Tải xuống ứng dụng

Chương 30: Chapter 30

"Huh?! Who?!" Hearing that voice, Buggy and his pirates hurriedly looked back.

Vermillion walked towards Buggy with both hands in his pockets. Currently, the island was being drenched in heavy rain, but strangely not a single drop was able to touch the stranger's body!

Behind him, there were other people Buggy didn't recognize.

Despite Buggy's vigilance, the leader and the strangers walked up to them.

When they came within a certain distance, Vermillion stopped in his tracks.

Buggy pirates have drawn their weapons, ready to go to war.

"Hello, Captain Buggy." Vermillion smiled at Buggy.

"There's something I want to say."

"Hmm, what do you want?" Buggy was holding a knife with a grin on his face.

"Can you hand over the treasures?" Vermillion smiled slightly.

"Ha ha ha!"

"Did you hear that? They want to rob us!"

"How dare you want to find trouble with the Buggy pirates!"

Buggy, who heard the opponent's request, immediately laughed out loud. "Looks like we've become not very active at sea; there are even people who don't know the vicious Captain Buggy!"

"Captain Buggy, leave those people to me." Cabaji pedaled the wheel while pulling out his sword.

"Ouh~ I'll leave them to you, Cabaji." Buggy nodded toward his Chief of Staff.

"Chief Cabaji, beat them!"

"Yes, teach them a lesson!"

The pirates cheered Cabaji excitedly. So far, they had never seen Cabaji beaten by anyone other than Captain Buggy. Not even Mohji can beat Cabaji!



A loud crashing sound was heard. Cabaji, who was attacking Vermillion, immediately flew backward after being punched in the face.

The sight of Cabaji flying backward ten meters made the pirates gasp immediately. Cabaji lay motionless on the ground, defeated with one punch!

"That swordsman is so weird and funny. Why is he pedaling that unicycle?" Musashi looked at the unconscious Cabaji with a strange look.

"He's also very weak." Musashi added.

"Come on buddy, we don't need to shed any blood, you know. Hand over the treasure, and we'll leave in peace." Vermillion walked closer to Buggy.

"What, Chief Cabaji was taken down with one hit?!"

"No, it can't be right, can it?!"

"Shut up!" Buggy glared at his subordinates.

"Cabaji must have acted recklessly. The great Captain Buggy will definitely avenge Cabaji!"

"Yes, Captain Buggy, quickly beat them!"

"Feel the mighty attack of Captain Buggy!"

Seeing Buggy rushing to attack, Vermillion immediately shook his head.


A strong kick immediately hit Buggy's crotch. Buggy, who received such an attack, immediately made a horrible sound; soon, his eyes turned white, and he fainted.

"That's 4000 years of Chinese Martial Arts for you."

"Are you guys want to stop us again?"

"Sir, this treasure is yours!"

The pirates immediately shook their heads. Seeing their Captain being kicked right in the groin immediately made them feel sick.

Better to give up than lose their little brother!


When Buggy woke up from his sweet dream, the treasure he found had been delivered by his underlings to the Golden Hind.

On the beach near the Golden Hind anchorage, Vermillion sat looking at a treasure map that the kind-hearted Buggy had given him.

On the other hand, Musashi was holding umbrellas for her Master.

All members of Buggy's pirates have been tied up, so they don't escape. Because Buggy has the Devil Fruit ability, his body is bound by many ropes, so he can't break free.

"Oh, you're awake, Buggy?" Vermillion said while still looking at the treasure map he was holding.

Buggy, who at first pretended to be unconscious, immediately begged. "Sir, you've already taken our treasure, so can you let us go?"

No longer wanting to fight, Buggy begs to be forgiven. His safety is of the utmost importance right now.

"Don't you want to take it back? If you want, I can give it to you." Vermillion smiled.

"That... no, we no longer want it, hehe." Buggy smiled awkwardly.

"Okay, let's end this nonsense. You know this treasure map, right? I found it in your boat."

"I want to make a deal with you. If you agree, I can let you go." Vermillion said.


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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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