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Chương 14: Chapter 14: Night Salamander part 1

The next morning, the castle was bustling with preparations as Cedric Montclair readied himself for the long journey. His excitement was palpable, but as he was gathering his supplies, he heard a knock at his door.

Opening it, he found his father, Lord Montclair, standing there, a serious expression on his face. "Cedric, I've heard about your plans. I strongly advise against going on this dangerous mission."

Cedric Montclair took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "Father, I have to do this. Not only to make up for my mistakes but also to live up to our family name."

Lord Montclair looked torn between worry and pride. "I understand your determination, but as your father, I can't help but be concerned for your safety. This journey could be perilous, and you are still so young."

MetaAuion MetaAuion

I’d love for you guys to leave a comment it let’s me know if you like the chapter or the direction of the story this is not just my story I want to develop it with you guys so if you see something you don’t like or areas I can improve in please let me know. Also it would help me out a ton if you threw up a review. I will always strive to respond to each and every comment or review thank you.

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