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Chương 18: Maybe... She Really Isn't A Bad Person

She jumped out of the driver's seat and walked to the cart. She took a large paper bag and a water bag from the cart and walked over to him. She greeted the others with a smile.

"Good morning, Uncle Xiao, Aunt Wen, Miss Xiao. Please accept this. I bought these in the city yesterday. I hope it suits your taste."

She handed the paper bag and water bag to Xiao Jing, and said, "I'll follow the sleigh from behind."

Xiao Jing embarrassedly took the food and water bag, then said, "Thank you, Miss Xu."

"You're welcome."

After finishing speaking, she walked back to her mule cart, took out her breakfast, and waited for the officers and other prisoners while eating. Not long after, she followed the Xiao family with her mule cart. While Xiao Han was driving the sleigh, Xiao Jing opened the paper bag and saw more than a dozen egg pancakes and scallion pancakes inside.

She was very surprised and said, "My God, Miss Xu actually gave us so much food."

Wen Wan leaned over and looked inside the paper bag. Like her daughter, she was surprised when she saw the pancakes. After being exiled, before they met Xu Xiang, they ate only cold steamed buns or some wild vegetables and even grass roots. It was a blessing for their family to know her.

Looking at the mule cart following them, Wen Wan said with a gentle smile. "She is a very generous young lady."

Xiao Han glanced back, seeing his elder brother sitting there not talking, he turned back and kept silent. While Xiao Jing and her mother were still praising Xu Xiang for her kindness and generosity, Xiao Yi suddenly spoke.

"Da Lang, did you do some investigation on Miss Xu?" He asked while eating a scallion pancake.

When asked by his father, Xiao Shao said calmly: "I did."

"That's very good. When can you get the result?" He asked again.

"Five days at the latest. Jing'er, give me one egg pancake." He said while swallowing the last bite of his scallion pancake.

"Here. Elder Brother, eat slowly. You just woke up. Don't eat too fast." She reminded him as she handed him the egg pancake.


Before he could take a bite of the egg pancake, Xiao Han said, "Do you like pancakes, Elder Brother?"

Xiao Shao hummed and continued to eat with gusto. Xiao Han glanced at his elder brother who was happily eating pancakes, and said, "Since you like the pancakes sent by Elder Sister Xu, then you should stop staring at her. I can see that she's really uncomfortable as you've been staring at her."

Xiao Yi raised his eyebrows at his younger son and asked, "Da Lang has been staring at Miss Xu?"

Xiao Shao glanced at Xiao Han, but he didn't say anything. Xiao Yi frowned, looked at his eldest son, and asked curiously: "Why do you keep staring at her?"

They all know that Xiao Shao is a very ruthless and indifferent person. If the other party is not useful to him, or if he is not interested in the other party, he will not even spare a glance at the other party. But now, Xiao Han said that he has been staring at Xu Xiang. They really want to know the reasons behind his strange behavior.

Seeing that Xiao Shao didn't answer his father's question and just ate in silence, Wen Wan frowned and looked at her eldest son disapprovingly. She handed him the water bag and said, "Da Lang, you can't stare at a young lady directly. It's inappropriate. Tell your mother, are you interested in her?"

"Pfft!! Cough! Cough!"

Xiao Shao looked at his mother in horror, while trying to speak between his chokes. He almost choked to death because of his mother's words. He coughed again a few times before he could speak.

"Mother, I have seen many women who are more beautiful, gentle and well-educated than her. If I am really interested in someone, that person must not be her. With her face, when she walks in the crowd, no one can find her." He coughed and explained hoarsely.

Hearing his rude words, Xiao Han frowned and asked, "What's wrong with Elder Sister Xu? Although she can't be called a beautiful lady, her face is still pleasing to the eyes. I think you said those words not because you don't like her, but because she doesn't like you, and to hide your embarrassment."

"Look at him. He has only known her for three days, and he is already defending her." Xiao Shao said unhappily while eating the egg pancake.

Glancing at his elder brother who was busy eating, Xiao Han shook his head and said, "Elder Brother, you speak ill of her, but you look so happy while eating the food she gave us. Doesn't your face hurt?"

Listening to Xiao Han's words, Xiao Shao choked up again.

"Cough, cough! You– Cough!" He wanted to refute Xiao Han's words, but he coughed too hard to be able to speak.

"Elder Brother, quickly drink water." Xiao Jing quickly handed him the water bag.

Wen Wan looked at the two brothers and said, "Okay, okay. If you are not interested in her, then stop staring at her before others misunderstand. What if you ruin her reputation?"

"If he really ruins her reputation, then Da Lang must marry her." Xiao Yi said calmly.

"Father, you can force my elder brother to marry Elder Sister Xu, but you can't force Elder Sister Xu to marry him, right? We don't know who was forced to marry whom in the end." Xiao Han chuckled after finishing speaking.

Listening to his family talking about him happily like he was not there, Xiao Shao ate his pancakes again sullenly. After a while, he looked back at the mule cart following them, then he looked at the happy faces of his family in front of him.

'It seems that after they meet her, they smile more. Maybe... she really isn't a bad person.'

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