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Chương 57: Chapter 57 - Rankings are really Unexpected

As the morning sun gently reached the eyes of a young man, his golden pupils fluttered open to reveal a face that had miraculously healed, free from any marks.

"It's morning, I guess," I muttered to myself as I rose from bed. After a quick trip to the bathroom for a refreshing shower, I examined myself in the mirror. Today, there was a remarkable improvement.

I gazed at my flawless face with golden eyes, cherishing the restoration I had longed for.

Dressing quickly, I headed for the door. To my surprise, I found Thalia waiting outside.

My heart skipped a beat; her presence in the boys' dormitory at this early hour caught me off guard. Although she had visited me at night before, this was different.

"Hello, Thalia," I greeted her.

"Hello, Zeph, you look handsome," she complimented me.

"Thank you," I replied, genuinely touched by her words, or at least that's what I intended.

Together, we made our way to the academy. I tried to keep our conversation minimal, aware that my distant demeanor puzzled her.

However, I had a plan, and I will be able to solve this whole mess.

Upon arriving at the academy, we discovered that the seating arrangement was random. Thalia pointed out that my seat was right in front of Valeriana, the Hedrian girl.

I couldn't help but be taken aback by this as Thalia before finding her seat she looked for mine that made my resolve to solve her problem first more strong, I can't loose such a obedient pet, can I?.

Entering the classroom, I took my seat in front of Valeriana, who maintained her usual cold and aloof demeanor.

She emitted an aura of detachment that I knew I had to break through soon. After all, I needed her support, especially considering her impending role as the future queen.

But for now, it was time to focus on the impending test as Professor Adriannel distributed the exam papers to the students.

<Valeriana's POV>

Entering the classroom, I couldn't help but notice that Zeph's seat was right in front of mine.

I settled into my chair, my attention fixed on the professor as he distributed the exam sheets to the students. I received mine without any hesitation.

As I began to write, an hour passed, and I glanced at the boy in front of me. He suddenly stood up, indicating that he had given up on the test.

I noticed that he had written without thinking , as if he were idly doodling on the paper instead of answering the questions.

For a moment, I considered reaching out to him, but I quickly refocused on my own goal: achieving a high rank in this test.

Once that was accomplished, I could lend him my support or help him see that the world wasn't entirely filled with malevolence.

With determination, I continued writing, determined to excel in the exam.

<Thalia's POV>

I scanned through the questions, my intuition guiding me to an initial answer, but something didn't feel right.

Doubting myself, I changed my choice to what seemed more accurate.

With the multiple-choice questions behind me, it was time to tackle the subjective ones. These were based on the material I had already studied.

I diligently began to write my responses, successfully addressing 18 out of 20 questions.

The first of the remaining two was particularly challenging, delving into advanced concepts that required careful consideration.

I took my time to craft a thoughtful response.

The second, however, posed a unique problem. The topic it covered was one that had not yet been definitively proven.

Uncertainty gnawed at me as I contemplated how to address this in my answer.

<Outside the Exam Hall>

"Hey, how was your exam?" Rihena inquired of her friend.

"Nice, and yours, Rihena?" the girl replied.

"Mine? Umm... I guess I will pass," Rihena said with a playful pout, cutely smacking her head and sticking her tongue out.

"Hehe, yes, of course, you will pass," Girl teased her with a smile.




<Two days later>

The day had come for the exam results to be revealed, and a sizable crowd had gathered in front of the notice board where the ranks were posted.

Emotions ran high as students eagerly scanned the list.

"N-no, I failed!" one student cried out in disappointment.

"Yess, I passed!" cheered another with elation.

However, amidst the crowd, a girl with champagne silver hair stood, her gaze locked onto the rank board, her eyes unblinking as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

She was not alone; Thalia, another girl, also stared at the rankings in shock, their expressions mirroring a mixture of disbelief and surprise.


1. Zephyr Liander

2.Valeriana Hedrian

3. Alora vi vendal

4. Thalia Crimwell

5. Gleinder Valhale



100. Rihane Valhale


"Here, Professor Banzihum, take a look at this student's answer. Doesn't it seem like this question is about the thesis you submitted just yesterday?" the man inquired.

"Hmm, indeed, his answer aligns with the content of my thesis. If I hadn't submitted it yesterday, one might have suspected that I copied from a student," responded a voice resonating with an air of elegance and strength.

"Quite intriguing for a Human," the voice continued, offering a hint of surprise and admiration.





Once again, I'd like to express my gratitude for your generous support with POWER STONES. While they may seem small, they mean a lot to me, as they indicate that someone is eagerly anticipating the next chapter. Thank you!

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Quà tặng -- Nhận quà

    Tình trạng nguồn điện hàng tuần

    Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
    Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

    Đặt mua hàng loạt

    Mục lục

    Cài đặt hiển thị



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