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Chương 9: CHAPTER 9

Emerald Sustrai's POV

She was totally not frowning at the thots that were walking up to Rin who was talking to her. Damn whores trying to wiggle into her time with her savior.

"I mean, seriously, what kind of maniac would make the cafeteria fit only 200 spaces when Beacon has a total of 500 students at a time?"

She just groaned mentally at her savior's remarks. Who even cares about the shoddy construction of the place? She has to focus here so can he just please stop talking, even though she loves the way his voice rings in her head!

The reason that she was even here was to train her Semblance, something that Rin told her to when he decided to start delivering to Beacon.

Her illusion Semblance application was as such:

1) Her body will be ignored by one's eyes.

2) Her scent is ignored by one's nose.

3) The sound coming out from her will not be heard or registered.

That was not a simple illusion to make, especially since she had to focus very hardly to not drop her Semblance. And the Aura that was draining was so taxing that her Aura would have broke in just 30 seconds if not for Rin supplying her Aura.


A few months after Rin saved Emerald...

"Aura is just the manifestation of the soul, isn't it?"

He asked as she shrugged.

"I guess so? That's what the gang members said when they taught me how to control it."

He just hums, in thought as he twirls the kitchen knife in his hand before stabbing it into the cutting board.

"I got an idea."

He walked up to her before raising his hand up to his face.

It was still very weird to see his mask appearing on his face in blue flames, even though she had seen it so many times. He had said that it didn't hurt at all, in fact, it was comforting to him, but the flames does hurt her, so she avoided it.

Palming the mask, he mutters.


The mask shatters when he closes his palm, the fragments of the mask burning away as it floated behind him before forming his Persona. The eerie yet familiar presence of the Persona looms in Leblanc as she stopped herself from shivering in uneasiness. It looked so creepy.

"In theory..."

He mutters as he places his hand onto her shoulder before breathing in with his eyes close, making her cheeks burn from how close he was to be able to feel his breath touch her skin.

He opens his eyes to reveal golden amber eyes when suddenly, she was hit with euphoria, causing her to moan as her Aura reserves shot up to the limit. Electricity shots up her spine as her legs quivering from the sudden intrusion from Rin. Letting go, Rin took a step back as she pants heavily with burning red cheeks, gulping for air after that experience.

Dropping to the couch, she calms her heart down as Rin asked.

"Did that do anything to your reserves?"

His Persona floated towards her before a black shadowy arm appeared from the cloak, glowing green as she felt better. That was his Persona's moderate healing skill, [Diarama].

Focusing on her reserves, her eyebrows shot up as she could feel her Aura levels were much higher than its current limit. If her usual Aura levels were 100%, then she was about 150% filled.

She replied to him of her new higher limit of Aura as he nodded.

"As expected, Spirit Points and Aura are the same. Alright, we're going to train your Semblance now onwards, I'll supply you as much SP — sorry, Aura, as you need to train your control over it."

He explained that this would make infiltrating as the Phantom Thieves much better, causing her to immediately agree. Whatever he needs, she will do it with her best.

... Maybe after changing into some new pants.


Her yes twitched as she watches them shyly talk to Rin who just smiled at them, making her more annoyed. He could just excuse himself, you know? He doesn't have to attend to them at all, he doesn't have to be this kind.

Ugh, this was so frustrating to look at since she was literally a few meters from Rin watching their interaction!

The Invincible Girl suddenly glanced at her way, making her freeze in place. After eyeing at her direction, she frowns before looking back, causing Emerald to sweat a little.

... This girl is scarily observant.




Glynda Goodwitch's POV

"Are you sure, Sir?"

She asked with a raised eyebrow as Ozpin sips on his coffee.

"Yes, I'm quite sure, Glynda. Mr. Junichiro somehow has been in contact in magic."

He spins his chair to look at the window, something that he always does whenever he was thinking of something important. He always said that it made his thoughts much clearer.

"The question that remains, is he the owner or just a passerby?"

"But, Sir, to invite him to the Forever Fall and bait his abilities, what if he doesn't have any?"

She was worried, a normal civilian in the Forever Fall forest was already dangerous enough since it was a den for Grimm due to the sap that the tree's secrete!

"Well, we have two of the brightest team that would surely help him in need."

She thinks to herself about this. It was true, Team RWBY and JNPR were one of the best teams in their generation from her analysis, but still...

"Sigh... Very well, I shall try to invite him to the field trip."

"Thank you, Glynda. Now, we should keep this to ourselves for now until further notice. Especially out of General Ironwood's ears..."

That caused her to heave heavier as she rubs her temples. James, he... Sigh... He is quite eccentric with this type of situation.

"Of course, Sir."




x x x x x x x x x x

???'s POV

'Shit, shit, shit, shit!'

He cursed as he sprinted, trying to get away from the monstrous abomination that was chasing after him. Looking back, his heart drops as it was gaining up on him.

He doesn't even know how to describe the monster behind him, it was like a blob of black goo in the shape of a humanoid with a weird ass mask on it, but the mere presence of it so close makes his bones cold and freeze up.

Almost tumbling from a train rail, he catches himself and turned the corner before stopping himself from crashing onto a locked section of the trainway system. He was about to turn the other way when the monster blocked his way, causing him to hyperventilate.

"No, no, no, no, no!"

He steps back in fear as it continued to advance towards him, one step at a time before writhing, twitching as if it was struggling. Then it stops in its steps. And it bursts apart.


The goo then converges together to form... a knight with a trident in hand on a red

mad horse. The surrounding temperature starts to burn up as it stares at him with its yellow eyes, so much hatred and killing intent that it almost made him throw up if it weren't for the fact that a blue butterfly started dancing in the air above the thing.



|You who were not meant to be dragged in...|

|If you can hear me... Then there may be a chance to defy fate...|

|I beg of you... Break free from your locked destiny...|

|And overcome this unjust game...|



The thing raises it spear upwards, its trident blades reflecting his fearful face. Pointing the spear at him, the horse neighed before starting to charge at him.

He was going to die.


He was dying.

The spear drew out from his body as he drops to the ground, his eyes still open in shock. Laying on the ground, he briefly sees the knight shake in laughter before the tip of the trident started glowing red.

He could feel his blood leaking from the hole in his chest, but strangely he didn't feel pain. Maybe it was due to his adrenaline?

Ah... He wasn't that good of a child if he died here, would he? Who would pay for the hospital bills now?

[Art thou just going to sit there?]

... What?

[You're dying, Junichiro Rin.]

... Yeah, he was. He was bleeding away, and his consciousness was almost fading.

[So, I shall ask thee once more.]

[Is thou simply going to do nothing?]

... No...

He can't.

He can't die today.

This world is so corrupt... Men of disgusting sins still walk on the planet.

They have not been purged yet.

The world has not been cleansed of its sinners yet.

Not yet... He will not die —

Until he has cleaved the wicked from this unjust world!

[Very well... I have heeded thy resolve.]



His head felt like it was about to burst. He groans in pain as the pain increased in intensity.

[Vow to me.]

[I am thou...]

[Thou art I...]

Screaming, he slams his head onto the floor several times to ease the pain, cracking the ground with seemingly inhuman strength as the knight looked back in curiosity.

[Thou who art willing to perform anything for "Justice"!]

[Call upon my name and set this wronged world ablaze!]

[For thou be the FLAMES OF HELL, ITSELF!]

x x x x x x x x x x


Read future chapters early in Pa**eon.

pa tre on . com /damaine_n

(remove all the spaces)


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