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Chương 13: Notice! Please Read!




For now I'm low on ideas. I could write some more but to be honest I severely lack knowledge on danmachi.

Some for now I could use some recommendations on were to take this next.

I already have an idea but after that, I'm not so sure what to right. Even then I might not write the about the idea as it seems kinda trash.

Like should I have an arc where Gojo trains bell?

Or maybe Freya and him clash?

Or Gojo goes insane and everyone has to stop him by the power of friendship, ehhh, yea, definitely not this idea.

I'm also not sure where I'm taking this story as this is the first time I'm writing a Fan Fiction. Like how many chapters? Or what should be the ending?

I'm running low on ideas basically. I have no knowledge on danmachi and seem to have no time to watch or read danmachi, as soon ill be back in school.

So I would appreciate it if y'all gave me ideas.

I also have other Fan Fiction going at the same time and have new ones coming. So, I can't spend all my time on this Fan Fiction.


NOT DROPPING!!! Just to remind you

I probably won't update till Saturday or Sunday so I can listen to your opinions and ideas.

I would also like to thank y'all for the views!

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Viết đánh giá Trạng thái đọc: C13
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