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Chương 21: Aftermath 2:

AN: Slight R-18? This is over 4,000 words. This chapter is more of needed time for development and there isn't much plot. Please take into account that the MC is a teen in a room with a very hot girl, they also like each other.

I made no effort to escape the position I was in, nor did I even try to spare the girl some dignity by averting my eyes. I just enjoyed the comfort of her soft embrace for a while before she finally woke up and groggily opened her eyes.

I couldn't see from where I was but I was sure from the sudden twitch that she realized what she was doing.

Letting go of my head I fell from that heavenly place back to the bed below.

A shame.

Of course, being the 'gentleman' I was, I closed my eyes and only pretended to wake up when she dropped my head.

I gave her a bit to pull the covers back over herself before I opened my eyes and sat up.

"G-good morning." She spoke.

I stared at her for a bit, taking in the image

of her unkempt hair and overall morning appearance. 'Cute.'

"Morning Livia." I yawned and as I did unintentionally became aware of a certain something that was very active this morning.

It didn't help that the girl did an awful job at covering herself and her bubbly ass was partly uncovered.

"Um, please go to the bathroom first." Livia insisted.

"No, no… you go first. It is your home after all." I could not leave this bed while she was here under any circumstance.

Another round of arguments persisted until the both of us opted to just remain in bed for the time being.

It was still pretty early, so staying for a while longer wasn't a problem.

I lay on my back as we both drifted into silence.

"Do you want to come with me today?" I asked as I turned to her who was starting to fall into unconsciousness again.

"Hmm. Ahh shopping again?" She questioned.

"Yep, I need all new stuff again." I sighed.

"Mhm. Of course, I'll go." Her smile lit up the room.

"Alright then," I said before I sat up again this time though, my morning stiffness was no longer there.

I felt Livia's eyes trace over my back as I walked to the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face before I went back out for the clothes I had yesterday.

When I got out, Livia was back in a towel sitting at the edge of her bed.

"I'm done, you can go now," I said to her as she nodded before going into the bathroom.


I spoke to my AI who I knew was nearby.

[I thought master had forgotten me. You were so busy with Livia.]

Mock jealousy greeted me as the spherical form of Luxion came into my vision.

"Yeah yeah, I'm sure you were having your own fun. I need you to send a few helpers out to gather information."

[I assume you want data on the Noble houses of the prince and his followers?]

"Yes, everything, what they are doing with the news, how they are taking it, even incriminating documents that I can use as leverage."

If they tried to do anything against me, I'd make sure they regret it.

[I shall send helpers 1400-1450 on this task, master.]

"Good, get it done fast."

Just as I finished those words, Luxion disappeared just in time for the bathroom door to reopen and Livia to come back out.

"I forgot my clothes," she said embarrassed before moving back to her drawer.


(Angelica POV)

The doctors told me of the five, His Highness was the least injured. It astounded me that I was more happy about the fact that, that meant there would be less trouble for Noir, than His Highness being okay.

I was granted visitation and was escorted to the room they said he was in.

Walking in I saw him laying in bed, his eyes open. I waited for the doctor to leave before I spoke to him.

"I am glad you're safe your highness." I sat down on the chair placed next to his bed, it was clear someone had been here before me.

"Do you wish to mock me more, even after all you've done?" He responded as he sat up.

"That was not my intention, but I can see why you may take it that way." I sighed.

"May I ask, what about me do you find dissatisfying? I do not wish to guilt trip you, but, I have worked my entire life to please you."

For a moment he blankly stared at me, like I was an idiot.

"You worked your entire life to gain the title of queen." He retorted. "You do not see me as an individual."

"I only have been seeing you as an individual." Him discounting my hard work just made me mad.

"Liar, you never even made an effort to be different from the others!" His anger was starting to bleed through.

"Your Highness, have you ever considered that you are not the only one who has to put up with it? Have you ever thought of me as an individual?" I was a lot more calm than I'd thought I'd be.

"What? I-." He stuttered.

