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Chương 4: Still the same information but updated

I have decided to not make my MC who is all powerful and has the solution to all the problems. This will more of a grounded fic that sees the journey of The Originals cast and Timothy.

I will keep him Siphoner maybe Heretic in the future when I think it will be good story.

I would like your creative minds too help me whenever you would want to see something if possible and it aligns with my goal then I would do it. I want to make a great Originals fic and I can't do that alone I need you Originals lovers to help me.

I haven't figured out who to cast for romance in this fic for Timothy. Provide me some good names will you?

Put the names in the comments and I will select any one who I think is suitable.

Okay now there are these female who are in the list to become the female romance these are in my top list.


Freya (The Fem-Fem action. I wanna write for her.)


Rebekah (Though I like Marcel and Rebekah together more.)

Kathrine (This one is my guilty pleasure. This one is only possible if I find a way to integrate her in the story. If you want her then give me some ideas.)

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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