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Chương 226: Chapter 224 : The Summit War!

After witnessing Luffy's relentless ascent.

From a novice pirate hailing from a Windmill village, he triumphed over formidable enemies one after another in relentless combat!

From the young rookie pirate who first garnered a bounty in the mere tens of millions to Bailee, and eventually toppling the Shichibukai while daring to challenge the might of the Yonko!

He vanquished the Vice-Captain of the Four Emperors, and even the likes of Douglas Bullet and the Golden Lion Shiki, famed as the legendary pirate, fell before his might!

At this moment, Kaido sensed a looming crisis in his heart.

He would brook no challenge to the authority of the Four Emperors. Hence, Kaido was the first to speak, his words laced with hostility.

Various heavyweights across the globe reacted differently.

Doflamingo and Moria couldn't conceal their excitement during the confrontation.

Though they had tasted defeat at Luffy's hands, that didn't imply that Kaido, as a Yonko, would meet the same fate.

If Kaido, elevated to the ranks of the Four Emperors, were to confront Luffy, that would be the spectacle they yearned to witness!

Similarly, figures like Big Mom and Akainu were elated.

Having already harbored animosity toward Luffy, Kaido's alignment with them undoubtedly bolstered their ranks!

For the threat posed by the Straw Hat lad loomed too large; he must be dealt with swiftly. As for those allied with Luffy...

From the Revolutionaries' headquarters, alongside numerous high-ranking members,

To the two Yonko, Whitebeard and Shanks, and figures like Garp stationed at Navy Headquarters,

Upon hearing Kaido's declaration, they were inclined to retort as they had to Akainu previously.

Yet, for some inexplicable reason, several individuals shared a common sentiment at this juncture.

These are individuals who have ascended to the pinnacles of power in the world. To attain their current stature, recklessness was never an option.

They scrutinize matters with a clarity unmatched by most.

For if Luffy is but a fledgling pirate now, they reason, what might he become?

With his strength and status, he'll never dare to challenge a formidable opponent like Kaido.

However, Luffy stood apart at this moment. Through relentless battles, he transformed into someone entirely different.

He has truly come into his own as a man, as a force to be reckoned with!

Naturally, a strong individual cannot remain sheltered under the wings of others!

How else can one grow?

Thus, whether it was Whitebeard, Dragon, Shanks, or Garp, they all chose to remain silent at that instant.

It's not because they fear Kaido. On the contrary, each of them possesses the prowess and resolve to confront Kaido head-on.

But for the sake of Luffy's growth, silence prevailed...

And Luffy's response didn't fail to meet everyone's expectations.

In the heart of Water 7, upon hearing Kaido's words, he gripped the Den Den Mushi in his hand with a resolute expression.

"The Beast Pirates, Yonko Kaido?"


"Being hailed as the strongest creature in the world... You must be quite formidable, huh?"

"But I am the man destined to become the Pirate King. Whoever stands in my path, I'll knock them aside!"

"Even if you're a Yonko, acclaimed as the mightiest creature, you're no exception!"

"Sooner or later, I'll hunt you down and defeat you with my own hands!"


Luffy's words were an unmistakable response to Kaido's challenge, a direct declaration of war!

This further stoked Kaido's fury on Onigashima!

And viewers across the globe were suddenly electrified!

Shanks, Whitebeard, Garp, Dragon, and many other notable figures couldn't contain their laughter upon hearing Luffy's resolve...

Soon, the ten-minute global transmission came to an end.

And the new live broadcast screen expanded before them!

[Next, the next epic battle is about to unfold!]

[Top3: The Summit War, The Most Brutal Battle!]


The eagerly awaited climax of the battle has just been delayed.

Suddenly, the entire world was stunned!


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