Tải xuống ứng dụng

Chương 47: The Harsh Truth

Sorry folks. Since I found out months ago that there would be a second season, I decided to draw the story out a little bit. Shorter chapters, more divergent story lines, not getting straight to the point, which I was originally going to do. However, that second season still does not have a release date. Therefore, I feel like anymore drawing out will just reduce the story quality. I have two options going forward that I am comfortable with.

#1. I continue to write and just see where the story goes, however I go ahead and wrap up season 1 of Wednesday, though that will make pulling a dragon ball GT for season 2 a little more complicated.


#2. I stop working on this story. Pick it up during season 2, so I won't have to go too far down the GT road and pretend I did not write a whole bunch of shit that probably won't fit in the show next season and just focus on my other stories. The Twilight one and The Vampire Diaries one. Also, thinking about a Harry Potter one and a Modern Family one.

Let me know what you lot think.

(A/N: Additional chapters, stories, and discussions are on patreon.com/TheGreatestHunter)

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