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Chương 13: Pride

[A/N: Dragons can only speak in Valyrian tongue. Arthur used high valyrian language to communicate with Ancalagon but I forgot to add the Valyrian Phrases and I'm lazy to add it. So from this chapter, there shall be Valyrian phrases along with the translations of it.]


Arthur just arrived at Dragonstone castle with Ancalagon. The guards were already there to protect Rhaenyra as they thought that Arthur failed to tame Ancalagon and angered it. But soon they had their eyes widen when they saw the silver haired man drop from the black wild Dragon. Rhaenyra rushed to Arthur and hugged him tightly. Arthur heard her giggle when he wrapped his hands in her waist. Rhaenyra was getting pampered by him recently.

"Bona ābra loves ao. Yn skoro syt gōntan ao iderēbagon iā Targārien? ziry isn't worthy.(That woman loves you. But why did you choose a Targaryen? She isn't worthy),"- Ancalagon hissed at Arthur who just smiled at him before saying,"Lo ziry isn't, daorys iksis.(If she isn't, no one is)."

Rhaenyra who understood High Valyrian looked at Arthur with stars on her eyes and pecked him on the lips.

"Are you talking to him? Can Dragons even talk?"-Rhaenyra asked Arthur who was caressing Ancalagon's neck.

"Apparently, he is from Valyrian Peninsula. He escaped even before Balerion and the Targaryens. He said that he was a Dragon of my house when he hatched and dragons from my house could speak. As for why no one could tame him, he didn't consider them worthy."- Arthur spoke with pride and unknowingly Ancalagon gave a roar. Even though he didn't understand this language, he saw Arthur's face and thought it was best he did so.

"You guys are already good partners. I wonder if Dreamfyre would get sad seeing him."- Rhaenyra spoke and started to pet Ancalagon who hissed at her and wanted to bite her. Arthur calmed him down. Seeing his behavior, Arthur just shrugged,"Sorry,my love. He doesn't feel that you are worthy to touch him." In response, Rhaenyra started laughing.

'Goddamn it. How can someone be so cute?'- Arthur thought before hugging her tightly. Rhaenyra too loved the way how he showed his feelings. She knew that Arthur was opening up to her which she thought as a good sign. After all they will get married after 2 years.

A week has passed by. Viserys already sent a raven to ask for Arthur's well-being. He already heard about Arthur taming Cannibal. Other people didn't know that Arthur already named him 'Ancalagon'. When some guards accidently calls him as Cannibal, the Dragon roars at his might which makes the guards get on their knees. Their fearful face satisfies Ancalagon. Their fear is justified. After all, Ancalagon is as big as Vhagar . But their condition is different. Vhagar can't grow anymore where Ancalagon can grow more.

Recently, Arthur is taking him to the Shivering Sea. In the bay of whales, there is a good amount of Whales. Ancalagon hunts on his own. He dives on the sea and comes with a whale on his mouth. There was an issue with the Ibbenese when he first arrived here to feed Ancalagon. They thought that Ancalagon would eat all of those Whales which would leave them with nothing. But Arthur had told them that he would only come after one months because a whale is more than enough to feed Ancalagon for a month. He also mentioned the growing phase of Ancalagon so the Ibbenese didn't disturb him anylonger. They also feared him. Before leaving, they told Arthur to not come here when the breeding session of whales begins.

Today, Arthur has decided to craft a Valyrian Blade for the Lannisters.

" I am crafting a Valyrian sword for the Lannisters today. They promised to pay 5 millions of Gold Dragons for it."- Arthur told Rhaenyra who was on his lap. They both were reading books of the history of First Men. Arthur specifically picked that book because it might contain informations about the White Walkers.

Rhaenyra leaned at him and whispered at his ears," Can I watch how you do it?"

Feeling her breath in his ears, Arthur couldn't control himself from biting her ears softly.

"You can watch. But you will sweat a lot. So wear light clothes."- Arthur spoke in her ears. Rhaenyra on the other hand held Arthur's face tightly to her neck. Arthur lightly gave a kiss on her pale neck.

"Hmmm.... I will wear a light gown then."- Rhaenyra shook her hips perposefully before moving away from him.

Soon, Arthur started crafting a normal steel blade. A lion was carved in it's pommel. It had a longer grip for handling it easily. The central ridge and its point was sharp.

"Won't it break? The point and central ridge is too sharp but that makes it weak,right?"- A sweaty Rhaenyra spoke. Her neck and her cheeks were full of sweat due to the heat of this room. As the blacksmith, Arthur too was sweating.

"It will but it will be a Valyrian Blade soon. Don't forget that. Valyrian Blade will never break. I wonder how much lighter will be it after I transform it with magic."- Arthur spoke and soon he started using Runes of Fire and Strengthening Magic. The sword began to glow.

"So beautiful. The runes are so pretty."- Rhaenyra unconsciously spoke.

The runes were truly pretty. They had red and green colorings. Soon, the glowing stopped and Arthur stood up. He waved the sword lightly and felt satisfied due to it's lightweight. Arthur had no doubt about it's sharpness. Even Rhaenyra felt that with just a weak slash, A person would bleed out.

"It's name will be 'Pride'. The Lannisters use lions for their sigil and lions are prideful. A fair name. Don't you think, my love?"- Arthur named the Sword and looked at Rhaenyra who was sweating a lot.

" I can't handle it anymore. I'm sorry. I will have to leave."- Rhaenyra ran away to take a shower.

Meanwhile, Arthur sit down again and this time, he crafted a steel ring. Two dragons were crafted in the ring facing each other. Arthur once again started using his runes. He now made a Valyrian Steel Ring. The Dragons on the ring looked amazing now. Arthur wanted to gift this to Rhaenyra. He noticed the Valyrian steel necklace on her neck and he felt jealous. Arthur named the ring 'Aryra'.

As he wanted to gift it to his lover, he thought to use both of their names. So, he took 'Ar' from his name and took 'yra' from Rhaenyra's name.

He went to Rhaenyra's chamber who just finished her bath and put on her clothes. Arthur came to her and took her right hand. He put the ring on her ring finger.

"It's made of Valyrian Steel. I named it 'Aryra'."- Arthur told Rhaenyra with a warming manner.

"It's very pretty. Now I have something that belongs to us only. The Dragons look so cool."- Rhaenyra caressed the ring.

She went to Arthur before kissing him ignoring his sweaty face and body.

In the bath, Arthur was thinking where to go to buy unsullieds. He finally made up his mind and decided to go to Braavos. He wanted to finish his two tasks on the journey. One was to get the three eggs of Dreamfyre that was stolen and sold in Bravos. The other one was to buy 4 or 6 thousand unsullied depending on the price. He wrote a letter for Jason Lannister to come in Dragonstone with the money and get the sword. He wrote another letter for Corlys Velaryon to prepare his ships for a journey to Bravos.

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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