"The answer is no, Your Highness, I dedicated my everything to you and you have made no effort to even learn anything about me." Unfair, who was it truly unfair to?

He remained silent as he looked for something to say.

"You don't need to say anything, that girl, Marie, you have made it clear that she is the only one for you. I am sorry that cannot come to be." With that, I stood up and walked out of the room. All the while His Highness remained silent.

'I wonder where Noir is.'

(Marie's POV)

"DAMN IT! THAT DAMN MOB!" I sent another flower plot tumbling toward the ground to shatter into a million pieces.

Even after a day, my rage hadn't settled. He ruined absolutely fucking everything. My happy ending, my second chance is gone because of that fucking asshat.

"All because what?! He liked that miserable fucking wench?! You simp bitch!" My room was already in ruins.

"M-master, please settle down." Ugh, and now this meager slave had something to say.

"Settle down?! Easy for you to say when you were absolutely fucking useless during this whole ordeal! Am I, not your master? Why are you so useless? I see why you're despised among your kind." Even I know that I was being a lot crueler than I actually was.

"…I see, if my presence is not wanted I will take my leave." The elf said before he left the room.

What the fuck ever, there are bigger problems.

I'll make sure this bastard pays. All my dreams may have been crushed but I will sure as hell not go out alone.

(Restored Time)

(Noir POV)

"This should be enough, how about some food Livia?" I asked the girl as I held a bunch of bags from various clothing stores.

"Oh, can we go get skewers?" Her eyes brightened.

I had wanted to get her some stuff but the girl made it clear she wanted absolutely nothing.

"Sure, is there one around here though?" I asked looking around.

"Mhm, I went there when I first got here to get to the academy. Come on, It'll be my treat." She didn't have enough for the expensive luxuries of nobility but she had plenty to buy skewers.

When we arrived I grabbed a table outside the stand and sat. I watched as she happily purchased the skewers from the kind old man.

"Here Noir, they're really yummy," Livia said as she handed me two of the skewers.

She was right, they were good. Noble food had really made me miss some of these true luxuries.

For a while we just sat and ate, talking while viewing over the streets of the capital. The wind was nice, especially at a time like this when the heat was getting annoying.

"Any other stops Noir?" Livia asked as she finished off the last piece of meat on her stick.

"Nope, well, at least not here, the principal asked me to meet him to discuss my living arrangements. Think he's getting tired of all the rooms being destroyed." That man was respectable, he never discriminated against or treated anyone differently depending on rank.

"Ah, right." If I wasn't mistaken she looked sad about that fact, did pure and innocent Livia think I'd stay in her room?" Sorry about that, but, it couldn't happen, I needed my alone time for training.

We went right back to the campus when we were done. Everyone looked at us with scorn when we arrived, the pain from their loss in gambling must be heavy.

'Too bad, so sad.' What type of idiot goes all in with something like that?

It was decided this time around I'd choose what to do regarding my place. I could live here still, or choose a place close to the school but not on campus. I chose, the latter.

The principal said the school would pay for it, but if it were to be destroyed/ damaged in any way, it would come out of my pockets.

I pushed then for Livia to receive similar treatment to me because she was still a target.

It was accepted but the thing regarding her paying if it were to be messed up didn't apply.

It seemed our financial situation was taken into consideration when he made that rule.

It wasn't finalized until the girl herself was called in and accepted.

Unfortunately (fortunately) this would be put off for another day while they set everything up.

"STARDIA!" A shout of absolute hatred cut through the crowd.

Turning I stood face to face with the origin of the shout. The redhead who until now had been completely hospital bound, was yelling at me from a distance with crutches and bandages wrapped everywhere.

"Seberg," I responded similarly with his name. "You don't look too stable, should you not be in the hospital."

"Shut the hell up, bastard! Do you have any idea what you have done?!" He said through gritted teeth, veins protruded from his forehead.

"Saved you from a woman who was manipulating you."

