Tải xuống ứng dụng

Chương 280: Dropped

Hello Author here.

So everyone has been asking me when this is coming back and if it has been dropped since many stories put on hiatus like this never gets continued.

Well, I am here to say..... "Do not lump this book with those other books. "

The story has started again on Patreon!!! That means that it will soon come out in public. Definitely during this month.

After having a month break and rereading the first chapters, I have come to appreciate just how fun this book was. And all the positive comments and you guys pestering and caring so much, asking when it's coming back all the time has been a great motivation.

Can't believe this story gets so much love from you guys. You'd never expect that st the beginning of the story of looking at the reviews.

So thank you.

This is a notice from the author. There are too many people asking me about it so I decide to make an official announcement on it.

Good news just DROPPED!!

A life with the Author is coming back soon!!




[As is tradition, get a smegsy image]


Join my Patreon to support your favorite story!! It helps me tons as an aspiring author!! Also, read ahead from the public updates and get poll participations!!

Patreon ; Emmanuel_Capricorn.

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Viết đánh giá Trạng thái đọc: C280
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Stone -- Power Stone
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