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Chương 31: Eyesore.

As Kyouske and his team were on the way to the last place that Orochimaru had been, Kyouske felt his power on Ino activated.

Kyouske's eye turned cold, Kyouske bestowed Ino with a slight amount of [ Watatsumi] protection and he also did say her to not use her [ Mind Transfer Jutsu ], Kyouske can't provide her with mental protection, but he was confident that she was strong enough in that department.

Kyouske knew his powers were activated but Ino used her [ Mind Transfer Jutsu] so the external protection is not needed but it got activated when she was in danger.

Kyouske's said to his team " You guys follow my track, I'll be going ahead" he didn't even look at them and just vanished with tremendous speed.

Hinata and Kiba were astonished to see Kyouske's speed.

Kyouske just speed through everything, and he saw Ino had blood on her lips, dripping and Sasuke had a weird aura about him. A lot of black markings on him and a scroll was lying Infront of him.

Kyouske's first reaction was to jump beside Shikamaru who was holding Ino and took her into his arms.

Kyouske hugging her said " You, who did this? was it Sasuke? tell me "

Ino who just got into her body was a little confused so she was a little late to answer.

Kyouske just placed her into Shikamaru's arm and went towards the berserk Sasuke, Sasuke felt his power was full of confidence and also wanted to fight his brother.

At that moment Hinata and Kiba appeared on a tree. Hinata seeing Kyouske's eye thought ' so he loves her that much '

Kyouske went towards Sasuke, Sasuke with his newfound power was proudly standing.

Kyouske's eyes turned cold and he just stepped forward, the whole area shook, Sasuke also came as fast as he can, for all the Genins Sasuke was a dangerous person right now, but Kyouske just held Sasuke's neck and threw him towards a huge tree, Sasuke stopped after taking down 2 massive tree's with him.

Kyouske's eye was still as cold as they can be, he mumbled " My brothers always, always take my precious things, I am not a pushover "

Sasuke's newfound power was gone in a second and he weakly just lay there, Kyouske wanted to go ahead again but Ino stopped him saying it was not Sasuke it was someone else.

Kyouske stopped and hugged Ino then said to everyone " He won't die, he had some evil energy so I just kind of helped him ahahaha "

Shikamaru on the side said " Yeah sure, you almost killed him, If Ino was not timely enough"

Kyouske just awkwardly laughed, Ino was latching onto him, and Kyouske held her tight. Then he took her with him, and as fast as he can, he appeared before a team, Kyouske asked " was it them who hurt you? "

Ino nodding her head said " Yes, it was them "

Kyouske with one hand holding Ino brought out another hand, and said " I don't know, what you do, why you did this, If you even touch a single hair on her head this is the price you have to pay "

Then from Kyouske's hand, three tiny ash-colored bones appeared [ All Killing Ash Bones] and three bone's pierced all three of them together and they turned into ashes.

Ino in Kyouske's embrace was shocked, Kyouske kissing her cheek said: " I'll explain this later, but you, how dare you take such a risk " while lecturing her Kyouske appeared Infront of all the Genins. Kyouske was princess carrying Ino, Ino was also holding his neck, they looked quite comfortable.

Hinata from far-seeing this bitterly smiled, Kyouske was good-looking, sensible, honest, and strong, he respected her and befriend first so in Hinata's mind he was something even she can't explain, seeing Kyouske carrying Ino like that her heart felt terrible. Hinata also got injured sometimes, Kyouske also was concerned for her but the concern was now in Kyouske's eyes it was somewhat of a shocker for Hinata. Her eyes turned moist.

Sakura just ran towards Sasuke, Naruto also woke up, Kyouske took the earth scroll and gave it to Ino, who happily accepted that to complete her team's scroll pair.

As Kyouske was about to leave, he heard a weak voice " Wait "

Kyouske seeing it was his brother, went Infront of Sasuke and then crouched down " I am sorry, but why are you using such a pathetic method? It harms your body "

Sasuke looked into Kyouske's eye " Why are you so strong? "

Kyouske just facepalmed himself " You are crazy for power, well I was always strong, you've always wanted to have strength, I don't understand why but let me tell you this brother, if you ever become an eyesore for me, I'll kill you " as he was saying that he was smiling but the murderous intent he was emanating, everyone present was choking for air.

Kyouske closed his eyes and got up, then looked at Sakura " Sakura, you're one of my childhood friends so let me give you one piece of advice, you still have a way back, he is done for "

Sasuke weakly whispered " You... you're so strong but you don't want to kill him? "

Kyouske looked at Sasuke pitifully.

Then he just left with Ino in his hand and both their teams.

On a tree, Neji was sweating profusely. Ten Ten on the side asked " Is he that strong? "

Neji wiped his forehead " Strong? he's not in our league at all "

Sakura was sitting down and looking at the back of, Kyouske's and Ino's team who just retreated.

Naruto was confused about what happened, the Kyouske he knew was kind and gentle but today he saw something over the top.


Kyouske after walking some distance released Ino from his hand. Kyouske asked " Where is Yasaka? "

Ino pointing her head " She went to sleep, just merged with my head, She's a baby, after all, I didn't think the situation would be this tricky, otherwise I would have woken her"

Kyouske nodded his head " Yes, next time please don't be careless "

Ino was walking with Hinata, and both of their team had a complete scroll.

As they were walking beside a river bank, Ino heard Hinata's voice " Ino Chan, what's it like to be with Kyouske? "

Ino being quick-witted understood, and she smilingly said " Hmm... He's the best actually, he always cares for me, sometimes I sleepover in his home, he'll always carry me to the bed, he can even cook, he's also ruthless sometimes but as a Shinobi we should be ruthless"

Hinata nodded her head " Yes, he can be gentle than a mother, and a ruthless predator at the same time "

Ino tilted her head at Hinata's comment.

At that time Kyouske who was leading them said " Let's take a rest for today, tomorrow we'll go to the center tower and finish this farce "

Shikamaru just sat down and relaxed " Ah! man this is such a drag, I wish to go back home "

Kyouske smiled and then went hunting, Yasaka also tagged along with him.

Kyouske was running towards the river, Beautiful little white cat was checking out the scenery.

Kyouske while taking some water into his new bamboo bottle " Yasaka Chan, you were sleeping the whole time? "

Yasaka who was now drinking water from the river said " No, I woke up when she got hurt, but it was out of my control "

Kyouske rubbing her gently said " Don't worry about it, next time when it's daytime and we're out of our house, don't sleep, you are a Ninja Cat after all "

Yasaka feeling Kyouske's hand on her body closed her eyes and purred.

tiko_tiko tiko_tiko

Power Stone!!!!

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