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Traversing Restaurant Traversing Restaurant original

Traversing Restaurant

Tác giả: iLustForSleep

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Unexpected, but welcomed?

Summer finally came and students were finally able to rest and enjoy their life. Most people would go on trips and vacations with their family and friends, but I, 17 year old Louis Diaz, am on my pc in my dark bedroom alone.

With no family and no desire to hang out with friends, I had nothing to do, and with that, came boredom.

So I did what any male teenager would do in a dark room alone. Watch porn.

I was scrolling on the website looking for something worth watching when I saw an ad at the bottom of the website.

"Tired of your boring life? Do you want to experience the feeling of excitement and adventure? You're in luck! With just one click, you can experience a thrilling journey! Click for more details."

"Huh, there are still blatant scams like this? Eh I'll check it out anyways." Trusting my cheap anti-virus software to do its job and with nothing to do, I clicked on the ad and was sent to a sketchy looking website.

"Are you ready to break free from the ordinary and dive headfirst into an extraordinary adventure? Look no further! Join us on an exhilarating journey of a lifetime that will leave you breathless with anticipation and awe. Sign up today for free :)"

"Wow, this scammer really put a lot of thought into this thing, you would almost think this wouldn't give your pc AIDS.", I said sarcastically.

"Well, might as well right? I have nothing to do after all", I muttered to no one in particular.

I clicked the sign up button and the site provided a form containing basic personal info such as name, location, etc.

*After a while*

"Annnd done.", I snickered as I was finishing filling up the form.

Obviously, I didn't use my actual personal information, that would be just stupid.

NAME: Deez Nuts

DATE OF BIRTH: 6/69/69

ADRESS: Your mom's house




I quietly laughed some more, "Heh, I don't care what anyone else says, Deez Nuts is still a comedic masterpiece."

With nothing more to fill up, I confirmed that my information was correct (of course it was).

The terms and conditions popped up and I read them faithfully (ie reading the first sentence) and accepted.

A bright light suddenly filled my room and I instinctively covered my eyes.

"Gah! What the fuck?!", I swore.

When the bright light was gone and I regained my vision, I observed my surroundings.

"What the...", I muttered upon seeing the state of my room. Or at least, what I thought was my room, because I sure as hell don't remember entering a restaurant.

[Congratulations host! You are the new owner of Deez Nut's Restaurant!]

[As a reward, you have recieved 1x Basic Starting Gift! Do you wish to open it now?]

I should've read the terms and conditions a bit more carefully.

Load failed, please RETRY

Tình trạng nguồn điện hàng tuần

Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

Đặt mua hàng loạt

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Stone -- Power Stone
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