Tải xuống ứng dụng

Chương 21: Clarifying my intentions

Some readers may question why I only portrayed the cruel side of the new world in my story. My ultimate goal is to transform the main character into a villain. However, I do not want to depict him as someone who was treated kindly upon arrival but turned out to be ungrateful and harmful. Instead, I want to show how he was forced into villainy by his circumstances.

In reality, even with human rights laws in place, beggars often have little value in society. They may face discrimination and mistreatment on a daily basis. Therefore, it would be unrealistic to portray a beggar being treated kindly in a world without such laws. While I have not yet included acts of kindness in my story, that does not mean they will not appear in the future.

A character can only develop when they experience both the good and bad aspects of their world. If the main character were treated both well and poorly from the beginning, his desire for power and transformation into a villain would not be well justified. My goal is to portray a regular person from Earth whose mentality changes after transmigrating to another world due to various reasons.

Thank you to those who asked this question and allowed me to clarify my intentions. I hope this additional detail provides further insight into my thought process and future choices.

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    Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
    Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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