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Chương 8: This is not a chapter... future fanfics I could do

This is not a chapter, but since I don't want to forget the future fanfics I want to do, I also want to know your opinion.


Gravity Falls


The Owl House

A/N: Without a doubt these 3 have to be

Ben 10

A/N: Most likely

Adventure Time

A/N: I'm still a little hesitant about this one.

sonic x

A/N: At least one fanfic in the Sonic universe

Avatar the Legend of Anng and Korra

A/N: It's definitely a yes.

Steven Universe

A/N: I want to make a new fanfic in the Steven Universe universe in the future, of course with another character.


Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Dōchū

A/N: This anime is one of my favorite animes; ) so if I should do it

Ranma 1/2

N/A: Why not?, childhood favorite anime, thanks to this I learned about anime XD

Dragon Ball, Z and Super

A/N: Maybe another childhood favorite anime


A/N: I also have my doubts with this anime

Boku No Hero Academia

A/N: There are already many Boku No Hero fanfics, but why can't I do it?

Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon

A/N: Possibly


A/N: Kasuma Good (Gender equality advocate XD Hahaha


Kimetsu No Yaiba

One Punch Man

Black Clover

A/N: Maybe list


Harry Potter

A/N: Who didn't want to do magic?

The Hunger Games

A/N: I probably love books.

Avengers (Marvel Universe)

A/N: Another one I have my doubts about

They will not appear in the order as I wrote them, list subject to change, I will only use it so that I do not forget.

DaoistqxKhUS DaoistqxKhUS

¿Cuál es su idea sobre mi cuento? Deje sus comentarios y los leeré detenidamente

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