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Chương 2: Intro

Right now, I was standing in front of the gate of my, our new high school while h*olding h*nds with my girlfriend.(A.N.: How did you like this R18 content?(๑•﹏•))

"Ready to go Ai?"

"Yeah Haru~."

We started heading towards our class with a pink atmosphere surrounding us.

Sooooo, let's introduce ourselves. I am Hoshino Haruto, a reincarnated person. Besides me is my girlfriend, Ayasaka Ai, a reincarnated person as well.

We were just your everyday high school couple about 15 years ago. You know the drill? Truck-kun, ROB, choose your world and 3 wishes.

We chose a peaceful world, Classroom Of The Elite. The LN of which we have read until Horikita decided to take Kushida's side and expell Sakura. Really, we were so angry at that part.

Anyways, our first wish was of course Sharinga... ahem! Making us hotties.

Second was reincarnating us as rich neighbours with good families, because sadly, transmigration was not allowed.

Third was having a system to show our stats.

Because, no supernatural stuff was allowed as it was a normal world. And he even declined giving us something like super talent or anything like that. That stinky ROB.

So, we got reincarnated into rich families, which we always wished for as we were orphans in our previous life. We became neighbours with me being from Hoshino household and her being from my next door Ayasaka household. Though our first names remained the same, our appearance changed, so did our ability. Must be due to genes.

My mom is Korean, so I look slightly foreigner. I have silver hair, bright blue eyes and skin leaning towards fair colour. I am currently 5' 9" tall and will probably reach 6' height when I fully grow up.

Ai though, she looks like an absolute goddess. 5' 6" tall, chocolate brown hair and brown eyes. She is the most beautiful person in my life

"Done with praising me~?"

I looked over her teasing me, knowing me too well to read my mind.

"I love you."

"I love you too~"

Soon, we arrived at our classroom. 1-B.

Let's enjoy our second high school life!

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Rank NO.-- Bảng xếp hạng PS
Stone -- Power Stone
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