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Chương 8: [Hikari, Yami, Rika Minami]

"we welcome the {Supreme Void God}".


being called like that Ren felt very strange, who were these two women anyway? when Ren was in a confused state Aoi's voice sounded in Ren's head.

[They are the spirit of your {Zanpakutō}, because they are created based on your spirit and energy, they are not the same as any other {Zanpakutō}. Of course as creations they would happily serve their creators]


Ren who was currently still confused asked the two women.

"D-Do you guys have names?"

"we don't have it." They answered.

'the name is... black and white huh... yes that's it!'

Ren Thought for a moment.

"Yosh! For you who wear white kimono "Hikari" and you who wear black kimono "Yami"." Ren said smiling with satisfaction and confidence.

it didn't take long for Ren to be complacent to hear the voice in his head...

[you suck at naming Ren]

*Cough* *Cough*

Aoi said mercilessly which made Ren choke and swallow back his satisfied and confident smile.

"A-Aoi do you know I went through the trouble of thinking up a name for them?!" Ren denied Aoi.

[Aoi also believes you just took their names based on the color of their kimono, don't you think?] Aoi continued mercilessly.

'of course it is what else!?' Ren wanted to say that but chose not to.

thus Ren gave names to them. The woman wearing the white kimono was named "Hikari", while the black one was named "Yami".

Both women were delighted to receive names from their creators.




Eventually over the next few days Ren practices using his {Zanpakutō} with Aoi, Yami and Hikari. Ren had also mastered his own {Shikai}.

Ren was shocked by Aoi's explanation and help, Ren found out that his {Infinite Void} had 4 forms of Shikai, of which the additional 1 was his own creation with his original element, namely {void}.

First: {massacre}

Yami [Second form] : {death}

Hikari [Third form] : {life}

[last form] : {Mugen no kūkyo} 'Infinite Void'

For several days Ren trained his 4 {Shikai} very quickly and managed to master his 3 {Shikai} including Yami's and Hikari's. Whereas Aoi said that for {Shikai} the last form has {initial} characteristics which means he can imitate every technique from other {Zanpakutō} in {Bankai} and {Shikai} modes and strengthen their elemental type attacks by several stages.

Therefore {Shikai} final form cannot be used in the current world. apart from training {Zanpakutō} and physical body, Ren also trains his {Chakra} and {Reiatsu} and buys some skills from the shop, examples like {Shunpo}, {Kido}, {Ninjutsu}, {Genjutsu} from class (D) to class (SS).

Ren also decided to stay 1 more day in the gravity room to hone all his skills.

With the help of the 10.000 {Bunshin} that Ren created, the training effect was much faster.

In the morning Ren came down the stairs to see Shizuka and a 'lady' chatting in the living room.

"Long time no see Rika-san." Ren said in a gentle voice.

Hearing Ren's voice they both looked towards the sound and saw Ren coming down the stairs.

When Shizuka's eyes met Ren's she ran and hugged him tightly bumping into him with her large breasts.

"Ren where have you been these two days!?" Shizuka said.

"I'm staying at a friend's house, haven't I left a note?"

"I know, but didn't it say in the note that it was only one day? It's been two days you know?!" Shizuka pouted.

"Ah.. Sorry.. Sorry, I have an urgent event with my friends so I have to stay for one more day"

Ren looked for a plausible excuse to calm the sullen Shizuka.

Meanwhile Rika who overheard the conversation between the two felt strange about this.

Shizuka is usually a bit spoiled to Ren. But Rika had never seen Shizuka this close.

Realizing that there was something strange between the two of them, Rika couldn't help but ask.

"Ren-boya, why does Shizuka look clingy to you?"

"Eh? Is that so? Well...I also don't want to hide this from you. Actually me and Shizuka are already in a relationship".

Hearing Ren's words, Shizuka who was in Ren's embrace blushed in embarrassment.

Meanwhile, Rika, who was sitting in the dining room, spit out the drink that was in her mouth.

