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Chương 65: 65 Just a little push (AVOT)

Lying against Rhain's chest, Daisy felt the coolness of his body beneath her cheek, a sensation that was initially uncomfortable. With time, however, either his body warmth rose to meet her, or she simply grew accustomed to the chill of his form.

As the rhythmic patter of rain and the soft crackling of firewood filled the room, Rhain's fingers traced delicate patterns on her back, lulling her into a state of contemplation.

Her thoughts danced around the notion of children. She pondered whether Rhain too yearned for them, or if the pain in his eyes was solely because he couldn't provide her with that. 

If he too longed for offspring, the reality of their situation would surely weigh heavier on his heart. For now, she wasn't mourning the loss of motherhood; she was grappling with understanding it. Would she mourn in the future? She didn't know, but one thing she knew for sure. She wanted to be with Rhain. 

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    Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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