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reborn as a hive mind!? reborn as a hive mind!? original

reborn as a hive mind!?

Tác giả: OZjams

© WebNovel

Chương 1: In-game!

Uhh what happened why can't i see why can't I move *blank


The Hive Mind System has been activated!!!

Huh a system what's a system hello system hmm is it Alive or what? Why is it that I remember a lot yet don't remember at the same time

{System window}





Level of Danger (RED)

Power Lv:0.1

Wow hmm system window huh wait didn't the system say Hive mind does that mean the connection stat mean I have only one connection and if I do have a connection that means

Looking in my mind I see a light dot consentrating on it I can see a dim room muist wall's and white eggs? There's about ten eggs that are looking like worms wait a minute muist wall's white worm like eggs aren't those the characteristics of a ant queens starting days hmm Soo I'm a ant hive mind can I control them

I commanded the queen to move and she moved as I command that's good too know


A cracking sound has heard from the eggs then a *ding sound ding +10 connection okay Soo now I have 11 connection can I select the new ants I commanded the 10 ant to dig I made theme dig separate chamber for the eggs and queen after that was done I made the queen mve there alongside the eggs now that done I made ants dig a exit

I need to be careful to not lose any of my workers the next batch of eggs are going to hatch next week I made theme roume around and get food after some time my workers found a dead bug Soo I made theme take some back than I made my 4 workers hide the dug and made the six workers feed the queen and put the remaining food at the other chamber Soo I just name it food room once the rest of the food was stored I made them go back and help the others get the rest


Thanks for reading my book it's been a while since I made a novel Soo pls go easy on me it's still not guaranteed that I'm going to continue this cuz I have a bad history in making novels

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