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Survivor The Droolers Survivor The Droolers original

Survivor The Droolers

Tác giả: Eligha

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Then There Were Five

Day 0

Woke up with a jolt as sirens screamed out into the night. At first, I thought it was merely an emergency vehicle siren. Pretty common around here. I rolled over to sleep some more when it came back around. I listened. It was like a tornado warning siren accept it didn't sound right. I crawled out of my bed and out into the hallway.

"Mom," I called out into the dark. Unsure of what was going on. I heard noises from our tv. I walked down the dark, long hall. The sounds became familiar and all the hairs on my body stood. Stepping through the archway and into the living room. I read the tv in horror and shock; EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEM. The National Security and Defense Service has issued a biological warfare warning for the following areas: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas...

What the hell does that mean... It's just going in alphabetical order. The list of states continued. Trembling I looked around the room for my mom. A scream rang out from outside. I locked the door as more followed. "MOM!" I yelled out terrified. I spun on my heels as I heard a door crash open down the hall. Relief immediately washed over me. I went to go to her but stopped myself. I didn't know why at first. But as I looked at her, she didn't seem right.

Her head was tilted to the left, she twitched at every horrible sound from outside. Panicking I went to the safe in the living room. The door creaked as I opened it. Her thudding steps flew down the hall. Heart pounding so loud it drowned everything else out. I grabbed it from the safe. Rushing to the corner furthest from the archway, I loaded it. Trembling hands pointed it towards the doorway, unsure if this was really happening. This can't be real. Wake up. Wake up!

My mother's small figure appeared. She slammed her hands against the walls on either side. Almost like she was trying to stop herself. Tears welled in my eyes. "Mom," it came out a tiny whisper. Her body leaned forward into the room. "Please," barely audible to myself. Her nails dragged cuts it the wood as she stepped forward into the room. With more steps, speed grew. Arms outstretched wide no longer stuck in the door. "Mom please! Please! Wake up! Please!" I started yelling at her as she crossed the room the me. Her jaw fell in-humanly wide open, and she let out this ungodly screech. Just a few feet from me I could see her face in the little light from the tv. Her eyes were glazed over gray and unfocused, her skin was pale practically gray as well, and her jaw wasn't just open it was detached and torn apart. Her hands were bloody and stretching out to me. "Mommy PLEASE!" I closed my eyes and squeezed the trigger.

6 months later

I've been alone all this time. It was easier this way. I only had myself to take care of. I'd never have to go through anything like that ever again. At first it was hard and scary, but I got better at surviving. Now it was almost easy. I was out collecting more supplies in a small old grocery store I'd already hit up a couple of times and I could tell other survivors had as well. I opened my backpack and started shoveling every canned thing in, the bag was getting heavy so I paused thinking that should be fine for me. I looked around a little more finding something sweet sounded really nice. I found some old candy bars and stuffed them in my bag. I paused suddenly, hearing the door open.

I listened for any sound at all. I could hear their feet landing heavily on the ground. As quietly as possible I zipped my bag and pulled it back over my shoulders. Their feet stopped as if hearing me. I cursed at myself. Of course, they heard me! I pulled out my trusty screwdriver and prepared myself. I started to smell them as they got closer their rotting flesh. I started hearing the buzzing of bugs and quiet growls. One stepped into my isle saw me and charged. Now I saw it was only 3 of them. Easy, I thought. The first one that charged had a grotesquely bent arm reaching out. I smacked it away and gabbed my screwdriver into its eye and wiggled it. I held my screwdriver tightly as the body fell away leaving me with the second one. This one's jaw was barley attached and had only one arm, he was covered in maggots. Reaching out I pulled on the shoulder of the missing arm, dodging the other and slammed it into the isle rack. Jamming my screwdriver again in its ear. Blood sprayed my mask and goggles (this was the first thing I learned. Keep your face covered any blood in your mouth or eyes was game over. I turned just in time to see why the third wasn't already on top of me. Its legs were cut off, one above the knee and the over just below. Disgusting. I walked over to it and jumped on it. It fell back as I landed on it and shoved my driver into its ear, it stopped moving immediately.  The door now directly at my right opened again. Shit. I looked up to see 4 very disheveled guys out of breath. They noticed me immediately. Standing I looked out the mostly boarded window.  They drew a whole ass horde right to me.

The horde clashed into the wall and door trying to get in. The boys jumped to the door keeping it closed. I looked around quickly and all that was there were the dead bodies. Dammit I hate doing this. I suck my driver back into my belt and whipped out my blade. I kneeled next to the closest body, which was the one without legs, and gutted it. I pulled its intestines out and rubbed them all over my clothes. I quickly rushed over to the guys who were struggling with the door and staring horrified at me. I didn't say anything and quickly started rubbing it on them as well. When I fished, I finally spoke "When you let go of the door follow me if you wanna live, and walk slowly and keep your head down," I kept my voice low and calm. I backed away a little and they all looked at one with glasses, he nodded, and they all jumped away from the door letting it swing open.

