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I Suddenly Wake Up in Phineas and Ferb I Suddenly Wake Up in Phineas and Ferb original

I Suddenly Wake Up in Phineas and Ferb

Tác giả: Vha_Ann

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Chapter 1: A Swinging Serenade

In a dimly lit studio, the air was thick with the fervor of music. Coltrane, a young and spirited musician, was the heart and soul of his rock band. With a laid-back and humorous demeanor, he exuded a sense of cool that drew people to him effortlessly. Coltrane was not just a musician; he was a force of nature, a rising star in the world of rock music whose talent was destined to set stages ablaze.

Coltrane's life had taken an unexpected twist when he was diagnosed with a devastating illness that had stolen his voice. But instead of letting it defeat him, he channeled his passion into his instrument, allowing his bass guitar to become the voice he could no longer use. It was a testament to his unwavering dedication to his craft and his refusal to be silenced.

As Coltrane's fingers danced across the strings of his bass guitar, the rhythm vibrating through his very being as he played alongside his bandmates in the dimly lit studio. The grungy melodies filled the air, and the energy of their music seemed to transcend the confines of the small space.

But then, as if the universe itself decided to play a wild note, everything shifted. The room seemed to waver and twist, and Coltrane found himself stumbling forward, his bass guitar slipping from his grasp. Colors swirled around him, and a sense of disorientation washed over him like a tidal wave.

"Whoa, dude, what the heck is happening? Are you okay? maybe this was a bad idea,"One of Coltrane bandmates, Adrian said while helping Coltrane up, his voice a mix of confusion and conserned. He shook his head, trying to clear away the haze as he glanced around at the unfamiliar landscape.

"I am okay dude, I just need a minute, cancer can fuck itself for a minute. I wanted to finish this song before I go, you guys promised me right?" Coltrane brush off Adrian's hands and pick up his bass again from the floor.

"Just let us call an ambulance first in case something wrong happened, please?" Greg, Coltrane's band's drummer, already holding his phone ready to call emergency line.

Coltrane took a deep breath, his fingers still tingling from the sensation of his bass slipping from his grasp. He looked at his bandmates, concern etched across their faces, and gave them a reassuring nod.

"Alright, alright, call the ambulance, but just give me a moment, guys. We've got to finish this," he said, his voice determined even as he tried to shake off the disorientation that clung to him.

"Just take it easy, man. We're here for you," Greg said, his voice a steady anchor amidst the chaos.

Coltrane closed his eyes for a brief moment, centering himself as he took a few deep breaths. The music still echoed in his mind, the melody he had been playing lingering like a tantalizing whisper. With newfound resolve, he turned to his bandmates.

"Let's finish this, guys. For the music," Coltrane declared, his voice carrying a mixture of determination and passion.

Adrian and Greg exchanged glances, and then, with a shared nod, they returned to their instruments. The garage once again filled with the raw energy of their music, the notes intertwining and reverberating through the air.

Coltrane's fingers found their place on the strings of his bass, his touch sure and confident. He let the rhythm guide him, each strum a defiant declaration against the turmoil that had momentarily disrupted their jam session.

As the music swelled around them, Coltrane's eyes met those of his bandmates, a silent communication passing between them. They were in this together, a united front against the uncertainties that life had thrown their way.

The minutes stretched on, the music building to a crescendo that seemed to transcend the confines of the garage. And then, with one final resounding chord, the song came to an end, the vibrations of their instruments hanging in the air like a tangible force.

Breathing heavily, Coltrane looked at his friends, a triumphant smile spreading across his face. As the final chord reverberated through the air, a sense of accomplishment washed over Coltrane, his heart swelling with pride. The music had been his refuge, his sanctuary, and in that moment, it had carried him through the storm of uncertainty and pain.

But as the last echoes of their performance faded away, so did Coltrane's strength. His legs wobbled beneath him, and he felt a wave of dizziness wash over him like a relentless tide. He stumbled, his vision blurring, and he could feel his bandmates rushing to his side.

"Coltrane! Dude, are you okay?" Adrian's voice sounded distant, as if it were echoing from a faraway place.

Coltrane tried to respond, to reassure his friends, but his voice failed him. His body felt heavy, his limbs sluggish and unresponsive. He could sense the panic in the air, his bandmates' frantic movements as they tried to support him.

The world around Coltrane seemed to spin, his senses disoriented as if he were floating on the edge of consciousness. The sound of sirens wailed in the distance, growing louder with each passing moment, but it was as if the chaos was happening in a distant reality.

Through the haze, Coltrane caught glimpses of concerned faces – Adrian's worried eyes, Gregg's furrowed brow. Their voices blended together, a symphony of concern and fear.

And then, as if time itself had come to a standstill, everything faded to darkness.


When Coltrane's awareness returned, he found himself in a sterile, white room. The faint hum of medical equipment filled the air, and the antiseptic scent clung to his senses. He tried to move, to sit up, but a wave of weakness washed over him, keeping him tethered to the bed.

As Coltrane's vision slowly cleared, he realized that the room was filled with his loved ones. His heart swelled with sadness. He could hear the doctor's voice, explaining his condition and the limited time he had left, as if the words were a distant echo.

His gaze fell upon his parents, their eyes brimming with tears, and he managed a weak smile. They had always been his biggest supporters, his pillars of strength. His friends, Adrian and Greg, stood nearby, their expressions a blend of concern and determination.

"Coltrane, buddy, you scared the hell out of us," Adrian said, his voice a mixture of relief and lingering worry.

"Yeah, man, you can't just pull stunts like that," Greg added, his attempt at a scolding tone undermined by the genuine concern in his eyes.

