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Chương 36: 36: The Final Test

May, the final weekend.

On this day, at Seido High School, on B-side field, it was the last practice match for Seido High School's second-string team. Almost everyone knew that after this match, it would genuinely determine the final two spots for the first-string team. Naturally, the over twenty members of the second-string team were all eager, preparing for this final showdown.

Especially the third-year students among them. This was their last summer, and they were willing to bet everything to secure those remaining two spots.

"Wow, they're actually sending out the second-string team against Kokushikan High School. Coach Kataoka must be quite daring."

"By the way, didn't Kokushikan High School make it to Koshien before?"

"Yes, they did. Among the schools in the eastern region, Kokushikan High School, although their performance has been a bit lacking in recent years, is still considered a second-tier team."

"So, this match today promises to be exciting."

"Who's the starting pitcher?"

"Who else but Sawamura? Since he joined the second-string team, he's been the starting pitcher for most practice matches."

"Yeah, no doubt about that."

"He's in good form, showing excellent performance, so it's not surprising that he's the starter."

"That's a valid point."

On the third base side, Kokushikan High School's players had already gathered. Each of them had a displeased expression as they looked toward Seido's dugout. They felt insulted that Seido would send out the second-string team. What's more, why wasn't Furuya starting? They expected to face the rumored ace pitcher.

Little did they know that it was another first-year pitcher. From top to bottom, including Kokushikan High School's coach, the entire team was outraged. However, there was one person among them who looked perpetually disinterested, displaying a devil-may-care attitude. He had a menacing appearance, from his hair color to his fierce countenance, giving off an unmistakable aura of delinquency.

This figure disembarked from Kokushikan High School's dedicated bus and walked over to the dugout. He cast a sweeping gaze towards Seido's dugout, briefly locking eyes with Chris before averting his gaze. Then, he lowered his cap brim.

"Seems to be in good spirits, better than anything else..." Zaizen Naoyuki's words were gentle, low, and tinged with a touch of melancholy.

Zaizen took a step forward. He had once been known as a monster player, just like Chris, during his junior high days. However, today, it seemed that those memories were a distant past, long forgotten.

That fleeting expression quickly vanished. Zaizen, the youth with a seemingly delinquent appearance, once again donned his usual nonchalant and indifferent expression, as if nothing really mattered to him. He walked into the dugout, and the chilling aura he exuded sent shivers down his teammates' spines.

Only Kokushikan High School's coach gazed at Zaizen with a look of sorrow, regret, and loss as he observed the youth's figure.

In Seido High School's dugout on the first base side,

"Today, I'll let you complete this game."

"Huh?!" Eijun appeared quite surprised as he stared at Coach Kataoka, who spoke in a low voice, arms crossed.

Complete the game? Him? In a second-string match?

What kind of idea was this?

"What's wrong? Can't do it?" Coach Kataoka's gaze shifted slightly, and a wave of pressure washed over Eijun, causing him to tense involuntarily. He adopted a determined expression.

"No, I can do it!!" Eijun immediately responded loudly.

"Good." Coach Kataoka nodded slightly, maintaining his usual calm expression.

"How are you feeling? Nervous?"

As Eijun stepped aside to prepare to take the field, Chris came up to his side. A faint gleam sparkled in his eyes, and he smiled as he spoke to Eijun.

"Well, just a bit. I originally thought it would be like before, pitching four or five innings today." Eijun smiled awkwardly and didn't hide his slightly excited and nervous feelings, sharing them honestly with Chris.

In front of Chris, Eijun had never felt the need to hide his true feelings.

Chris smiled and reached out his large hand, ruffling Eijun's head. Eijun felt the warmth transmitted through that big hand and relished in Chris's unique tenderness, squinting his eyes.

For some unknown reason, perhaps due to a natural compatibility, in the less than ten days they had spent together, Chris had influenced Eijun as if he had assimilated him. Those eyes were no longer lifeless but had returned to their former brightness.

The two of them interacted like close brothers with years of shared history.

Maybe this was fate. More than once, in the quiet of the night, Chris thought about it.

"The coach values you this time. It's your biggest opportunity. You need to seize it, Sawamura," Chris's gentle words reached Eijun's ears.

Eijun looked at Chris, who was smiling warmly, and his gaze displayed a moment of hesitation. Then, a firm look replaced it, and he responded with his characteristic bright smile.

His eyes sparkled, and he replied, "Yes, I understand, Chris-senpai."

As Eijun turned away and ran toward the field, Chris's eyes revealed an uncontrollable glimmer of hope. He silently touched his own shoulder and his pupils displayed a subtle hint of hesitation.

"Well then, good luck, Sawamura."

"Yes!!!!" Eijun shouted loudly.

"Both teams, line up!"


"Please teach us!!!"

With the two teams' spirited shouts, the final practice match of the summer for Seido High School, which was also Eijun's ultimate test, was about to begin!

On the third base side, in Kokushikan High School's dugout.

"The data shows that this pitcher specializes in quirky pitches. However, in high school baseball, metal bats prevail, so the advantages of quirky pitches will be significantly diminished. This pitcher's speed is only around 130 kilometers per hour, and the decisive pitch is the Carter Ball. His control is definitely not of an excellent level. No need for tricks, try to overpower his pitch with strength. Since Seido had the audacity to face us with their second string, we must show them what we're made of!" Kokushikan High School's coach provided his final pre-game motivation and tactical instructions to his players, emphasizing it with a deep tone.


"Oh, it's starting, it's starting."

"The first at-bat goes to Kokushikan. In terms of strength, Kokushikan can hold their own against Teito."

"Let's see how Sawamura handles this."

"Getting a bit excited now."

"In the final practice match, can Sawamura give us a perfect performance?"

Eijun stood on the pitcher's mound, took a deep breath, and lightly tapped the mound with his right foot. This was the pitcher's mound for Seido's second string.

As Eijun looked back and saw the Kokushikan batter in the batter's box, a faint glint of cold determination passed through his eyes. The ultimate test, huh? Kokushikan High School, let you be the stepping stone for my entry into the first string!


"Come on, Sawamura."

"Yes, Ono-senpai!"

As the head umpire signaled, Eijun, on the pitcher's mound, stepped forward with his right foot, and with a forceful swing of his left arm,

The next moment,


A flash of white light, a surging aura, roared towards the home plate!!!!!!!

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