Bodies flooded into the small store. The storm it originally was slowed to walking as they all smelled the air and searched. I held my spot in the store as they pushed past me crashing into me, but I remained in place. I made eye contact with the one with glasses the group had gotten pushed around a bit being closer to the door. He turned and made head nods I assumed to the rest of his group. I couldn't see them the isles blocking my way. So, I stayed in place till I saw each of them. Their heads were low like I instructed but their eyes were still on the swivel. I turned down the aisle and walked slowly, gently pushing past the bodies heading towards the back. I glanced over my shoulders making sure they were still following they were moving a bit fast and were trying to get closer to me. I could tell from their faces that they were all scared, though I could also see determination in their eyes. I slowed more, letting them catch up. They are on my heels now as I got to the back. I turned to them and gestured to the ladder off to my right they all stopped and glanced at each other.  I huffed a sigh they didn't trust it or me either way it annoyed me, so I decided to make a distraction and go up first. I turned away from them and to the closest freshest looking fruity. I still had my knife out; I grabbed its shoulder spun it to face me and gutted it. Shoving it back into the horde they got all excited about the fresh blood and swarmed the still screaming body. I quickly turned and rushed up the ladder. I glanced back and called out when I noticed they weren't following.

"Hurry up!" That seemed to snap them out of whatever they were doing and followed me up to the roof.

At the top I was already getting the 2 by 4s to switch buildings when they all came up the ladder. I turned to them and for the first time really looked at their faces. Besides the blood I had put on them they were all young and kinda, actually, attractive. They also seemed to be about my age as well. Glasses had determined eyes mixed with worry. The shortest looked like he was gonna hurl and the tallest one I couldn't read. The last one had old red dyed hair and he looked pissed and worried. I spoke up realizing they were all staring at me. I probably look crazy with my shaded safety goggles mask and hood up. "You," I pointed at blank page, " grab a brick," I reached down and grabbed one myself. He came over and grabbed one as well. I waited for him by the wall looking down at the door. There were still a lot of bodies out here. The horde lost all movement now. All were just standing there. "Aim for one of the ones in the back, this will be our distraction so we can get off this roof," I turned to the rest they had all gotten closer to us to see what I was doing. "Once we start some ruckus down there, follow me closely and quickly so we can maybe all get out of here with our heads," I turned to throw my brick when a hand caught me.

"Why should we trust you," it was pissed red hair. I pulled my arm away and faced him.

"I could've let you die in there, I didn't have to rub the blood on you and I sure as hell didn't have to show you my escape plan," I pulled my goggles off to look him in the eyes. My eyes are two different colors one is green and the other blue, they were cold and expressionless as I stared him down. "You don't have to follow me; in fact, I would like to go our separate ways as soon as possible as well. But I'm not one for watching people die when I could do something about it. So, either shut up and follow me or stay here on this roof," I finished and turned back around and whipped my brick at a head. It hit its mark and one of its eyes flew out before the body collapsed. I put my goggles back on and turned. Red hair looked stunned still. I pushed passed him quickly and walked across the boards to the other roof. I heard a second skull crack and the boys feet rushing to follow me. Now on the other roof I stood up to the ladder and slid down it into an alley. I waited as the guys followed in quick succession. I made head nods at each then turned and started down the street at first speed walking with glances back. When I saw one of the walkers finally noticed us, I started running the guys followed. I spoke while running "left at main, then turned right on the next street. After 2 blocks wait for me," I didn't know if they actually would or not, but I was okay with it either way. Blank page spoke up, "You're not coming with?" He asked.

"Have to ditch our fans," I smiled... I knew he couldn't see but you could hear the smugness in my voice. He made eyes at glasses and they both nodded at each other all while still running. We got to main and the 3 of them turned while Blank page ran with me. I shook my head but didn't say anything. I sped up a bit as the ice cream shop got closer. He stepped directly behind me I jumped up onto a metal post box then jumped onto the ice cream shop's outdoor eats roof. I was surprised that Blank page followed me up here I could hear the walkers getting closer. It's been a little while since I needed this, so I hoped it still worked. I grabbed the small leaver attached to the ice cream shop sign and ripped it down. The music I had tweaked it to play much louder and it started blasting. I quickly jumped down and the familiar sting up my ankles hit hard I had to push off the ground with my hand as I stumbled but quickly got back into running. I heard Blank page go through the same steps to get into running again the walkers were really close now but they were all focused on the sound of the ice cream shop music. We continued running down the last block to turn and see the other guys already there. We could still here the music from where we were. Glasses nodded at Blank page and spoke.

"We should get farther away from here," he turned to me, "where we're staying is really far from here. Is there some place close you know of we can go?" His voice was warm, and his expression was worried and hopeful. Shit, I sighed.

"Yeah... but when we hop the fence follow exactly where I walk. Okay?" I pulled my goggles back down to meet each of their eyes. They all had different reactions to seeing my weird eyes, but they all nodded. I huffed another sigh and put my knife back. I started jogging. They followed; we ran for about 5 minutes when the sound of the music was gone, I slowed to a walk and started scanning my surrounds more as I pulled my driver back out. They noticed my shift mimicked it being more cautious. About 5 more minutes and we were back at one of my safe houses. No fruities around; the droolers probably had joined the horde.

I walked up to the marked spot on my fence. "Remember what I said, exactly where I walk," I just glanced over them and hoped over. Took a few steps forward and waited for them, they hoped over the shortest looked real worried. But when looking around almost seemed disappointed. I smiled internally and turned walking into my yard. They followed single file. My guards woke up at the midpoint of my yard. They came flying out of the little sheds where their chains were attached. I didn't flinch, I was used to their excitement. But the guys jumped and one squealed. I turned quickly to tell them to keep on the path but none of them left it, so I relaxed a little. I mean it's not like my guards could really do anything. I cut their hands off at the wrists and I took their bottom jaw. So, they couldn't scratch or bite they just chase off others. I turned and quickly walked to the house. I hopped over the steps railing. If I try to go up the stairs Ikey wouldn't like it (he's one of my guards). They followed me and I held the door open for them. They walked in looking a little nervous but definitely less than earlier.

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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