Coltrane's lips twitched into a faint grin, his voice barely above a whisper. "Sorry, guys… just wanted to finish that song."

His friends exchanged a knowing look, a mixture of amusement and understanding passing between them.

"You know, you could've just asked for an encore," Adrian teased, his attempt to lighten the mood earning a chuckle from those gathered around.

Coltrane's parents approached his bedside, their eyes filled with a mixture of emotions. His mother's hand found his, her touch gentle and reassuring.

"We're just glad you're okay, sweetheart," she said, her voice trembling with emotion.

His father nodded, his voice steady but his eyes betraying the weight of his feelings. "You've always been a fighter, Coltrane. Just like your music."

Tears welled up in Coltrane's eyes as he looked at his family and friends, feeling the depth of their love and support. Despite the dire circumstances, there was an overwhelming sense of warmth in the room, a reminder of the bonds that had sustained him throughout his journey.

As the doctor continued to speak, outlining the challenges and choices that lay ahead, Coltrane's mind began to drift. He thought about the life he had lived, the moments of joy, the struggles he had overcome, and the unwavering passion he had poured into his music.

And then, in the midst of the doctor's explanations, Coltrane felt a surge of determination. He wasn't ready to give up, not yet. He still had music to play, songs to create, and a legacy to leave behind.

"Doc," Coltrane interrupted, his voice stronger than before. "I appreciate everything you're saying, but I'm not going down without a fight. Can you allow me to leave temporarily for a final concert?"

The doctor regarded Coltrane with a thoughtful expression, clearly taken aback by his determination. After a brief pause, he sighed softly.

"Coltrane, I understand your desire, but I need to emphasize the risks involved. Your health is fragile, and any exertion could worsen your condition," the doctor cautioned.

Coltrane's gaze remained unwavering, his resolve unshaken. "I get it, Doc. But this isn't just about me. It's about the music, the band, and the people who've supported me all this time. I want to give them something to remember."

The doctor exchanged a glance with a nurse, who seemed equally torn between concern and admiration for Coltrane's spirit.

"It's a risk, but if we monitor you closely and make the necessary arrangements, it might be possible," the doctor conceded, his voice tinged with caution.

Coltrane's heart soared with hope, gratitude filling his eyes as he looked at the medical team.

"Thank you. I promise I'll follow every precaution," Coltrane vowed, his words laced with sincerity.

His family and friends gathered around him, their expressions a mix of concern and support. His parents' eyes glistened with tears, but they nodded in agreement, their love and trust in their son evident.

"We'll be by your side every step of the way," his father said, his voice steady.

Coltrane nodded, his gaze shifting to his family and friends, who were watching him with a blend of hope and admiration.

"I've got music left in me, and I want to make the most of the time I have," Coltrane declared, his voice resolute.

His mother's eyes glistened with tears, but her smile was radiant. "That's our boy."

His friends exchanged glances, their expressions a mixture of determination and unwavering support.

"We're with you all the way, Coltrane," Greg said, his voice reflecting the sentiment of them all.


The stage was set, a vibrant sea of lights illuminating the night. Coltrane stood at the edge, his bass guitar slung over his shoulder, his heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and determination. The crowd's excited chatter filled the air, a palpable energy that seemed to crackle with electricity.

Backstage, his bandmates – Adrian and Greg – exchanged glances, their expressions a blend of excitement and nervousness. They knew the significance of this concert, the weight of Coltrane's condition adding an extra layer of emotion to the performance.

"Let's give them a show they'll never forget," Coltrane said, his voice infused with a quiet intensity.

Adrian nodded, a determined fire in his eyes. "We're with you all the way, man."

The moment arrived, the lights dimming as the crowd erupted into cheers. The trio stepped onto the stage, the rush of adrenaline washing over them. Coltrane's fingers found the strings of his bass, and as the first notes reverberated through the air, a wave of euphoria washed over him.

The music flowed, a symphony of sound that carried both the weight of Coltrane's journey and the joy of his passion. The crowd swayed and danced, caught up in the spell of the melodies, their voices joining together in a harmonious chorus.

Between songs, Coltrane's interactions with the audience were heartfelt and genuine. He shared stories of his musical journey, cracked jokes, and expressed his gratitude for their unwavering support. Each word he spoke was met with cheers and applause, a tangible connection between artist and audience.

And then, as the final chords of their last new song resonated through the venue, Coltrane felt a surge of emotion unlike anything he had ever experienced. The crowd's cheers were deafening, an overwhelming symphony of appreciation and love.

Coltrane and his bandmates took a bow, their faces illuminated by the sea of lights before them. The sense of accomplishment was overwhelming, a triumphant moment that seemed to transcend the limitations of time and circumstance.

As the concert came to an end, Coltrane's heart was full. He had poured his soul into the music, and the crowd's response was a validation of his efforts. He knew that this concert was more than just a performance – it was a celebration of life, a testament to the power of music to uplift and inspire.

As he stepped off the stage, his bandmates at his side, Coltrane felt a profound sense of peace. He had faced his challenges head-on, using his music as a conduit for his spirit to shine brightly, even in the face of adversity.

As he descended from the stage, his body giving way under the weight of exhaustion and his illness, Coltrane held onto the echoes of the last cheers that continued to reverberate in his ears even though his eyes has been shut down. In that moment, his very last moment ever, he clung to a memory that would eternally serve as a testament to the enduring connection between music, determination, and the indomitable essence of the human soul.

Vha_Ann Vha_Ann

Just a fecking story in my head that I need to get out and I am not a professional writer so this story is written with the help with grammarly since english is like my third languange and my spotify playlist that keep show me this scene again and again, sorry if the prolog is too long, I blamed my crazy head.

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