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Chương 148: White Zetsu

Sharp fangs, claws, a red tongue, and around the eyes that shone with orange-red light were huge black eye markings.

Although transformed into the "serum" form, Natasha's serum form was still somewhat different from Russell's.

Natasha's feminine features were preserved.

For example, the prominent and alluring arc on her chest.

From a certain angle, the current Natasha looked a bit like she was wearing a white form-fitting uniform.

However, this form-fitting outfit made her look somewhat like a white monster, and she had also grown several inches taller.

In her normal human form, Natasha was only 170 centimeters tall, weighed 59 kilograms, and had measurements...

Russell had personally measured and checked these data last night.

But now, Natasha seemed to weigh more than 80 kilograms and had grown to over one meter eighty.

In her serum form, Natasha stood on the metal-made laboratory table, looking down at Russell with those eyes that shimmered with orange-red light.

The next second, she heard Russell's command.


Russell didn't like the feeling of being looked down upon, so he directly spoke.

As soon as he finished speaking, the serum form of Natasha knelt down on one knee. Her demeanor changed instantly, from violent to submissive.

Although the second-generation symbiote within Natasha had evolved into "serum," it still couldn't resist the "absolute command" of the King's Serum.

Looking at the serum Natasha kneeling on the lab table, Russell said again, "Revert the transformation!"

Even though the serum form of Natasha seemed stronger now, it had also become more grotesque.

Russell still preferred Natasha in her human form.

Upon hearing his voice, Natasha, who was kneeling on the lab table, didn't hesitate. She immediately reverted the transformation and turned back into the beautiful and seductive female spy.

After Natasha returned to her human form, Russell furrowed his brow and began to think.

Although the second-generation symbiote within Natasha had fused with negative energy to evolve into a "serum" without weaknesses like ultrasonic waves and fire, Russell didn't want to use the term "serum" to refer to this evolved second-generation symbiote.

He had already used the name "serum."

Using "serum" to describe the second-generation symbiote fused with negative energy would make him feel like he had duplicated a name.

After thinking for about ten seconds, he decided to give the second-generation symbiote fused with negative energy a new name.

White Zetsu!

Lacking naming creativity, he borrowed the name of a character from a certain anime.

In that anime, White Zetsu had many clones that could merge with each other and attach themselves to others.

What's more, White Zetsu could form an army.

So be it!

These second-generation symbiotes fused with negative energy would be named White Zetsu.

Although currently, there was only one second-generation symbiote fused with negative energy, there would definitely be more in the future. Therefore, Russell decided to use the format "White Zetsu + number" for specific differentiation.

For example, the second-generation symbiote on Natasha's body would be White Zetsu No. 1.

When Natasha was about to get off the lab table, Russell stopped her and had White Zetsu No. 1 detach from her body.

Then, he had the eighth second-generation symbiote attach to Natasha's body.

After a few minutes, White Zetsu No. 2 was born.

After creating two White Zetsu symbiotes, Russell didn't continue creating a third one.

The remaining second-generation symbiote needed to cooperate with Natasha in executing the plan to return to S.H.I.E.L.D. and act as a spy.

He didn't create White Zetsu No. 3, as he was starting to test the abilities of White Zetsu No. 1 and White Zetsu No. 2.

After testing, he found that the abilities of White Zetsu No. 1 and No. 2 were basically the same as the serum.

Apart from being slightly weaker in all aspects compared to the serum, White Zetsu No. 1 and No. 2 could do everything that the serum could.

From this perspective, White Zetsu could be considered a lower-tier version of the serum.

Although there were some differences, it was normal, considering that the serum on Russell's body had evolved from Venom.

Not to mention, just the fusion of negative energy into the serum made White Zetsu No. 1 and No. 2 slightly more powerful.

After testing the abilities of White Zetsu No. 1 and No. 2, Russell had White Zetsu No. 2 detach from Natasha's body.

Then, he had No. 3 prepare separate "rooms" for White Zetsu No. 1 and No. 2.

While it wouldn't be a problem for White Zetsu No. 1 and No. 2 to share a container, Russell wasn't the kind of leader who disregarded his subordinates' feelings.

It was just preparing two more containers, which wasn't a problem at all for him, given his substantial wealth.

After instructing No. 3, Russell left the laboratory with Natasha.

Three days later.

Natasha left the headquarters of the Justice League with the remaining second-generation symbiote.

After dealing with White Zetsu, Natasha could have left the headquarters of the Justice League and started her mission to return to S.H.I.E.L.D. as a spy.

However, Russell didn't let her leave right away. Instead, he let her thoroughly experience the various knowledge she had learned from the Red Room during these days.

Revisiting old knowledge can lead to new insights and the ability to teach others!

After Natasha reviewed and practiced the knowledge she had learned from the Red Room several times, Russell reluctantly allowed Natasha to leave the headquarters of the Justice League.

It had to be said that being a female spy was quite enjoyable!

Especially when this female spy followed orders obediently.

After these three days of experience, Russell finally understood why the "honey trap" tactic was so effective.

It couldn't be blamed on officials being unable to withstand tests; it was just that the enemies were too "clever"!

After Natasha left the headquarters of the Justice League, Russell also had no intention of staying there.

However, before leaving, he had No. 3 bring two gorillas and had White Zetsu No. 1 and No. 2 attach to them.

Although White Zetsu No. 1 and No. 2 had evolved, they hadn't evolved to the point where they didn't need hosts anymore.

To facilitate their movement and mainly to prevent Hulk from being left alone at the headquarters of the Justice League, Russell had White Zetsu No. 1 and No. 2 attach to the gorillas. This way, they could guard the headquarters of the Justice League and also serve as training partners for Hulk.

White Zetsu No. 1 and No. 2 had no objections to his arrangement.

However, Hulk was slightly displeased with this arrangement.

He felt insulted being asked to train with White Zetsu No. 1 and No. 2, who weren't even as tall as his knees.

However, after fighting against White Zetsu No. 1 and No. 2, Hulk's perspective changed.

Although White Zetsu No. 1 and No. 2, attached to the gorillas, seemed very "insignificant," after sparring with them, Hulk discovered that they were remarkably durable.

Not only that, but the beast-like fighting style of White Zetsu No. 1 and No. 2 also suited Hulk's taste.

After just one fight, Hulk gladly accepted the presence of White Zetsu No. 1 and No. 2 and, following his own style, named them Big White and Little White.


Octopus Monster Industry headquarters.

Chairman's office.

After leaving the headquarters of the Justice League, Russell returned to his office.

Upon his return, he called Diana and briefly recounted his experiences over the past few days.

He didn't hide anything about Natasha and Grendel's situation, telling Diana everything in detail.

After hearing his arrangements, Diana didn't say much. She simply gave him a few instructions to keep an eye on Grendel and White Zetsu No. 1 and No. 2.

Even though Russell could control Grendel and White Zetsu No. 1 and No. 2 with the "absolute command" of the King's Serum, they were still extraterrestrial beings.

Without proper supervision, who knew if they might cause trouble.


If you're interested in reading more, feel free to visit my patreon which already contains 20 chapters: 


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