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Chương 4: Chapter 4 Tensions and Ultimatums

Mr. Feng's voice echoed through the house as he walked in, and Feng Bai turned to see her father's stern expression. She sighed inwardly, sensing what this conversation would be about.

She had already told him several times, without number, that she was not interested in the company; she only wanted to pursue her dreams.

"Not again, Pa! I thought we've been through this several times," she said, her voice carrying a hint of frustration as she tried to convince her father. She looked at her mother for help.

"It is time you get married and take over the company. You've been away for years, and you're not getting any younger and the company needs you. I am getting old by the day I need grandchildren," he stated firmly as he approached the dining table.

He leaned against it, fixing his gaze on his daughter. "Do you expect Jin to keep waiting for you forever, he too is not getting any younger?" he added, his tone laced with concern.

Bai Feng turned to Jin, seeking support. "Jin is not complaining. Waiting a few more years won't cause any harm, right, Jin?" She turned to him with a smile and held his hand, hoping he'd back her up.

Jin smiled warmly at her, his eyes filled with affection. "Anything you say, babe," he replied, trying to ease the tension between the father and the daughter.

"Stop indulging her, Jin, you have to take over the company, stop all those talks of working in the hospital, you are my only child so it is your duty, I won't let you ruin the family business." Mr. Feng pointed out, clearly frustrated with the situation.

"Let her be, honey. She just returned, you can talk about that some other time she just returned," Mrs. Feng intervened, attempting to mediate the conflict.

She nodded her head like a baby supporting what her mother had just said.

However, at this point, Yuan Yuan's countenance changed as she watched Jin and Feng Bai holding hands.

Her gaze shifted to Jin, who noticed her discomfort and slowly pulled his hands away from Feng Bai's, he did not want her to feel bad.

The meal was served, and everyone began to dig in, the fragrant aroma of homemade Chinese cuisine filling the air.

However, Yuan Yuan had already lost her appetite. She took only a few spoonfuls of food before deciding to excuse herself.

"Bai Bai, I have to go. I almost forgot I needed to pick up something for my mom from The grocery shop," she said, standing up to leave.

"Come back when you're done; we need to catch up, there is a lot I need to know," Feng Bai said to her friend, attempting to maintain a cheerful tone.

"I will," Yuan Yuan replied before hastily leaving the house.

Not long after Yuan Yuan's departure, Jin's phone beeped, and a message popped up: "Meet me outside this instant."

Jin's countenance felt uneasy as he read the message. He turned to Feng Bai, who was still engrossed in her meal, savoring every bite of Mrs. Wang's cooking.

She had always enjoyed her food as a child, so she missed it so much that she wanted to eat till her fill today.

"I need to get something from the car; I'll be right back," he told Feng Bai, who simply nodded without looking up from her plate.

Outside the house, Jin found Yuan Yuan standing by the gate, her expression furious and eyes filled with jealousy.

"What is it? This is risky!, she's back" he cautioned her, his voice hushed as he approached her and tried to take her hands.

"Leave me alone," Yuan Yuan shrugged off his hands, her frustration palpable. "I can't stand this anymore, you being all lovey dove with her.

I feel jealous watching the two of you being so intimate in my presence," she explained, her anger simmering just beneath the surface.

"I'm sorry, babe. You have to understand me. You know I love you, and not her," Jin said sincerely, trying to placate her.

"Break up with her," Yuan Yuan retorted angrily. "That's the only option if you still love me. End it and be with me openly. I'm tired of pretending," she declared before angrily walking away, not giving Jin a chance to respond.

Jin watched her disappear from his sight, a heavy sigh escaping his lips as he grappled with the difficult choices ahead.

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