards Leon, causing him to wince in disgust.

'Tch! Truly a face only a mother could love.'

Perhaps sensing Leon's disgust for it, the creature quickly let out a shriek before rushing at him.

Seeing this, Leon calmly ran toward the demon head on.

but just before the demon could swipe at him, Leon suddenly activated a skill.

<<Klethian charge.>>

Instantly, a bright green wave of energy coated his feet, causing his figure to rapidly accelerate.

Leon swiftly dashed past the demon's claws, appearing right behind the demon's unguarded back!

Right as Leon was about to slash down at the creature, it suddenly rotated its waist 180 degrees towards Leon, causing its already twisted appearance to become even more vile!

But all this didn't change anything for Leon, as its back was never his target in the first place

No, instead Leon was aiming for the feet!

Leon's spear flowed swiftly, slashing at the creature's Achilles tendon.

And Leon didn't stop there.

Using his movement skills, he ran circles around the ugly beast, slowly cutting it down

It wasn't long before the creature's movements froze due to the complete annihilation of its leg muscles!

Sensing his chance, Leon activated one of his strongest skills, causing his spear to burst into a dazzling ray of light before he pierced right through the Demon's brain!

"Phew!" exhaled Leon heavily

Although the fight may have seemed easy. Things were not that simple.

In such a short fight, Leon had been forced to activate most of his skills and drained his already injured self even further by using all those skills on that demon.

But before Leon could relax, he felt the air suddenly heat up around him.

'You've got to be kidding me…'


A high-ranking flame demon.

20ft of pure unadulterated muscle.

'What the hell is a Balor even doing here! Aren't the heroes supposed to be dealing with these level of opponents!'

In desperation, Leon looked to the one person who could save him.

Leon looked to the side only to see the heroes preoccupied with numerous Balors.

He even saw the Chaos Witch fighting what appeared to be 4 Balors all by herself!

Seeing this sight, Leon knew he wouldn't be able to get help.

A slightly strong soldier.

That's all he was.

Nothing more, nothing less.

The very fact he even survived so far was up to his good fortune.

But unfortunately for Leon, his fortune seemed to have run out.

But even in the face of an unquestionable death, Leon didn't panic.

Ever since he first joined this legion, he knew it was possible for him to die at any time.

Hell! Sometimes he thought that death would be a nice way out of all the constant struggles.

But just because the odds were against him didn't mean Leon had given up.

He knew it was impossible to escape from the demon in front of him.

Besides, to die a coward after all these years would be disappointing to himself as much as it was to all the comrades that died before him.

Tightly gripping his spear, Leon activated all his skills as he rushed down this terrifying demon

Even if Leon was going to die, he would at least leave a scratch on his foe to make it easier for the next warrior!

"For Humanity!"

Leon's bloody eyes glared at the demon as he rushed at it with all his remaining skills and energy.

But those words of conviction barely managed to leave his mouth before a giant sword swept across his chest, completely cleaving off the upper half of his body.

'Well, shit…'

Leon barely even had time to register what was going on before he felt his world spin.

Leon tried to curse, but even that was impossible.

All he could do was fall aimlessly as he was overcome by a sudden wave of darkness…

The Balor glanced at the destroyed corpse at its feet for only a brief second before turning around to wreak havoc in the rest of the battle formation.

In its mind, it had done nothing special. It had just crushed a small bug.

The world seemed to continue on normally.

Fires raged, blood was spilled and the wheels of time still continued turning as normal even long after Leon's death.

It's just that they failed to notice the faint glowing golden light in the pendant around Leon's separated shoulders.

It was this same light that was ignored today that would change the future of not just humanity but the future of the world of Haven as a whole…

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