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Rinnegan in JJk Rinnegan in JJk original

Rinnegan in JJk

Tác giả: David_555

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Mc and abilities

Hey there everyone, it's Dave here again with a new ff; Jujutsu Kaisen: Six Paths of the Distinguished Heavenly Gods. Had to release this ff in order to appease the Gods in my heart and to stop the nightmares. Please forgive me.

Anyway, if you've read my works before, you'll notice that some readers complain that I have a habit of nerfing my Mc's all the time, so before we delve into the ff itself, I want to take my time to explain how the mc's abilities work.

For starters let's talk about the Mc.

1. Name: Hayato Kenshin. {Please forgive me, I still don't know how to insert images🤧So if you guys have cool Mc images please insert for me}. His mom is American, making him a half breed, but unfortunately he's orphaned.

2. 16 year old, with short aqua blue hair and glossy purple irises. He's tall, handsome, I mean you guys already know the deal.

3. Yes this is a JJk ff and yes, the mc's technique has to do with the rinnegan.

I wanted to use the rinnesharingan, but I changed my mind at the end. Let's just go with the rinnegan for now. Also, I've adjusted his abilities to suit the JJk world.

For example; the Animal Path of the rinnegan would not summon those weird beasts from the narutoverse, rather it would work similar to curse spirit manipulation technique of the Geto clan, allowing Mc to assimilate and summon cursed spirits of specific grades at will, depending on mastery of the path.

Also, the Asura path would grant Mc the ability to harden or toughen his body into the likeness of a cursed tool of a specific grade, depending on the level of mastery of the path, while allowing him to summon any cursed tool of a specific grade, that he has seen before.

Meaning, at beginner level mastery, Mc would be able to harden his body, bones and even organs to the toughness of a grade four cursed tool, while he would be able to summon any grade four cursed tool he has come into contact with, and so on.

{I don't think I've done much nerfing here, or have I?}

You guys should comment how you think I should adjust the rest of the paths. Anyway, stay tuned for more chapters and don't worry, I'm planning on finishing the chainsaw man ff and will continue with the normal 1 chapter a day update schedule.

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