Tải xuống ứng dụng

Chương 110: I’m sorry.

Okay, so I get warning from patreon and it's most likely because of Incest. Since Stealing is fine. 

I don't think I want to write one that will become a brother to me in the future. So I am most likely to drop this rather than put into hiatus. Because I will speak honestly to you readers. Although I love writing fanfic and smut stories. In the end I'm not in a position to write for free especially after the death of my father.

Even though my patreon is small, at least it still gives me a little money for my small hobby, which is writing. I like writing after all.

I hope you understand, but if you angry I'm understand.

So I want to ask you something.

I'm wondering if it would be a good idea for me to write another oshi no ko fanfic without incest

Or create another fanfic that I've been thinking.

But to be honest I want to write my original novel, but since most of you read fanfic so I suspected you more likely want fanfic rather than my original novel. 

Anyway, I'm sorry. But I hope you understand this. 

Btw, If someone want to take over this Fanfic. I welcome it.

For now, my schedule will be. 

Ace of Ishtar Familia

Stealing Heroine: Honestly, I never thought this far [Smut Warning!]

a chapter every two days.

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