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Chương 11: Chapter 11

Upon reaching a broker, I bought a map of the city and information of various places such as the inns, market and the guild. After buying it for a ridiculous price, I went towards the direction of an inn close to the guild.

The eastern road from the gate onwards was bustling with activity, many stores could be seen, selling their wares and waiting on new unsuspecting travellers to pawn their wares off at exorbitant prices.

Orario had four main gates in each cardinal direction. Therefore four roads are connected to the middle of Orario, Babel. There may be other roads, but I wasn't aware of them as I was new in town.

There were also a several districts controlled by powerful familias, such as the Loki familia, Ishtar familia and freya familia etc…..

As I had many magic stones in my backpack, my destination was obvious. Though I had close to ten million Valis in hand, I needed to sell the stones as their value would continue to deteriorate the longer I wait.

During my walk to the guild, I saw elves, cat people, Chientropes, humans and other types of Demi human races. I probably saw some gods but I couldn't tell them apart from humans. ' Are the gods racist' I couldn't help but think as I hadn't ever seen a god whose form was that of a Demi human.

Walking for what felt like hours the sky dimmed, noticing this I decided to go to the inn first as the brokers said the guild will not attend to any non adventurers at this time.

This was not due to favouritism, but it was due to a lack of personnel as the guild was very strict in recruiting its members.

The inn looked special as the sign had a cat paw print on it and it read.

" Nekomata inn" I muttered as I walked in to see cat girls serving guests. It seemed that the place was run by a cat demi human family. The inn had 3 floors as the rooms were on the 2nd and 3rd floors.

It cost 500 Valis per night, as it came with meals and a bath. Since I was somewhat loaded, I decided to splurge a bit and paid for a week stay. I didn't know how long it would take to find the right familia so I estimated the minimum of a week. I asked that my meals be brought to my room on the second floor as I didn't want to come in contact with people much, as my appearance would draw unwanted attention. I was also scared because the evilus could attack anytime, as I arrived about 8 years before canon to Orario.

I had a bath and my meal before I drifted off to sleep.

*Knock, Knock*

My door was being knocked on as I woke up. Not forgetting to put my cloak on, I approached the door and opened it.

Opening the door, I was greeted with the sight of a beautiful cat girl, looking to be a bit older than me, holding a tray with food.

"Your breakfast nya" she said in a cute voice.

" Thank you" I said and chuckled a bit as my moms family never added 'nya' when speaking despite being cat people and only my sibling did so.

Taking the tray, I tipped her with some Valis and closed the door. Taking a look around my room as it was much brighter, I could see it better. It was barely passable as I lamented the thought of how the cheaper inns would look like. My family was well off, perhaps I got used to their luxurious life style.

Quickly eating my breakfast, despite the many vegetables as my preference was meat. I cleaned up and went down with my back pack and empty tray. Dropping off my dirty dishes from last night and this morning, I exited the inn.

I walked briskly to the guild, with a sense of anticipation building within me, the Sun shone brightly, casting a warm glow over the path ahead. The sound of busy people doing their duties as the air was filled with the tranquility of the movement. I couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity, to learn and grow in my skills. Excitement surged through my veins as I neared the the guild, eager to see what lay ahead. I took a deep breath, ready to enter.

Upon entering the guild, I noticed the ground was covered with glossy stone, the wall had a mixture of wood and stone workings with high quality materials. There were multiple booths where people were talking with guild employees, to my left was a large notice board.' Probably where quests are posted' I thought while looking to the left at what seemed to be exchange booths.

Walking up to join the line, I waited for my turn. After a few minutes I moved up to the booth.

"How can I help you?" said a black haired cat girl. Her hair was short and she had a green eyes, but maintained a stoic disposition.

"Hi, I am new to Orario, I was told to come here to acquire papers. I also need to sell some surface magic stones" I replied while pointing at my back pack.

"A new resident, do you plan to be an adventurer?" She asked.

"Yes, after I properly settle and find a good familia" I replied politely.

"What is your name and when did you arrive" she asked.

" My name is Draco black, and I arrived yesterday" I replied as she walked away towards some papers in the back. She scrolled through the list and came back with some papers.

"Ah, Draco black the Dragon kin that entered the city yesterday, I can see why you wear a cloak, good thinking" she said as I was a bit shocked that the detail about me reached the guild so fast. I looked around hoping no one heard what she said, not finding anything suspicious yet.

" You know of me" I couldn't help but ask anyway.

"Yes, our record show that a dragon kin hasn't been seen in years, so we had to make sure it was true. My advice is you join a familia quickly as the city has been a bit tense lately, because of the evilus attacks" she said in a warning tone.

" Thank you for your advice, I plan to join a familia after looking through the list" I said in a grateful tone as it seemed she somewhat cared.

" Here, fill and sign this here and here, and by paying 7000 Valis you will be on probation for a year, after which you will be granted permanent residency if you clearly abide by the laws" she said.

"Ok" I replied as I paid the amount and filled out the papers. She checked through them and gave me the ok sign.

"How many stones do you have and what type??" she asked.

"Not sure, about 600 goblin stones, 250 kobolds and 2 orc stones" I said as she looked at me in shock and smiled.

"Your parents must be adventurers and are they dragon kin like you?" She asked with a curious face.

"No I was adopted and my grandparents were the adventurers" I replied truthfully as she had been nice all through our conversation.

"That explains a lot, as in your files, it said you received training. Must have taken years to gather this much" she said, but she seemed to think my grandparents did it not me.

"Yea it took years, as my grandpa said I should hunt them for training" I replied shocking her even more as my guess was right.

"You must be decently train then" she replied. Taking the stone I pilled up the total came to be about 104200 Valis(110 per goblin, 150 per kobold and 350 per orc). Less than I thought it would be, but I had a decent amount of money.

Asking for where I could find the list of gods and goddesses in Orario that is available. She gave me a thick book, as I scrolled through it hoping to find the right god or goddesses to begin my adventures.

HungryMushroom HungryMushroom

Give me your ba**s, Ehem I mean stones and rate the fanfic. Feel free to check out my patreon HungryMushroom to read ahead.

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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