"Ren-boya, don't joke with me! You two are siblings, what's with being in a relationship?! Don't joke with your older sister!"

"I'm not lying. Look at this I have proposed to Shizuka."

Ren took the hand of Shizuka who was wearing a ring on her ring finger, then showed it to Rika.

Seeing this Rika narrowed her eyes and pulled Shizuka from Ren's embrace.

"Is what Ren said true?" Rika asked.

Shizuka just nodded her head slowly with a blushing face to agree what Ren said was true.

"But Shizuka aren't you siblings?!"

Rika had known Ren since he lived with Shizuka. this is where they get closer, and Rika also considers Ren as her younger brother.

But the confession of the two really surprised Rika. How could it not be, Rika knew Ren as Shizuka's sibling, because Shizuka had never confirmed Ren's background.

"S-sorry for not telling you the truth, Ren and I are siblings, but Ren is an adopted son in our family"

Rika who heard Shizuka's words was shocked and slightly relieved.

"Haahh.. Alright if that's the case. Ren-boya it turns out you have the guts to seduce my friend too huh?"

With a slightly threatening tone, Rika tried to scare Ren, but what she got was the opposite.

"Not only Shizuka, I will seduce you too." Ren said and smiled confidently.

And then Ren activated his {Supreme God Affection} Skill.

He slowly approached Rika and hugged her sexy waist with his strong hands.

"The three of us know each other very well already, I'm sure Shizuka wouldn't mind if I also make you my wife."

Ren whispered his every word in Rika's ear, which made her stiffen and blush.

[+25 Affection Minami Rika]

Ren doesn't just stop there, he hugs Rika tightly and performs his otaku technique that he got in his previous life from playing "Dating Simulation Game"...

{Talk No Jutsu}.

"Ever since I met you, I knew you weren't your average type of woman. If I'm not mistaken, I've heard from Shizuka that you will marry someone stronger than you. Right?"

[+15 Affection Minami Rika]

[+20 Affection Minami Rika]

Rika tries to free herself from the clutches of this perverted Otaku, but no matter how many times she tries the results are the same.

Rika couldn't get away from Ren's right hand that was hugging her waist.

"Shizuka, is it fine if Rika also becomes my wife?"

Ren asked with a gentle smile while pulling Shizuka's waist into his arms with his left hand.

"Yes! Of course. Rika-chan, we can become a big family with Ren-kun."

Shizuka said with a happy smile while hugging Ren tighter which made Ren suffocate a bit with the pounding of her breasts.

"Look, Shizuka is also very happy about this, so there won't be any problem" Ren said.

Hearing that, Rika didn't know what her friend was thinking.

"Hmph! Fine. But if you can beat me in shooting, then we'll talk about this" Rika said.

Ren who heard that smiled evilly behind the two women in his arms.

"Very good. Then you can decide the place yourself." Ren said and removed his hug from Rika.

"Hooo~ you seem very confident Ren-boya."

"Hmm well... Believe it or not as long as I can get your Heart, body, and soul, It really doesn't matter for the prize gamble this time."

[+10 Affection Minami Rika].

Ren placed a small kiss on Rika's lips, which made her dazed and blushed.

then Ren kissed Shizuka's lips passionately and his hands also didn't stay still and kept squeezing her big breasts and plump ass.

after playing with tongues and by squeezing Shizuka's breasts which ended with pinching her hard nipples, Ren finished the kiss then released his hug from Shizuka and walked towards the kitchen.

leaving Rika who was still shocked and embarrassed.

as for Shizuka who was aroused in lust, and then didn't take it out just pouting her cheeks at Ren.

'Heeee...HaHaHaHa...just wait, I'll build my own Harem' thought Ren.

[Ren please stop that evil laugh]

'Aoi, you won't understand how lonely my life was before, I could only look at those beautiful and hot women and only satisfy myself with Hentai or with Imagination Lovers "right hand". But now.... Heeee...Hehehe~' Ren laughed evilly with many plans starting to form in his head.

LewdSenPai LewdSenPai

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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