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The Man of My Bitterest Lesson The Man of My Bitterest Lesson original

The Man of My Bitterest Lesson

Tác giả: Tizzz

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Prologue

"You made me believe in miracles, Bright. You made me think that writing love poems and placing them in glass bottles was worthwhile.

I came here to tell you this.

Because from now on, I'll carry hatred for you in my heart for the rest of my life!

Even if I were to die, I'll nurture everlasting hatred.

It's only fair.

Don't come to my funeral, don't you dare show up. Don't set foot near my graveside, and never expect forgiveness.

I'll spend a lifetime despising you to-my-very-core!"

— Emma


Amidst the vibrant autumnal hues, the train station stood as a bustling hub of activity. The air was tinged with a crispness that hinted at the changing season outside.

Golden leaves drifted down from the trees that adorned the terminal's entrance, carpeting the ground in a mosaic of red and orange. Travelers, wrapped in cozy sweaters and scarves, bustled about, their breath visible in the chilly air.

As Bright found himself within this autumnal setting, his exhaustion was amplified by the contrast of the train station's lively ambience.

The station buzzed with the chatter of passengers, the click-clack of rolling suitcases, and the hum of overhead announcements.

It was a stark juxtaposition to the emotional turmoil he had just experienced with Emma, whose tears mirrored the falling leaves outside.

Emma's quivering voice seemed to echo through the terminal, drawing the attention of passersby. The atmosphere shifted, the autumnal colors casting an almost melancholic backdrop to their emotional confrontation. Strangers glanced in their direction, their curiosity piqued by the unfolding drama.

Amidst the bustling train station in Collin Wood, Bright found himself standing, a weary traveler in a sea of hurried souls.

His exasperated sigh reverberated through the concourse, a tangible manifestation of his emotional and mental exhaustion.

The weight of dealing with Emma had become an unbearable burden. It had drained him, leaving traces of weariness etched on his face, like the fading remnants of summer's warmth.

Emma, her eyes brimming with tears, struggled to restrain her emotions as her trembling voice reached out to him. "Bright, please... I can't bear to lose you."

Deeply sighing once more, Bright's frustration became palpable. "Emma, you know I can't keep going on like this. It's become an endless cycle of drama and tears, and it's wearing me down. I feel like I'm carrying a colossal weight on my shoulders, and I can't bear it any longer."

Emma turned to face him, her tearful eyes still glistening. Her voice quivered as she sought answers, her vulnerability laid bare. "Why are you saying this, Bright?"

With his frustration boiling over, Bright could no longer suppress his emotions. His strained voice spoke volumes. "What will others say if I continue to stand by you, Emma?"

Tears welled up in Emma's eyes as she grappled with her feelings. Her voice quivered with confusion and hurt. "Why does their opinion matter? I thought you loved me."

In Bright's eyes, a mixture of frustration and sorrow swirled. He struggled to find the right words. "Because, Emma, you've changed. You're not the girl I once loved."

Emma's retort was sharp, her bitterness evident. "So, you're saying you're repulsed by me now?"

Bright's gaze remained resolute, a cold determination taking over. He turned away from Emma, distancing himself as if to escape the emotional turmoil, leaving her alone to bear the weight of her heartbreak.

But Emma refused to let him go without a fight. She lunged forward, catching Bright and holding onto him, desperation coloring her voice. "Please, Bright, don't leave! I'll do anything! I'm begging you to stay!"

Firmly but gently, Bright removed Emma's clinging arms, taking a step back. His voice remained unwavering as he uttered the painful truth. "Don't touch me... you... you're tainted. I don't love you anymore, Emma."

With those agonizing words, Bright walked away, leaving Emma behind in the busy train station, her heart shattered, and tears flowing freely.

This bitter exchange in the train station had pushed their relationship to its breaking point, leaving both of them to grapple with the profound consequences of their words and actions.

Emma had pushed herself to the limit, chasing Bright to the very train station where the autumn air seemed to carry their drama. Her heart weighed heavy with hope, desperate for one last chance to sway his decision. For weeks, she had pleaded for him to return to her life.

"Bright!!!" Emma's voice pierced the bustling train station, drawing the attention of everyone around. The curious stares of strangers intensified the gravity of the moment.

Emma paused, taking a deep breath to compose herself as she wiped away her tears. A mixture of anger, frustration, and deep sadness filled her voice.

"You made me believe in miracles, Bright. You made me think that writing love poems and placing them in glass bottles was worthwhile." Her voice quivered with raw emotion.

"I came here to tell you this. Because from now on, I'll carry hatred for you in my heart for the rest of my life!"

Bright, a few steps away, visibly wrestled with Emma's words. Regret and longing mingled in his complex expression.

Tense moments passed, the train station buzzing with activity. Onlookers, drawn by the unfolding drama, couldn't tear their eyes away from the emotional exchange.

Emma's tears flowed freely, her voice breaking as she continued, "Even if I were to die," she said in despair, "I'll nurture everlasting hatred. It's only fair. Don't come to my funeral, don't you dare show up. Don't set foot near my graveside, and never expect forgiveness. I'll spend a lifetime despising you to my very core!"

Bright's gaze remained locked on Emma, his silence filled with a sense of remorse.

"Alright." With a heavy heart, Bright finally turned and walked away, leaving Emma standing there, surrounded by the curious gazes of strangers, her heartache and anger intermingling in the autumnal air.

Their bitter exchange at the train station had shattered their relationship, leaving both of them to grapple with the profound consequences of their words and actions.


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