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Chương 16: Fay, for she could rival Fairies with her beauty (part 2)(nudity/teasing)

The fox-girl stepped closer and reached out her hand only to rest her palm on my chest and look at my face with concern all over her eyes.

"Actually, come just a bit closer," I requested, skillfully repositioning my arms to keep them in the safe.

I didn't want to lose them to that big fox's mouth the moment I returned to the other world, after all!

"I'm going to pull the jacket off, now," I spoke when this damned cutie took another step closer without even a hint of hesitation.

Even though I spoke out to warn the girl in advance… narrating what I was about to do somehow made it all the more exciting.

Unable to curse out loud now that this bundle of charm was nearly in my face, I muffled the word and looked as far up as I could before pulling my arms to the side and helping the girl pull the jacket off.

'She is standing right before me, in all the glory of her naked skin…'

I clenched my teeth, pushing up my bottom jaw to keep my eyes away from the endlessly desirable beauty just below.

"Now, bring your arms up," I requested while feeling out which of the two clothes now back in my hand was the shirt. By the time I finished this strangely challenging job and put my focus back to the ceiling… I saw two long, slim hands raising just a bit above where I was looking at.

And was it only my imagination, or did I feel something rub against the skin of my naked chest?

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Then, after opening them back up, I raised the shirt before slowly, carefully, dropping it down on the girl's raised hands.

"Try to steer your hands into the two holes on the sides," I gulped my saliva down, watching how the cloth stretched as the girl struggled a bit to follow my instructions. Still, after only a few moments, she finally figured it out before pushing her head and merely a small portion of her lush, perfectly white hair through the bigger, middle hole of the shirt.

"Oh damn…" Now that she had a shirt on, I made the mistake of taking a step back, believing myself to be safe because now all of her charms would be covered…

But by retreating this one, misfortunate step, I could now see her adorable side once again, as she raised her hands to playfully pull out her hair outside the shirt. By doing so, she somehow hooked up the back, and bottom edge of the shirt, causing it to roll up just nearly enough to render all my efforts to cover her up futile.

Thankfully, the shirt fell down before breaking this magical yet forbidden barrier. But that didn't mean the picture before my eyes turned any less adorable.

Gulping my saliva for the unkempt time today, I simply stared at this damned girl as she presented herself in nothing but my shirt which was just long enough to cover her up to her thighs. And with both her long arms and perfectly shaped legs now on full display, she made me feel as if I caught my girlfriend of several years come out from the bath, all relaxed and comfy.

The sense of homeliness filled my soul and took it hostage.

My hands moved before I could stop them, reaching out and grabbing the girl by her sides. As she now wore a shirt, this caused the cloth to stretch a little, perfectly outlining her stunning shape.

"Fairy…" I whispered, stunned… no, awed by the absolute in my eyes.

And then, as if to offer me a mercy strike, the girl blushed slightly before putting up a small, shy smile.

Startled by how close I came to crossing the line while still struggling to overcome my awed shock, I forced my mind into overdrive.


Finally realizing the purpose of the name, the girl called out in a soft, silent voice.

"Fay," I replied, even though it made no sense whatsoever. Then, I forced myself to bring my eyes and look right at her face. "You say that you don't have a name. And looking at you, made me think that you are so beautiful you had to be a fairy…"

The girl's eyebrows moved up a bit.

"Fairies are tasty!" she happily announced, her hair moving and making it seem as if she was wagging her tail.

Wait, with how long her hair was, would I find a tail if I looked closely enough?!

I gritted my teeth, culling the new desire before it would grow too strong for me to control.

"Would you be okay with that name?" I asked, steering the girl back to the topic. "Fay, from how your beauty could rival that of fairies," I asked.

And as I now used much simpler words, the fox-girl's face beamed up as her shy smile from before turned into a full-fledged, grin from ear to ear.

"Yes!" Fay jumped, happily accepting her new name. She then reached out and wrapped her hands around my neck before pulling herself into a hug… Only to start rubbing her cheek against my collarbone.

And here I stood, trying to become air and ignore the feeling of her breasts, shielded by but the thin cloth of the light shirt flattened against my naked chest.

"Human, Peter, fox, Fay!" Fay cheered and giggled, overjoyed by the notion of having a name.

Then, she suddenly stopped as her eyes locked on the other piece of cloth that I had in hand. Yet, rather than commenting on it, she turned her face and started to study my face, as if working some sort of a complex problem in her mind.

I patiently waited for her thoughts to reach some conclusion, more than glad to put the horror of what was likely to come next for later, even if only a second later.

Now that she put on her shirt… wasn't it time to help her out with her pants? But how in all hell was I supposed to do without putting my freshly cut head on the platter for that bigass fox to have for dinner?

Before I could find the answer to that question, Fay seemed to reach some sort of verdict over her thoughts, as a mischievous smile appeared on her lips.

'What?' I thought, alerted by the look on her face… But I was way too late to react.

Before I could as much as twitch, Fay suddenly moved back and threw herself down on the bed… Only to reach out with both of her long legs towards me with an adorable, playful smile.

"The other cloth! Peter help Fay!" she happily requested while nearly stuffing her feet in my face.

MotivatedSloth MotivatedSloth

I know splitting chapters like that is no fun, but more chapters make it easier for some readers to give the novel a chance so I'm not going to be shooting myself in the foot and releasing monsters of 2-3k words on a site where 1k is pretty much the standard.

Not in free chapters, at the very least :_:

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    Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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