Tải xuống ứng dụng

Chương 241: 241

In the virtual universe.

Inside the palace.

The supreme meeting was held again, and the 19 universe masters of the human race sat together.

"There are 1,752 undying beings who have broken through to knight level, and more than ten from the human race have also broken through to knight level. Two universe knights from the Hong Alliance have also broken through to universe overlord level, and the other observers have also benefited greatly. Almost everyone has improved by one level or more. "

The quota for universe knights was specially given to the Hong Alliance, and only those races that were close to the human race could have one or two quotas.

After all, universe knights who had broken through to universe overlords or even universe masters were already universe powers that could affect the war. Naturally, they couldn't be given out easily.

"1,752 people? 1,752 universe knights? " Peng Gong Master, as the leader of the Universe Mercenary Alliance, was shocked to hear the number. "Seems like we've underestimated the power of Zhou Hao's lecture."

Huge Axe nodded slowly. "That's right. I thought there would be about 500 undying beings among the few million undying beings. I didn't expect there to be more than 1,000 universe knights."

"These 1,752 universe knights are an influential power in the universe," said Luo Feng. "They'll be able to influence the war between two powerful races."

Dragon Master smiled and said, "Seeing these small races benefit, I'm afraid the other races won't be able to sit still. If they don't ally with us, we won't have to deal with them. As long as their powers soar, they'll be annihilated by natural selection. "

"Right now, they can only choose to join us or be left behind." East Green Master nodded thoughtfully and said, "There will definitely be more small races that want to rely on Hong Meng, and the Hong Alliance will have to raise the bar."

"That's for sure." Deserted Mirror Master nodded and said, "Of course, the bar is much higher than providing timely help."

Huge Axe pondered for a while and said, "We'll see how it goes. The automaton race, the bug race, and the demon race are the three pinnacle races, and they've been fighting with us for trillions of eras. They won't compromise with us easily. However, the prison race and the crystal race have never participated in the war, so we can reach out to them. We don't need them to join Hong Meng. We just need them not to participate in the war in the future, and we can give them some quotas."

"There's another interesting thing." Primal Chaos City Leader smiled and said, "All the undyings who participated in this lecture, including those who broke through to the knight level, called Zhou Hao half a teacher and treated Zhou Hao like a teacher."

"Those small races that originally didn't have any universe knights and only had members break through to become universe knights during the preaching of Dao have made Zhou Hao a saint. There are even some universe knights who specially carved statues of Zhou Hao with Dao rhythms for their people to observe and comprehend. Now Zhou Hao can be considered half a teacher of a small part of the universe."

"Their influence in those small races might be even stronger than us universe masters, including you, Huge Axe, a universe supreme master."

All the universe masters present couldn't help laughing.

Deserted Mirror Master smiled and shook his head. "These small races are smart. They are already on the same side as us humans, and Zhou Hao will be the mainstay of our human race in the future. He might even become a leader."

"Now, they are indebted to Zhou Hao for his preaching of Dao, so it is not inappropriate for them to call themselves half a disciple of Zhou Hao. On the one hand, they are indeed grateful to Zhou Hao. After all, a universe knight to a small race is no less important than a supreme true treasure to our human race. He might even be more important than a supreme true treasure. On the other hand, they want to curry favor with our human race and Zhou Hao so that they can get more support from our human race. "

"According to the words of Zhou Hao and the others from Earth, this is flattery." Dragon-Form Master laughed.

The others also laughed when they heard that, and the solemn supreme council was temporarily filled with laughter.

The Hong Alliance of the human race was vaguely the pinnacle race in the universe, and with so many small races depending on them, even if the three pinnacle races were to go to war with them, they would still be able to put up a fight.

"The space beasts have also expressed their attitude. They are willing to build a deeper alliance with our human race, but the human race needs to open up more quotas for them."


Upon hearing that, the universe masters couldn't help but feel refreshed. Previously, although the space beasts had been willing to cooperate with the human race, there had been some ambiguity. If a war really broke out, they might not have been willing to go all out.

Now, their attitude was obviously to stand on the same boat as the human race.

The high-end power of the space beasts was not much weaker than that of the pinnacle races, and there was a universe supreme master in the race. If they joined the human camp, the improvement to the human camp would be visible to the naked eye.

In the primal universe.

Now, Zhou Hao's comprehension of laws was better than many universe knights. After all, he had comprehended many fusion laws, and this was a domain that universe knights hadn't touched upon yet.

So, in terms of pure laws, he wasn't weaker than universe knights. In the future, if he comprehended and studied the two laws derived from chaos law at the beginning of the universe, plus he was about to study the third level of time and space fusion law, his law power would probably reach an unimaginable level.

However, he was still a sector lord without an undying godly body, so in terms of actual combat power, there was still a big gap between him and those universe knights.

But Zhou Hao believed that these problems wouldn't exist after he became undying, especially when he had the advanced version of the Nine Volume Manual. As long as he cultivated his life gene level to the limit of the universe, once he became undying, his godly body would be comparable to that of the universe knights from the special life forms.

By then, with his lead in laws, he was confident that once he became undying, his power would be close to that of a universe overlord.

Of course, it was very difficult to become undying if one took the ultimate path.

As for Golden Sky, Wood Sky, and other upper and lower law fusion paths, one could reach the level of a universe master if they fully comprehended one. Complete time and space fusion would allow Zhou Hao to walk his own path directly, and his law comprehension would be comparable to that of a true god, who was also a universe supreme master.

Therefore, Zhou Hao would begin to focus on cultivating his Nine Tribulations Mystic Classic and researching the third level of his Space-Time Fusion Dao.

With so many laws comprehension and a godly body with a complete life gene level, the original core in Zhou Hao's body would be extremely hard and difficult to break.

Then, he would need more powerful techniques to break it.

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