"Tch, you lying bastard. I demand a rematch, this time with no armor, that way you can't cheat."

"Oh, I cheated huh?" A smirk made its way to my face. I was waiting for a time to use this.

"Do you want to see cheating? Luxion." The last bit was muttered as before any of the bystanders knew it, a projection appeared mid-air.

Like I had seen before the recording of Jilk played.

Everyone stood in shock at the video, seeing someone they had originally viewed as honest and calm do something like this that threw them off.

"…What, what type of magic was that?" Greg dumbfounded, said as he stared into empty air.

That was the problem with evidence like that. Nothing like it existed in this world, most people would think it was just some magic used to fabricate evidence.

To be fair, it could be. I could edit that video as much as I wanted.

"A gift from God as a gift for my unfair treatment." I looked into the sky as I said so in a theatrical way.

Greg turned back to me with a scowl. "More of your treacherous tricks! My challenge still remains the same!"

"You actually want to fight again? Let me ask you then, what exactly are your terms?" I asked with a sigh.

"Easy, the terms for the previous duel will be null, you will offer up all that you have taken from these kind students plus some of your own funds as compensation. Also, you will strip down to your underwear and beg for our forgiveness outside right here."

Is this guy serious? Wait, is he even allowed to do that first condition?

"That is a lot you're asking for, you understand terms need to be equal right?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Tch, go ahead, without your gimmicks your nothing." He scoffed in return.

"Hmm, well, I'll go with the begging in public too, though, keep your clothes on. On top of that… you don't have much to give, how about a million Dia?" This dude really had nothing to offer, I at this point was doing this for shits and giggles.

This really could only affect him worse, he was challenging me after all.

"A million?! No matter." He seemed shocked by the amount.

Soon after a white glove came flying in my direction.

"Do not get scared now, Stardia. Our duel will take place as soon as I think myself healed enough, this time we can just use the training ground." He said as he turned around and began walking with his crutches back to the hospital.

"Noir… was that a good idea," Livia spoke as we left the suddenly enthralled crowd.

"You've done it now Stardia!"

"Ah, I'll get my money back!"

"Still, that video of Jilk, it looked so real."

"Right, it almost makes you think."

All around people talked about what was to come.

"He challenged me with such ridiculous demands, it pissed me off a bit," I said with my hands behind my head.

We walked a bit until we reached the library. The end of the term test were rapidly approaching and Livia wanted to ensure she got the best grades possible.

The study session lasted a while before Livia began to grow a bit hungry. She offered to cook for me back at her dorm and I was more than happy to agree.

"Ah… right, I forgot again." When we entered back into the room I heard her mutter.

She was probably talking about the fact that she didn't buy any sleepwear still.

Oh no, what a tragedy. Let's completely ignore the fact that there was still time for her to do exactly that.

"Ah, um, I'll get started on the food." She said as she went over to her sink to wash her hands.

Along the way, she took off her vest and hung it up. I did the same as I offered, "Want any help?"

"No thank you, this is to somewhat repay Noir." She shook her head.

Still, thinking like that huh? It reminded me that outside of this bubble, we had somehow put ourselves in, we weren't actually a couple.

Listening to her, I sat on the ground and just watched as she worked her way around the kitchen. She was quite skilled.

To help her prep, I asked her a bunch of questions related to the classes we were taking that might be on the test.

"It's done." Soon enough she brought over two plates. "Um, do you want to eat here?"

"I don't mind." There was a table but I was fine like this.

The food she placed in front of me was piping hot but looked amazing. It was some variation of chicken and rice, with some sauce drizzled on top.

That first bite was heavenly.

"I eat this a lot at home. Do you like it?" She spoke with a bit of a flush.

"I'm starting to think I've been wasting my life eating bland rich people's food," I admitted as I dug in for another bite.

She giggled at that.

The food didn't last long and soon we both lay sprawled out on the floor side by side.

"I guess I should begin packing today," Livia said as she looked around her room. "It won't take very long."

Indeed, her room was not very packed full.

