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Chương 41: Chapter 1.40

After his eventful evening with the Mikaelson family, Orion headed home, expecting a quiet evening. However, when he opened the door to his living room, he was met with a surprising sight: His mother.

Orion was taken aback when he walked into the room and saw Bonnie talking with his mother. "Mom," he said, his voice tinged with surprise. Abby turned around, her eyes widening in amazement as she gazed at her grown-up son.

"Oh, my boy, look at how much you've grown," she said, her voice trembling with emotion. She reached out and placed a shaky hand on his face. "And you've become so handsome, just like your father," she whispered, her eyes filled with tears.

Bonnie spoke up, her voice strained with anger, "She appeared here a couple of hours ago. I was going to tell you, but she insisted that I shouldn't."

Orion turned his gaze back to his mother, his expression a mix of surprise and curiosity. "What are you doing here?" he asked.

Abby met her son's eyes and replied, "I wanted to see you again. And then there were these visions, like something or someone was guiding me here. At first, I tried to dismiss them, but each night, the visions grew more vivid, leading me back here."

What was the vision of?" Orion inquired with a hint of concern in his voice.

Abby responded with a somber tone, "One of you was going to die. The visions wouldn't specify who, but it was clear that one of you would." Her eyes filled with tears.

Orion's expression grew serious as he absorbed the gravity of his mother's words. He looked at Bonnie, who had been quietly listening, and then back at his mother.

"We're living in a dangerous world, Mom," he said, a touch of worry in his voice. "I've had my share of threats, and I've faced formidable enemies. We need to be cautious."

Abby nodded in agreement. "I know, my dear. That's why I'm here—to make sure my children are safe."

Bonnie's voice was filled with anger as she confronted Abby. Her magical powers, fueled by her emotions, caused objects to levitate and the house to tremble.

"Why now, out of all the years, could you have come back? You left us, Grams, and you didn't even bother to explain why!" Her frustration and resentment spilled over. "You can't just waltz back into our lives and expect to be a part of this family!"

Abby flinched at the outburst of magic and Bonnie's anger. She realized she had a lot to answer for, and it was time to confront her past actions.

"I know I've caused you pain, Bonnie," Abby admitted, her voice trembling. "I can't change the past, but I want to make amends now. I've seen enough that life is precious and family is everything. Please, I want to be a part of your lives again."

Bonnie, still agitated, couldn't hide her inner turmoil. "It's not that easy, Mom. You have a lot to make up for. And your visions... they've complicated things."

Orion stepped in, his calm demeanor contrasting with Bonnie's emotional outburst. "Let's take this one step at a time."

Orion felt torn between a mix of emotions. He wasn't quite sure how to process his mother's unexpected return and the cryptic visions she claimed to have had.


Orion set aside his concerns about his mother and her visions for the moment and went to the Mikaelson mansion to meet with Elijah.

Orion knocked on the door, and Rebekah greeted him as she opened the door. "Hello, Orion. What brings you here?" she inquired. Orion smiled politely and replied, "I'm here to see Elijah." Rebekah gestured for him to come inside, and once he was in, she called out, "Elijah, you have a visitor!" She then directed Orion to the living room.

Elijah soon entered the room with his usual impeccable style, his eyes displaying curiosity and seriousness. "Orion, what a pleasant surprise. To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" he asked in his refined manner.

"This is a private conversation, so all the ears in the house aren't nice" Elijah nodded and brought Orion to his room

Orion and Elijah entered the private room, where they would be shielded from any prying supernatural ears. Once inside, Orion cast a silencing spell to keep their conversation confidential.

Elijah examined the contract Orion presented, his piercing gaze scrutinizing the document. Memories of their prior agreement resurfaced as he studied the paper. "Ah, yes, our little arrangement," he mused, acknowledging the deal they had struck.

Taking a moment to peruse the contract, Elijah then turned his calm and collected gaze toward Orion. "It appears you are quite serious about this, Orion,"

Orion met Elijah's gaze. "Much like you, I am a man of my word. We made a deal, and I expect you to hold up your end of the bargain,"

Elijah sighed, "Very well. I will honor our agreement, and the grimoire will be in your possession by the end of the week."

Elijah continued, "Also, my family is holding a ball in a few days, and you and your sister are invited. An invitation will be sent to you tomorrow."

Orion was slightly taken aback by the invitation but agreed, "Thank you for the invitation. We will be there."

Orion quietly left Elijah's room and cast a spell to turn himself invisible. He skillfully entered Esther's study, where he discreetly planted a few bugs to listen and record any future conversations.

As Orion answered the phone, Freya said, "Orion, are you on your way?"

Orion replied, "Yes, Freya, I'm heading there now."

Freya said, "Good. We're all here waiting for you."

Orion acknowledged, "I'll be there soon," and hung up the phone.

Orion gathered at the witch's house, where Freya, Cal, and Enzo were already waiting. Without wasting any time, he launched into an explanation of his plan.

Orion elaborated on his plan for everyone's benefit. "Okay, let me lay out my plan for all of you. The Mikaelsons are hosting a ball. Freya, after the ball, you will introduce yourself to your family and be my plus one. But before that, I want you to form a friendship with Rebekah. She's going to be dress shopping at all the boutiques around town, and I want you to find her and compliment her. Form a friendship with her. You mustn't reveal that you're her sister until I give you the go-ahead. Besides, you must go dress shopping, so why not do it with your little sister?"

Freya considered the plan and nodded,

Orion continued to outline the plan. "Enzo, your job is to distract Damon. This shouldn't be too difficult since he believes you're dead. You'll attend the event as Bonnie's plus one. Your task is quite straightforward: keep Damon occupied. If Damon is distracted, Stefan should be preoccupied as well."

Orion continued, "And Cal, your role is to be the backup. You'll stay by Freya's side to ensure her safety and make sure no harm comes to her. I know you're quite capable, Freya, but having an extra layer of protection is essential. Now that everything is clear, Freya, follow me. I need to have a private conversation with you."


"Your mother is drawing power from my ancestors, and I need your help to cut that connection. As a witch from her bloodline, you and I are going to sever her connection to my bloodline during the ball," 


While trying to bring Bonnie back, Elena and Damon end up in a different prison world than they intended. Who do they find in this prison world? 

1500 words 


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