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Chương 27: Chapter no.26

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( Author Note: A friend of mine has released his original series : Murim : Struggle of the Weak. Would appreciate it if you checked it out ? )



Satsuki was very irritated at the moment. The first thing that happened when she walked into class this morning was that everybody rushed and crowded around giving their condolences. 'These people weren't there when me and Kaa-chan needed comfort so why should they pretend to care now' Satsuki thought with a frown. 'The only one who actually showed that he cared about us was Naruto-nii.'

Yes, Satsuki saw the truth. Her classmates didn't really care about her, they cared that she was one of the few survivors of the Uchiha clan. Even before the massacre she was only popular because she was an Uchiha and everyone knew that she had received previous training. Really all she had previuosly done was unlock her chakra and learn the Katon: Goukyaku no Jutsu, after it was the Uchiha's right of passage.

Satsuki was sitting through another one of Iruka's boring lectures. She was beginning to see why Naruto disliked the academy so much. Pretty much everything Iruka was going over right now would never be used once they were outside of the academy. She just wanted to get straight to shinobi training and skip all of the useless civilian lessons, but she knew she would have to sit threw them for the better part of the next few years.

The ravenette looked to her right and glared at the three Uzumaki-Namikaze siblings that were in class today. Nawaki was in the back sleeping through the class as usual, Narumi was gossiping loudly with Ino, and Natsuki was sitting there quietly next to Hinata.

Satsuki scoffed as none of them seemed worried or even troubled in the slightest about their missing brother, 'Tch! They haven't even noticed that Naruto-nii isn't in class today. They can't even imagine how much pain he is in. This only proves that they don't even deserve to be in his presence and that I am his one and only imouto!...Hmm I wonder what he's doing right now?'

Naka Shrine

Naruto had already entered the Naka Shirine and removed the seventh tatami mat from the far right, after which he performed the necessary hand seals to remove the stone blocking the way to the secret meeting place of the Uchiha clan. This is where the Uchiha had met in order to discuss plans for the coup d'etat.

Naruto had changed his attire since this morning, his previous clothes had been covered in hair, disinfectant, and a little blood. He now donned attire similar to an Uchiha's. He wore a high collared grey shirt with an Uchiha crest on the back. Mikoto had given him a few sets of extra clothes since he lived with her most of the time. He also had on knee-length black shorts and grey shinobi sandals.

His left bicep was covered in plastic wrap because of the new tattoo on his arm. The process of getting a chakra tattoo was extremely painful so very few people got them. Having your side ripped open by your Kyuubified sister does have its advantages. The process was similar to chakra dyeing, Naruto had poured his chakra into the ink and from there on the process was the same as a regular tattoo. However, because it was infused with chakra it would grow along with his body. After a few hours it was finished and they healed the skin with medical ninjutsu. It was an incredibly efficient process.

Naruto had gotten Ace's trademark ASCE tattoo. He even got the crossed out 'S', however this wasn't a tribute to Sabo, it was a tribute to Shisui. It was also out of respect for Ace and a symbol to mark a turning point in his life.

He would live his life on his own terms and he would live free. He no longer cared about being accepted by the Uzumaki-Namikaze family. He no longer cared about receiving training from them. He no longer cared for Jiraiya and his foolish prophecies. No, this was the life of Naruto and he would live how he wanted.

In fact he would no longer even refer to himself as Uzumaki-Namikaze and would legally change it as soon as he could.

In the room stood a stone monument depicting all of the sharingan. There was much more on the stone but Naruto wouldn't be able to decipher it, for that he would need the rinnegan. To be honest he didn't care what the stone said, he had already learned everything it said from Shisui's memories and he had witnessed the beginning of chakra itself.

He walked up to the stone and performed another set of hand seals, after which the stone started to rumble and then rise into the air.

What it revealed was a much longer stairwell than the first stone.

Naruto started down the pitch dark stairwell and as he did the torches adorning the walls slowly started to light up.

After five minutes of continuous walking he finally arrived at his destination.

Naruto had arrived in a room with light gray colored walls. In front of him were two large concrete doors with a barrier protecting them from outside entry and a large seal array on the left side of the room.

He remembered exactly how Ace had set up this room and what to do.

The ravenette moved in front of the sealing array and bit his thumb to draw blood. In blood he drew a pattern of nine magatama in the center of the sealing array and then drew a line from each of them into a single point at the center. He placed his hand on the center and concentrated his chakra into the seal.

The barrier dropped and the doors slowly started to open.

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Tình trạng nguồn điện hàng tuần

Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

Đặt mua hàng loạt

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Cài đặt hiển thị



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Bình chọn với Đá sức mạnh
Rank NO.-- Bảng xếp hạng PS
Stone -- Power Stone
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