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Chương 3: Killing zombies

Seeing that the zombies were already awakened, Derick didn't care anymore. His cultivated calmness allowed him to face the situation calmly. He slowly pulled out a replica military entrenching shovel from beside the counter.

"You can go to hell!" Derick didn't wait for the zombie to pounce on him. He took the initiative and swung the sharp edge of the shovel directly at the zombie's head.

With a loud "clang," the entrenching shovel struck the zombie's head with force, and the serrated blade made a good-sized gash in the female zombie's skull.

Human skulls were indeed tough. Derick had considerable strength, but this strike only lodged the shovel in the zombie's head, and the female zombie was slammed against the counter by the impact.

"Ah... mmm~ ahh~" The zombie roared and thrashed, as if it had no sense of pain or fear. Even with half of its head severed by the entrenching shovel, it continued to snarl and claw.

Derick forcefully flipped the zombie onto the ground, stepping on her head, and pulled the shovel out. Then, one after another, he mercilessly hacked the female zombie's head to a pulp. Blood and shredded flesh splattered all over, emitting a nauseating stench.

Derick didn't know if zombies in movies had a fatal weakness in the head, so he didn't let his guard down. As he watched the life drain from the zombie beneath his feet, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the entrenching shovel was a replica, its quality was top-notch. After decapitating a zombie, there wasn't even a hint of wear on the blade, except for the additional blood.

He took a few deep breaths, feeling the dissipating aggression within his body. In less than five minutes, he had experienced so much.

Derick gradually calmed down, and he was even somewhat excited. He knew that this was the exhilaration that came after killing zombies—a feeling that wouldn't fade away anytime soon.

Unlike those who would scream and cry at the sight of a zombie, too afraid to even run, Derick didn't even feel disgusted after killing a person.

On one hand, it was due to his calm demeanor developed since childhood, and on the other hand, it was because violence ran in his blood. He was always fierce in fights, frequently drawing blood, so it had become normal to him.

"I wonder how my sister is doing," Derick wasn't afraid of this apocalypse. The only thing he worried about was his sister, his sole companion in this world. In Derick's heart, everyone else could die, but his sister would never be harmed.

He had sworn to himself at the moment his sister saved him from the car accident and brought him to this parallel world.

One hand holding a phone, the other hand packing up belongings, Derick carefully selected this outdoor store, which was the most suitable place for finding tools in the apocalypse.

Outdoor slash-resistant backpacks, specially made climbing clothes, grappling hooks, water bottles, military compressed rations, energy drinks...

The outdoor store was quite large, and the variety of items was relatively complete. However, Derick couldn't carry too many things. His purpose now was to rescue his sister, not to transport supplies. In the end, he also picked up a replica STRIDERD9 dagger, probably part of the store owner's collection, which he found in the lower compartment under the counter.

Although it was a replica, its quality was unquestionable. When he tested it briefly, it was not only incredibly sharp but also extremely lethal. It looked beautiful as well.

The phone in his hand had been on a busy signal all along. In theory, the communication system wouldn't collapse so quickly at the beginning of the apocalypse. Why couldn't he get through? Derick was worried.

However, no matter what, he had to go save his sister. Although the apocalypse had started, the chances of his sister being hit by a car should be slim.

But there were even greater dangers lurking, and he knew his sister was intelligent, but he was extremely concerned. Every second mattered to Derick, and he didn't want to waste any time.

After a quick search in the outdoor store and equipping himself with the necessary items, Derick looked at the infected child, even though half of its neck had been bitten off, it still crawled on the ground wailing. Its eye sockets were bloodshot, and its eyeballs were gray, attempting to crawl toward Derick.

"Let me kill you ..." Derick calmly walked over and struck the child zombie's head with an iron shovel. With consecutive strikes, he forcefully dispatched it.

It had already been about ten minutes of delay. After dealing with the two zombies at the end of the store, Derick circled around the entrance of the outdoor store. There weren't many zombies around, perhaps they were chasing after other groups of people.

After the initial chaos, those who hadn't been infected by the zombie virus and those who hadn't been attacked by the zombies had temporarily taken refuge in buildings. Only a few people were still being chased on the streets, with occasional screams and cries.

Furrowing his brow, observing the surroundings, Derick rushed out directly. Currently, he was about five kilometers away from the airport, which wouldn't be far under normal circumstances. It would take just over ten minutes by car, and even if he walked, it wouldn't exceed an hour.

But considering the current apocalypse, the difficulty had multiplied several times. Shortly after rushing out of the store, the alert zombies quickly caught his scent and stumbled toward him.

Although these zombies were infected by the virus, felt no pain, and were fearless, they were much less agile and lacked flexibility in their movements. They were basically live targets. Derick had no fear in one-on-one encounters.

However, the fear came from their numbers. These zombies rarely traveled alone; when one was touched, a group would follow.

There were at least a dozen of them, and Derick didn't have time to waste on them. He swiftly maneuvered through the cars on the road, temporarily evading the zombies chasing after him.

Taking a look at the surrounding environment, Derick found the nearest route and dashed toward the direction of the airport...

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    Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
    Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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