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Chương 95: Chapter 95

Jial stared at Seviss in his office and wanted to kill the Sith but he passed up the idea. He had more uses to him alive, even if he occasionally screwed up.

"He got the new Mothra and Battra models? The ones you designed specifically to counter Gaia?"

"They were the ones that he requested. And I figured that it being him..." Seviss trailed off and didn't finish his sentence but Jial could connect the dots

"That he was too incompetent to actually raise them to their full capacity and I would eventually take them back," Jial finished the thought

Seviss nodded in agreement. Everyone knew how competent and capable Jacen was.

The answer to both: Not very!

Jial didn't find fault with Seviss' thinking. In his mind at the time, he was doing nothing wrong.

"Cleopatra. Any word on the ship?" Jial asked the other person in the room

"We tracked it to a small station outside of the Unknown Region. It was sold to some pirate while Jacen and the eggs were not found.

We exterminated everyone there and made it look like a meteor storm destroyed the station."

The Yautja ships were highly classified. All of them were equipped with self-destruct devices to prevent them from being studied if captured.

The only reason Jial didn't simply blow up Jacen was because he wanted to retrieve the eggs.

Those two were designed using extinct species and were one of a kind. Jial couldn't replicate them, even with all of his knowledge.

"So he fled to the Unknown Region in a new ship. That makes it very difficult to find him then."

'Maybe he's not as dumb as I thought he was.'

Jacen had used the very few and limited privileges granted to him by being Jial's son to take two very valuable eggs.

He also made sure to get rid of their best way of tracking him before fleeing to the one place where the Yuatja could not freely explore.

The Unknown Region and Wild Space were the two areas where the Yautja had little influence.

Wild Space was a large area that was barely mapped due to how vast it was and the constant wars that prevented the Republic or other groups from fully exploring it.

The Unknown Region was the opposite. While it was mapped, it was hard to navigate. The Hyperspace lanes there constantly moved in ways that were difficult to predict.

Because of this, the region was pretty much like a continent separated by an ocean, not following the laws or rules of the Republic as they were not a part of it.

There were several empires within the area, making it similar to the Warring States Era with the number of conflicts and planets trading hands.

And Jacen had flown right into that place in order to escape the Yautja.

"Have our Minister of Intelligence and Minister of Diplomacy and Expansion message their contacts. See if they can get any word on a sighting of Jacen.

Tell Nott I want two Inquisitors going after him as well. Have them bring Lilo, Maul, and Dral as well for support."

"Understood, Lord Jial," the pair answered before heading out of the room to go fulfill his orders

Jacen leaving created no waves within the Yautja. He was always a wildcard and would leave for periods at a time.

Those who noticed he left thought it was another one of those trips while the few in the know knew better than to spread what really happened.

Jacen's squad went searching for him but they came up short, even after a month. Some of their contacts had spotted him for awhile but due to the unstable hyperlanes, they were always a few steps behind him.

The hunt for Jacen continued for 2 years before Jial pulled the squad back which took them another year to return due to the same reason why they were having such issues tracking him.

The group had just returned and were standing in Jial's office giving him a report. 3rd Brother led the operation so he was the one giving it.

"We believe that he has most likely perished. The last place he was spotted was near the Tri-Kum area where 3 warlords are constantly battling."

"He's alive," Jial informed them

"Sir," 3rd Brother stepped forward. "The facts of the case are..."

"I know, I know," Jial waved them off. "I'm not blinded by emotions. I can sense his hatred. He is still alive."

Jial could sense his son was alive and that he harbored a deep hate for him.

He knew that his son would either die out in the Unknown Region or return with the goal of killing him.

'Well, 2/3 kids not wanting to kill me ain't so bad,' Jial tried to comfort himself while looking at Dral and Gaia playing around in the corner

The little flyer kept going for hit and run attacks with its beak until it pissed Gaia off enough that she shot a beam at it and knocked it out the air.

After seeing Gaia grab Dral by the foot and swing him around a few times, Jial let out a small laugh. His mood started to improve thanks to those two.

"You guys can go unless you have anything else to report," Jial was ready to dismiss them. He had to inform Talon of the latest update

"One small thing," 4th Sister stepped up. "We came across the 8th on our way here. He said he was planning on bringing Anakin on his first mission."

Jial leaned back in his chair when he heard that. He nearly forgot about it.

Anakin had been part of the Yautja for 4 years now and was almost 14. It was about time for him to embark on his first mission.

"Where is he planning on taking him?"

"Um," 4th Sister was glad she had her helmet on because she was not sure how she could say the next part with a straight face. "He wants to bring Anakin to the Gaia Forest to hunt a Servum and wanted me to ask if you could have Korina assist."

"That damn, zoophile."

Many could tell that Kira had some feelings for Korina but he acted like a 5 year old showing his affections so no one tried to help them get together.

And the fact that Kira was an Inquisitor was put on hold since he was training Anakin and therefore, he couldn't use his powers as one to order her to assist.

So he was trying to get Jial to do it to make it official.

"You guys can order it if you want but I'm not getting involved," Jial didn't want any part in the matter

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