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Chương 417: Hellfire

Dịch giả: Atlas Studios Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios

"What?" The surprised expression of the director of the Central Intelligence Agency pleased Charles.

"Look carefully. This is the X-Men formed by General Wesley Gibson himself, and the headquarters is in Washington. The two of us are on the same level. When it is officially activated, we are only responsible to the president and General Gibson." Charles threw his ID over and the other party picked it up and looked at it carefully.

It was indeed similar to their credentials, but the title and badge were different. "How do I know this isn't fake?"

"Do you want me to give you the general's number?" Charles asked.

"No, there is no need. It seems that the country knows about your existence and has become a trusted department. This matter should be reported internally." The director of the Central Intelligence Agency loosened his tie.

"Sorry, after all, it hasn't been officially launched yet, but you're right about one thing. Since World War I or earlier, there have been people like us in the United States, but there are not many of us, so General Gibson didn't do anything but build an 'X-Files'. And the general called us evolvers, which may be the future direction of human development, and now there are more and more evolvers, so the 'X-Files' are officially preparing, and now it's the preparation stage." Charles explained briefly.

"Then this Sebastian Shaw does exist. There are evolvers among them. Colonel Hendry was indeed bought by them?"

"That's right. What Agent McTaggert said is all true. NATO wants to rebuild military bases in the British overseas territory of the Micron Islands and deploy nuclear bombs. This is a huge threat to the United States, and Sebastian Shaw made a tit-for-tat proposal through Colonel Hendry. It's so likely to start a nuclear war."

"I know, we will arrange for people to arrest the business school immediately, but we still need your help to catch those evolved people."

"Of course, I'll go with Raven. We don't know how many people the other side has. We need to be careful. We don't know what their abilities are, and this organization should have existed for a long time. After all, they assassinated a general during World War II. We don't know how strong they are."

"Understood, let's get started." The director was surprised today, and now he needs to take it slow.

Sebastian Shaw's location was quickly determined, but there was another person who arrived before Charles and the others. Eric Lancer, or Magneto, came alone to take revenge.

Magneto was still as powerful as he was in the future, and he had no ability to resist mental powers. He could only jump into the sea to escape.

Charles arrived at the same time as the Coast Guard. The assault team broke through in a rubber speedboat and was defeated by a whirlwind. Eric Lancer controlled the anchor made of steel to attack the yacht, but Sebastian Shaw escaped in a submarine.

Nothing that had happened had changed, and Wesley had been given a full on-the-spot report. "Hehe, the young evolvers are still too green. They don't go all out in the face of unknown forces."

If Wesley had been there, he would have used artillery. Even if he could not hurt the enemy, he could at least prevent them from escaping. When the time came, the Coast Guard would have plenty of ways to capture them in the sea.

The first mission was a failure, but Charles brought back Eric Lancer. They came to the research facility under the Central Intelligence Agency and prepared to rest and reorganize here, while expanding their strength to fight their opponents.

Hellfire information began to appear. Eric Lanshell had brought it. What he had experienced was sympathetic, and Charles's decision to improve his abilities was not yet the limit of his abilities.

Wesley also had a copy of Hellfire's information. The Hellfire Club had been established for a long time. Its leader, Sebastian Shaw, could absorb all kinds of energy and live forever. His exact age was unknown. The White Queen, Emma Frost, had two abilities and was very rare. She was a main member. Azasser had red skin and the ability to move books and swords. He looked more like the devil in Western legends. Riptide's name was unknown and he could create tornadoes and was powerful.

For such an organization, even a country needed to be careful. They advocated an elite system and at the same time gathered people like them. Their ambition to control the world was huge. Wesley also needed to be careful about this. There were many superpowers in this world. Even if he used his body to appear, he might not be invincible. Moreover, he had X genes in his body. He had not studied this yet and needed to change his identity at the right time.

"Eric, I hope you can join the X-Men. It will be very helpful for us." Charles is discussing it with Eric now, hoping he can join in.

"Working in government? Are you sure they won't grab me for research?" Eric has a big psychological barrier to this, which is a problem left behind in Germany during World War II.

"It's different now than it used to be, Eric. This is not a time of war, and this is not Fascist Germany. This is the United States. X-Men General Headquarters has the same rights as other intelligence agencies, and our rights are the greatest when it comes to evolution. You can trust no one else, but General Wesley Gibson, you should know, is there anyone in the world more trustworthy than him?"

"Well…" Eric Lancer also knows Wesley. His greatness has spread all over the world.

"This organization was established by him, and he also established another organization to protect us. Of course, this protection doesn't refer to security." Extreme agents are born to protect X-Men from some traps and deal with ordinary people.

"But he's old," Eric said.

"That's right. I asked him. He said that someone will replace him, and that person will be the one he trusts the most. I don't know who that person is yet, but he will appear eventually. When that time comes, our organization may not need others to protect us, right? What I need to do now is to make the name of Evolver accepted by the public and let people know that we are their future. Even if most people are not capable now, their children are very likely to be one of us. This is very important."

"Okay, but aren't we mutants? What's with the evolution?" Eric asked.

Charles explained Wesley's theory. "That's right. I hadn't thought of that. The general is very good, and he thinks of everything. Unfortunately, he's old. Wouldn't it be nice if he were younger?"

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