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Chương 30: Infinity Dragon God, Ophis.

Grayfia crossed the gate and she shook her head, demoralizing me completely. It is not Helius, which means that I have no hunch at all on how to go back home to my Treasury Realm.

"I'm really sorry... all of this happened, please forgive me".

Grayfia bowed deeply again and I patted her head.

"Listen Grayfia... I don't blame you for anything... that entity sought you and promised you something in order to use you. "

"..." She sounded unconvinced.

"You did what you had to do for the sake of your race... moreover, if what I think is right, then even if it wasn't you, someone else would have done it... I'd rather it was you".

"M-Master..." Her eyes turned watery and I brought her into my arms.

"I will forgive you this time, but if you hide things from me again" my whole killing intent was released as I held her a little tighter than necessary.

"NEVER MASTER! I WILL NEVER DO IT AGAIN!" Uncaring about the strength of my arms, Grayfia hugged me with equal fierceness; going as far as seal my lips with hers. I gasped at her suddenness, but Grayfia didn't seem to care, her lips kissed me with insistence.

When we separated, I held her close, "What was that for?"

"I love you, Richter-sama... thanks for giving me a chance, I won't disappoint you. Even if we go back... and there are treasures and gold missing, I swear I will massacre anyone involved!"

She wasn't the only one that would commit a massacre.

"Are the two of you done? if so... would you please stop your noise?" That girl just wouldn't stop busting my balls, how many times do I have to tell her?!

I'm being polite here but if she keeps saying that nonsense I'm gonna lose it!

"Are you going to keep saying that? damn... okay, we're leaving your turf... you're the oddest Dragon Goddess I have seen..." I rolled my eyes and grasped Grayfia's hand. She just kept staring at me for two hours without saying anything... when I asked her thing she'd give 'yes' and 'no' answers.

Before I could go, however, she seemed to notice my obvious intentions and her slender hand took my wrist softly.

"I'm Ophis, and you...?" She tilted her head to the side.

Grayfia gasped upon hearing the girl's identity, she turned to me with a conflicted gaze.

"Master she-"

"I remember you told me about some Infinite Dragon or whatever, is it she?" I tilted my head in confusion, she just turned from odder to oddest.

"I smell gold from you" the girl said, smelling me again... I felt Grayfia's grasp on my hand tighten.

"And you smell like..."


"Like carbon..."

"Huh?" The girl showed some reaction for once as I smirked.

"You're not a Primordial... if you received a Primal Spark with a concept like Infinity... I wonder how high would you reach?" I declared; losing all interest.

When she sensed my disappointment and disinterest, Ophis seemed to feel insulted, she pouted at me.

"What do you mean I smell like carbon?"

"Let's go Grayfia... you said this is your world?" I ignored the girl and began floating away. Grayfia looked back and forth between me and the girl as if she didn't want to just leave her like that.

"Huh, yes..." she said; unable to keep her eyes away from the Dragon Goddess. She just declared she was the Infinity Dragon God, an existence that the previous her could have only knelt on, but right now... her aura was indeed powerful, but Grayfia wasn't that far behind.

"Then take me to your home, we will think what to do from there..." I decided to go to Grayfia's place and she nodded, quite enthusiastic.

Alas, the girl grasped my hand again, she won't let me go.

"Why are you leaving?"

"There is something I have to do... moreover, this is your cave, right? I don't want to impose..."

"You're completely different to baka-red... but you're just as noisy" The girl smiled, releasing my hand, I think she just wanted someone to speak to.

"You mean that red dragon in the distance? she's indeed quite impolite... seeing us here and not coming to greet or anything".

His senses had already spread wide within the dimensional gap, catching only two existences here.

"You haven't told me your name, Golden Dragon God"

"Just call me Richter... Infinity Dragon God"

"Richter... I hope... you come to see me again, as long as you don't make noise".

"I didn't come to see you".

She pouted and turned around, leaving us alone, the moment we blinked, she wasn't there anymore, I knew she had used her infinity somehow, but that abstract concept was beyond my understanding.

"Is that really the Infinity Dragon God, I imagined her... different" Grayfia began as we flew along the dimensional gap, I saw how the corpse of the purple-haired man had already disintegrated, poor lad... he just had to punch me for no reason.

"Well, I didn't think she'd be a petite girl either... you told me she was some sort of destructive God".

"That's what the stories said, master!"

"The one that told you those stories was a pussyhole, let's go..."

Grayfia sighed and created a magic circle that teleported the two of us away from the dimensional gap; making it peaceful once again.

Photosphere Photosphere


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Extra chapters:

300 stones - 1chap.

600 stones - 2chaps.

900 stones - 3chaps.

1200 stones - 4chaps.

1500 stones - 5chaps.


Don't be ashamed to drop the stones, they're not your balls.

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