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Chương 17: Interlude (Grayfia’s Report Part 2)

"I've only had a day to investigate the new Fateweaver and had a brief talk with him and fought alongside him on the mission to eliminate Fallen Angels from Kouh," Grayfia began, gesturing as she conjured an illusion of the man, Eden Tsubakihara. He stood at 6 feet and 1 inch, with a slender yet muscular build. His face was perfectly symmetrical, with the only distinctive feature being his two different colored eyes - one blue and one green. His sun-blond hair was slightly longer than what most guys tended to keep. As she looked around at the Great Satans, Grayfia noticed Serafall blushing while gazing at the image, Morrigan biting her lip with interest, and Yoko seemingly intrigued but not showing a strong reaction like the others. Her husband and Ajuka, on the other hand, appeared somewhat surprised by Eden's image. It made sense; there were few men as handsome as they were, and now they were looking at an equally if not more handsome man.

"Dibs, I call dibs. If anyone beats me to it, I swear to Lilith I'll get back at them," she playfully declared, her gaze fixed firmly on Morrigan.

"Serafall, sending a young girl to seduce the new Fateweaver might not go over well. A task like that should be handled by someone with more experience," Grayfia countered.

"First, if you lay a finger on him before we're married, I'll definitely end you. But maybe I'll consider letting you be a concubine once we're engaged," Serafall retorted. Grayfia was slightly irritated by her friend's outburst during her report, but she understood where Serafall was coming from. Serafall was possibly the strongest woman in the world, if not the second strongest. Being a devil, she desired a partner of equal or greater strength. Serafall's youthful appearance, coupled with her significant assets, not to mention her magical girl obsession and immense sister complex, complicated her search for a suitable partner. Finding a man who was not only attractive but also potentially as powerful or more powerful than her, and interested in her as a mate, was likely a rare opportunity. Grayfia knew that if not for Sirzechs, Serafall might also be single right now.

"Can we please get back to the meeting? We can discuss our stance on the new Fateweaver later," Sirzechs interjected. "Please, continue, Grayfia."

Grayfia continued, "Allow me to introduce Eden Tsubakihara, originally born as Eden Torrington. He is the child of Jake Torrington and Kurata Hiratsuka. Sadly, they passed away when he was merely two years old. Subsequently, he was entrusted to Jake's frist wife, Mira Tsubakihara, who happens to be the CEO of Golden Leaf – a company they had co-founded. After the unfortunate demise of Jake Torrington and Kurata Moe, Mira took on the role of CEO and became the sole owner of Golden Leaf, a globally influential entity primarily involved in gold-related ventures. The company possesses seven of the world's largest gold mines and holds sway over various subsidiary businesses, ranging from cereal manufacturing to aerospace engineering.Eden is set to inherit half of this empire when he comes of age."

She paused before continuing, "He's currently fifteen years old and attends Kaihin High as a first-year student. As for his personality, he seems both intelligent and a bit of a loner and for his age, he also appears to have a sadistic streak."

Grayfia knew everyone was eagerly awaiting the next part of her report, so she continued, "Regarding his power level, I can't provide a definitive answer due to the underwhelming nature of our enemy during our encounter. However, I can confidently say he's capable of defeating us queens in one-on-one combat without much difficulty. Most other details about his abilities are speculative, but he's on par with a Satan-level devil in terms of power. This assessment is based on feats of magical mastery and impressive energy reserves that I observed. Firstly, his mastery of physical enhancement magic allowed him to match the physical abilities of a Satan-class devil for a significant duration without serious energy drainage. He possesses remarkable spellcasting skills that he calls 'speed casting,' enabling him to cast multiple spells in a second. Most remarkably, he has the ability to stop time for over a minute without suffering energy exhaustion—an extraordinary feat. Beyond this, any additional information I provide would be speculative. Would you like me to continue?"

As Grayfia glanced around the room, all the Satans nodded in agreement. Her husband appeared somewhat concerned, Falbium gave a slow nod, and Serafall and Ajuka showed enthusiasm for what Grayfia would say next, albeit for different reasons.

"I believe Eden possesses at least three unique abilities, or if not, special techniques. Firstly, he seems to have a condition that accelerates his mana recovery, as I never detected any signs of mana exhaustion common in human mages. The next aspect is something I believe Lady Aensland can help explain"

Morrigan seemed perplexed when her name was suddenly brought into the conversation, but she quickly responded, "Of course, if there's anything I can do to help."

Grayfia continued, "I believe he was able to use a less potent version of your seduction ability. It didn't affect me mentally much, but whenever he was in my view, my eyes were drawn to him even when I tried to look away."

Morrigan pondered for a moment and then replied, "That does sound like my ability, but perhaps he's intentionally using a milder version to avoid affecting those who might be more susceptible. It seems rather weak in effect, especially if he's proficient in magic."

After a brief pause, Grayfia resumed, "Lord Lucifer, you're indeed fortunate. The power of love for someone else can sometimes mitigate the effects of innate magics like that. It's just that such an occurrence has never happened to me. But Serafall, how do you feel about your 'man' attempting to use his charms on Grayfia?"

Before Serafall could respond, Grayfia interjected to avoid any misunderstandings, "It was more like an area effect, affecting any women who looked at him. However, it seemed to have an impact on me and Venelana."

Morrigan explained further, "A succubus like myself naturally emits an aura of lust, but that doesn't necessarily mean the target of that aura will be us. I'll discuss this with the older members of the coven."

Grayfia continued with her report, "The next ability is somewhat akin to the Kankara Formula. After a Fallen had cast a spell, he was able to dispel it without using any more magic. I'm unsure if he can do more with spells already cast, but it was a very intriguing display."

Ajuka spoke up, his curiosity evident, "I'd like to meet this young man. It's been quite some time since I engaged in a discussion with a magic master on par with myself. I wonder what might be causing these phenomena."

Serafall then diverted the conversation, saying, "Now that Grayfia has finished dissecting my Eden, can we focus on discussing the Fallen and what we plan to do with Didora Astaroth?"

"I couldn't care less about those who commit treason, even if they're related to me," Ajuka responded, making it clear he didn't want to be part of the conversation.

"Did Eden express any thoughts about what should happen to them?" her husband inquired.

"As long as Diodora is dead, he doesn't really care about the rest of the family. He also suggested that Raynare be given to him as a servant as part of her punishment," Grayfia shared before offering her own perspective, "I think we should execute Diodora, seize some of the Astaroth family's land, and deal with the fallen angels Kalawarna and Diodora. Raynare can be given to him as a servant, and we could add Mittelt as a bonus," she added with a smile.

With no apparent objections to Grayfia's plan, she continued, "So, does anyone have an issue with that?"

The room remained silent until an unexpected voice chimed in. "I just want to go home, so let me say what we're all thinking. This guy is kind of intimidating. I'd rather have more allies than enemies, so let's let Serafall attempt her charms. If that doesn't work, we can try building friendly relations in the traditional way. And if that works, we can turn him into a devil using a King's piece and bestow him a made up high position that wont upset the old heads to much ." Falbium said

"But what if he ends up becoming more powerful than all of us combined?" her husband argued.

Falbium countered, "If you're worried about that, then just get stronger. I don't mind. There will always be people stronger than me, but I feel I'm strong enough as it is."

Her husband seemed to be unable to counter that argument. And with that, the meeting came to an end.

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