"I'll help."

"…Thank you." I could tell she wanted to refuse but she didn't. Progress, she needed to learn this wasn't over-reliance.

"Another duel, huh?" She turned to me laying on her side as she looked into my eyes.


"I don't like it." She admitted with a small frown.

I stayed silent to that. It was kind of too late to back out, not like I really wanted to. Fighting was just kind of what I did. It's how I gained everything up until now.

"What will you do for break." I changed the subject.

"Ehm, I was planning to just stay here." She said with a finger to her chin.

"The point is to get away from here… well you can always come with me. I'm going back to my own territory." I sighed and sat up.

"Really? Would I not be a-. Ow." I flicked her forehead before she could finish. "T-thank you. I will accept your hospitality."


"Well, shall we get started? It's not a lot but it'll still take a bit." I stood over her and held out a hand.

"Mhm, okay." She nodded before taking it and using me as support to stand up.

For the next hour and a half, we loaded all her stuff into boxes. There really wasn't a lot, but it still took that long nonetheless.

By the time we were done, the sky had already turned dark. Livia had left out stuff for tonight and was already in the middle of taking a shower and getting ready for bed.

"Um, your turn." She again came out just like yesterday, in a towel that covered her.

In the middle of my shower, Luxion had informed me that all the helpers had made it to their destinations, and were commencing the data gathering.

Livia this time didn't try to sleep on the floor and instead was on the bed the same as before.

"We have to be up pretty early tomorrow." I reminded her as I crawled onto the bed.

I couldn't help but notice that she was not really on the edge. It kind of gave me no choice but to be touching her. This sneaky girl.

"Do you have more plans tomorrow?" She questioned.

We were both back to back on the bed. Despite my pajamas, I could feel her ass that was touching my back.

"None, though I'm sure something will come up."

"Noir is popular." Was that a joke?

"Is Livia teasing me now?" I smirked.

"Ehm, no." She turned to me when she said that, trying to hold back her laugh.

"Now that I think about it, you called me cute the other day too. I think it's time for some payback." I followed that up by reaching underneath her blanket, finding her underarms, and tickling the hell out of her.

I didn't expect her to be so damn ticklish though. The girl burst out in laughter and twitched all over the place.

"Noir." She struggled against my relentless assault. The covers long since flew off her and her panty-clad form was out for the world(room) to see.

I didn't stop, however, not until she decided to pay me back and do the same to me.

This now marked two people who knew how insanely ticklish I was, the other being my Mother.

Our 'fight' didn't end until Livia slipped from her position hovering over me and fell to land on me. Unconsciously I held her back.

For a while, we just stared at each other a bit shocked at the turn of events.

"Sorry." I apologized, letting go of her. I was the one who initiated it.

"Ah, it's not your fault." She denied.

"…Does Noir like my body?" She asked not moving from where she was.

I was very aware of her breast that was pushing into my chest.

"Well… I can't say I don't." I answered honestly.

"Even when I'm not as cute as Lady Angelica…" Another flick to the forehead shut her up.

"Your plenty cute, don't talk bad about yourself. And why do you keep bringing her up…" I said a bit annoyed.

"Hehe, Ehm, sorry. I did it because I wanted Noir to compliment me." When the hell did the innocence start to fade?

"Manipulating me now?" I pinched her waist. "Plus, I know you probably actually feel that way."

"…" Her silence told me all I needed to.

"Noir wants me to be confident, right?" She asked.

"Basically." I shrugged.

"If I do that I can be with Noir?" She was thinking about this wrong. She needed to do it for herself.

"If you do that, you'll feel like you deserve to be with me. That is what I want." I sighed for the umpteenth time today.

"I see." She nodded. "But even now, it feels like we are together."

Yeah… But, it's kind of hard to resist when two people know they like each other, relationship or not.

"Not really selling the whole 'wait' thing am I?" I chuckled, though I didn't really feel like changing.

"…I like it. Noir is so close." The adorable blonde said before she pushed herself deeper into me.

