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Chương 16: Chapter 16: A Fathers Fury

That night, the jailer couldn't bring himself to sleep, and he had heard the same rumors as others. It wasn't just him and the obese prisoner; many other inmates and jailers claimed to have seen these apparitions. These encounters were not limited to the cells; they occurred in the bathrooms and even the torture rooms.

The jailer recalls back to his earlier mutterings ~The jailer ignored the obese prisoner who wished to change cells and, giving him a stern glare, before promptly departing.

"Ghost? Hmph, utter nonsense; there are no ghosts in this world," he muttered to himself. However, no matter how certain he was in his disbelief, his words lacked conviction.~

Late at night, Jailer Sadi-chan was patrolling the torture room when she suddenly heard the eerie sound of a Cameko being played. It was followed by the unnerving noise of teeth grinding and bones scraping against each other. This terrifying cacophony caused Sadi-chan to scream in horror, her cries mingling with the eerie laughter of another woman.

Magellan later questioned Sadi, but she couldn't muster any words, only shaking her head as if in profound horror.

The rumors within Impel Down continued to escalate, spreading like wildfire throughout the prison. Yet, these eerie occurrences were not limited to the confines of the world's most secure prison; they had also permeated the Naval Headquarters.

The day after Sengoku's departure, marines with ghostly handprints on their bodies began dying one after another. These marines, all rogue agents discovered by Lucas through Sadako, met their demise swiftly. Even vice admirals were killed so rapidly that Garp had no time to save them.

After several failures, Garp decided to take action. He gathered all the marines marked with ghostly handprints in a large room, ready to confront the "ghost" if it should appear.

Despite the late hour, Garp refused to retire to his room for rest; instead, he stood guard at the entrance to the chamber where the marines had gathered.

Garp's lieutenant, Bogart, approached him hesitantly. "Sir, tomorrow is the Navy Martyrs' memorial service. Would you like to attend?"

Given the pervasive fear and panic that had gripped the Naval Headquarters, no one dared to participate in the memorial ceremony. After all, it would essentially become a haunted graveyard.

"Cancel it for now," Garp ordered.

Just as he gave the order, a messenger from the Navy arrived and saluted Garp. "Vice Admiral Garp, CP0 agents and Saint Charlos's father, Saint Rosward, have arrived."

Before the messenger's words had even faded, Saint Rosward, flanked by CP staff, stormed toward Garp in a fit of rage.

"What are you Marines doing? Is my son not well protected within the Naval Headquarters? You're all utterly useless, unable to protect my son."

St. Rosward's anger peaked as he turned his attention to the two CP0 agents assigned to protect St. Charlos.

"You two are utterly worthless! Is this how you guard my son? When you return to the Holy Land, both of you will face execution."

The two CP0 agents were surrounded by their colleagues, their hands bound, and they knelt before St. Rosward. Several individuals in white suits stood nearby, their guns pointed at the agents' heads, ready to execute them upon St. Rosward's command.

"Now, find out who is responsible for my son's death," Saint Rosward thundered, his righteous fury unabated even after his earlier tirade.

Though the two CP0 agents were visibly trembling, they reluctantly presented their findings.

"Uhm, the only conclusion we've reached is that it was... a ghost."

"A ghost? What nonsense is this?"

Saint Rosward's anger flared, and he swiftly struck the CP0 agent who had dared to utter such absurdities.

"A ghost killed my son? Preposterous!"

"You needn't wait until our return to the Holy Land. Execute these wretches who dare to peddle lies before me."

Without hesitation, they opened fire on the two CP0 agents.

"In truth, it was indeed a ghost that claimed his son's life," Garp admitted suddenly, his expression tinged with discomfort.

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