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The Omniverse Daily Life Of A Humanoid Living Spatial Hole(ATLA) The Omniverse Daily Life Of A Humanoid Living Spatial Hole(ATLA) original

The Omniverse Daily Life Of A Humanoid Living Spatial Hole(ATLA)

Tác giả: HaremHobo

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Warning

I have plans or something.

So, this is going to be a big nonsense harem-type thing. Wish fulfillment and stuff.

I'll give each world as much time as I think it needs, so please refrain from asking me, things like when's the next world or when is this 'Insert specific world' questions.

This is going to be slow-paced and I'll try to make it fun, but I'm not the funny, so we'll see how that works out.

The mc will be powerful but I'm also nerfing him in a good way or at least in a way I want to, so if you hate nerf, I hope you give this a chance before deciding.

The mc will go to two different versions of each world. The first one will be the mostly slow one, and the second one will be more of a breeze. Why? Because the first world will be the original fictional world and the second one will be an all-female world version of that world, to optimize the harem size to as close to infinite as possible, I'm the horny and I don't apologize for it. Is this too much? Yes, but I'm not stopping. This will be as unrealistic as I'm feeling that day.

After each world, I plan to have a harem intermission volume in between worlds, where the mc spends time with all the girls, individually, and on the last chapter/s of the harem intermission, he will go out with all of them. So no one will be forgotten forever, even if eventually a lot of girls won't pop up for ages and probably be forgotten by all of us, but I'll keep notes to remember them when the time comes.

This will also be a fic with a harem dimension with a different time passage and so on. Blah blah blah, we degenerates already know the drill.

Now I'm a bit averse to the whole taking girls from one world to another idea, but I'm not completely against it. So I'll let you guys be the jury and select the waifus. I'll allow up to 5 girls to go with the mc to another world, but to choose which ones, you guys will have to vote or give me compelling arguments, I'm open to good reasoning.

However, outside good and polite reasoning, any girl who doesn't get at least 30 votes is not going. I need to limit you degenerates somehow, cause I know you guys will get them over 30 votes easily… you're too horny for the waifus…

Anyway, if you want more than 5 of the girls to go with the mc, you'll have to do it through convincing arguments as to why it would be crucial to have Saber go sunbathing with Komi-san. Umu! Or on why you need to see Makima step on Shinji to death or something. I don't know what you people want… You scare me…

So yeah, there's going to be lemon scenes but don't be super worried about them, they will come. Source: "Just Trust Me, Bro" God said to Job.

No there won't be full-on secret or exposed romantic relationships between the harem girls, but I'm still not sure how far I'll go in terms of Yuri.

No, the mc won't be cheated on or netorared, but he will NTR some people…

Mc will start as a 16-year-old but don't worry about it.

There will be loli but only legal loli.

Unfortunately to my homo homies, there will be no yaoi… I feel yo pain… This is sad. Fr fr. No, I'm not sus.

Finally, I'm a degenerate, so something weird might happen. Don't worry about it.

Source: "Just Trust Me, Bro" Eren said to the world outside the walls.

The mc won't be fully evil or good, more of a chaotic neutral with a cynical outlook, but a good heart somewhere in there buried under all the… stuff… So, I'm sorry but he'll actually have emotions instead of being a robot working only on logic.

As for the story in general… it will be an omniverse conquering plot, but the mc won't be the only one doing the world conquering, and yes, I know what you are thinking, other reincarnators and otherworlders in my fanfic? Lame! But I hope you can give it a chance, I won't make it awful, just a little annoying, and the rewards the mc will get from it are worth it believe me.

Source: "Just Trust Me, Bro" Shou Tucker said to the Elric brothers.

The first world is Avatar the last airbender.

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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