"Don't think that's how it's supposed to work."

"Still, I don't want it to change. Can I learn to be more confident and stay with Noir, even when I'm not his lover?" Livia pleaded with her big blue eyes.

"I should probably say no, but, I want that too," I admitted as I wrapped an arm around her back.

I don't think I've ever seen her smile so brightly.

She was just so damn tempting. Plus, even if just slightly, she was making improvement, I guess I didn't need to act like a stranger for her to change.

With that smile never fading she wrapped her arms around me tight. "Thank you, Noir."

"Not sure that's something you should be thanking me for."

We stayed in that position for a while until begrudgingly Livia got up.

"I have to use the bathroom." She said, completely forgetting the fact that she was just in a bra and panties as she got up.

When I heard the door to the bathroom close I sighed before lifting up my pajama pants.

I was hard as hell. What's funny is I could probably push for some release with her, but I wouldn't. I'd just have to endure.

She returned not too long after, though I could now that she realized the sight she showed me.

"Ah… Noir said… he liked my body right?" She said as she stopped trying to hide herself.

"Yeah, but it's not like you have to show it off. Do what makes you comfortable."

"No… I'm fine with this if Noir likes it… but." She shook her head as she sat on the bed.

"But what?" I asked curiously.

"Um, can Noir, take off his shirt too?" The last part was lowered down to a whisper.

"Um, I'm fine with that but why?" Jesus, I guess this is what happens when you leave two teenagers in a room together.

"I-I like Noir's body too." The girl was at this point redder than a tomato.

I stood in shock for a movement.

"My sweet and innocent Livia, what happened?" I said in shock.

"Don't tease me." She retorted and turned her head away.

Smiling at that I undid the buttons on my top and threw it to the side.

Her eyes immediately went to my chest. Crawling over, she slowly ran her fingers over a few of my abs.

"They're so hard." She commented.

That's not the only thing that's hard.

"Um, then, I'll do the same." She blushed and said so as she sat up. Slowly her hands went behind her back.

"I won't lie and say I don't want that, but I'd rather you be comfortable than cater to my interest." I stopped her before she could continue.

"No." She shook her head. "I usually sleep without it, it doesn't feel good to wear to sleep." She said before her hands continued to unbuckle her bra, and soon enough it dropped.

Two twin mounds filled my vision. Both complete with a cherry pink nipple. They were big, really damn big, I could see why it would be uncomfortable to wear a bra.

"You're staring so hard." Livia blushed though she did nothing to hide herself. "Y-you can touch."

I could tell she was slightly uncomfortable while saying that, but, I really couldn't help myself.

Unconsciously, my hand grew close and I took one of them. It was smooth and soft. It spilled out of my hand.

For a full minute, my mind was fully occupied with her soft tits. It wasn't until I turned back to her face that I was truly captivated.

She was so damn beautiful.

"Noir is looking at me so intensely." She covered her face with part of her pillow.

"Your breathtaking," I replied as I drew closer to her.

Her smile grew even further as she spoke. "I really like Noir." We grew closer, both with a warmness in our eyes.

Our lips overlapped for the second time, and this time it lasted even longer. The rest of our bodies met and entangled as I held her tight to me and kissed her.

The kiss was soft and sensual. I only backed away when I felt she needed air.

We stared into each other's eyes with passion as we then went in again. Over and over we kissed until we were satisfied.

"Noir, can you hold me tight to sleep?" Livia asked.

Her droopy eyes told me she was getting tired and I didn't blame her. It had been well over an hour since we started kissing.

In response, I pulled her leg over mine and pulled her in closer. Her head rests in my chest her breathing hitting me warmly.

I held her with one arm by her back making sure her request was fully met.

"This is wonderful. I'm so happy Noir." She whispered to me. "Even when we move, can we still do this?"

"Of course." Not all the time, though. But, I could just train before she came over. Plus I was getting a lot of LP from this.

It didn't take long before we both fell asleep.


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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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