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Chương 2: Chapter 2 Hermione [Edited 2024]

Hermione had worked so late into the night in her Ministry of Magic office, as she was a workaholic. When she was working, she was normally full of enthusiasm, but today she was like a flat balloon.


She was working while thinking about what was going on in her life.


She recently ended her relationship with Ron because he couldn't handle her dictatorial attitude any longer. She attempted to change it, but it was too late.


'Am I so horrible...'


She could only exhale a tired sigh. Her lofty position did not make her happy at all.

She was feeling so heavy right now. It felt like she was alone in the world.


'What should I do with my life?' she wondered. 'I've achieved my dream, and now I'm feeling so empty...'


She thought about when she was still a Hogwarts student. She was so enthused about magic at the time, but today. It's becoming monotonous.


Her magical knowledge was comparable to, if not superior to, that of great magicians such as Dumbledore or Voldemort.


If she went all out, she could claim that. She's even capable of defeating them. She was now 29, almost 30 years old, and at the pinnacle of her career.


'I'm going to be a hag, a single hag no one ever wants because of my horrible personality,'


She sobbed as she scribbled something in the book.


'Is it my fault...? Is it really necessary to have sex? I just want to give myself to you when we get married."


She tried to give Ron a hint to ask her for marriage, but he didn't understand or even care. He was continuously asking her when she would allow him to have sex with her.


She remembered telling him that if he wanted to have his way with her, he could but he had to do it right, so the next day he went out and bought a fucking condom and told her he was ready!




"Why the hell did I ever fall in love with someone like him?"


Hermione, who was upset and dejected, noticed that there was something in front of her. It was a floating text asking her if she wanted to join a chat group or not.


Hermione touched it and accidentally accepted it.


[Director of Ministry of Magic: Hermione Granger has joined the chat group]


Hermione was surprised to see that she had joined the chat group. She instinctively tried to dispel the floating text but nothing happened.


Hermione: Merlin's beard—what magic is this? I could not dispel it!


Her thought was writing in the text box.


Sullivan: Hello




Hermione used occlumency so her thoughts would not be read.


Hermione: Hello, Are you the one who performed this spell on me? How can you do it?

This spell had no magical signature, and I couldn't dispel it (intriguing) legilimency! You are breaking the Ministry of Magic's rules. Please stop right now.


She admitted that this spell was fascinating. Her thoughts were read again! Occlumency could not help her protect her mind.


Sullivan: Okay, I'll answer each of your questions one by one. I did not cast this magic on you, so the answer to your second question is also no. I'm not sure how to use it. And as for the invasion of privacy by legilimency, I'm a muggle, so whatever.


Like hell, she's going to believe that!


Hermione: Muggle? and did not cast the spell on me? I'm not convinced. You're playing me for a fool.


Sullivan: But I told you the truth.


Hermione: Stop deceiving me. If you don't tell me the truth, I will


[Hermione Granger was muted by the Guild Master]


Shock! She was muted by this so-called guild master.


Sullivan: You can believe whatever you want, but what I told you is true. I could kick you out if you don't want to stay in this chat group.


Kick me out. Just like anyone…


[Hermione Granger was unmuted by the Guild Master].




Sullivan: You have the option of staying or leaving.


Hermione clenches her teeth. No, she will not be thrown out or disregarded any longer! No, she will not be treated as if she were a plague! So what if she was bossy? She went above and beyond because she cared!


Sullivan: I'm not disregarding you, and if you want to stay, I'm not going to kick you out, but please calm down...


Her thoughts were read out once more...


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