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Chương 24: Wedding Night

"Weirdo," she muttered. 

"Well, too bad that you are stuck with this weirdo for the rest of your life." When Elsa snorted and rolled her eyes at the same time, the corner of his lips curled upwards. 

There was no doubt that the woman in his arms who was now his wife had a weird undetectable influence on him. But would he let the new tingling feeling overpower him? No. 

He would make sure that never happened. He always had to remember that it was a marriage of convenience and nothing else. 

There were never any feelings involved and it would have to remain that way. 

Unlike Desmond, Elsa's mind was crowded with thoughts of what could possibly happen later at night. It was their wedding night after all. 

Since it was a forced arranged marriage, she was pretty sure nothing would happen between them and that Desmond wasn't expecting anything. 

But what if he was? What if he had certain expectations from the marriage?

Elsa sighed and shook away that thought. 

Why would he have any expectations from their marriage when he wasn't even interested in it in the first place? He did not even bother to attend their rehearsal dinner. 

Looking at her lost expression, Desmond understood that Elsa was thinking of something. He wanted to ask her but he decided against it. He didn't want to intrude.

"We have to spend the night at one of our hotels. Dad and mom booked a honeymoon suit for us." When she did not say anything, he added, "I hope it won't be a problem." 

"It's okay." His parents booking them a honeymoon suit for their wedding night was completely justifiable. To everyone, they were newlyweds after all. 

Just then the car arrived. The chauffeur ran out and pulled the back door for them. 

Desmond placed Elsa in the back seat before closing the door. He then walked towards the other door and entered the car. 


[Inside the Car] 

As the car headed towards the hotel, there was a very awkward silence between them. 

Elsa tried to initiate a conversation but when she saw he was reading something on his phone, she leaned her head against the closed window pane and sighed. 

Desmond frowned as he read the series of text his two brothers and best friend was sending to the group chat. 

[Carl: Don't forget to get laid brother] 

[Justin: YES!! You have to show the power of the Fedorov dick to sister-in-law] 

[Greg: Guys, don't pressurize him. What if his dick has a nervous breakdown?] 

[Carl: Well, he hasn't used it for weeks. I won't be surprised if that happens] 

[Justin: What? Am I missing something here???] 

[Greg: Des hasn't used his weapon for weeks] 

[Justin: :O Really] 

[Justin: @Desmond Bro Is it true?] 

Desmond turned off the phone and placed it back into his pocket. He then looked at Elsa who was resting her head on the window pane with her eyes closed. 

She also had her arms tightly wrapped around her. 

Thinking that she might be cold, he instructed the chauffeur to turn down the A/C. He then took off his blazer and placed it on her shoulder. 


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