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Chương 11: Talking About Money

This time, Lisa only opened the door for Jane. She didn't open the door for David because the waiter who helped Lisa park the car opened the door for David.

He was a man, so he was a little disappointed when he saw that the figure behind the door was also a man.

Even so, he forced a smile so that it really looked sincere.

And his smile looked even more sincere when he saw Jane beside David.

He was amazed by her beauty and elegance, making him want to compose a poem.

Jane and David got out of the car at the same time.

Afterwards, Jane approached David.

"Come on," she said, to which David responded by grabbing her palm.

He didn't like the look the waiter gave Jane, so he wanted to show that Jane already had an owner.

Jane also returned his hand by interlacing her fingers with his.

Anyone who saw them knew that they were a loving couple.

It was enough to make the waiter's heart cry.

David and Jane then entered the restaurant, and chose a table by the window.

Lisa didn't follow them, she waited by the car, standing alone.

As they sat down, David and Jane's table was approached by a middle-aged Asian man, who was actually wearing a suit but then he covered it with a waiter's uniform.

"Sir, Miss, what would you like to order?" he asked very kindly.

David had never heard of hospitality that exceeded this.

"Two fried ducks and two plates of rice," David replied, not waiting for Jane to do so.

"Then what would you like to drink?" the middle-aged man asked once again.

"Just ice water for me," David replied before asking Jane, "what about you, Jane?"

"I'd like some orange juice," Jane replied.

The middle-aged man noted their order, nodding before stepping into the kitchen.

After he left, David said to Jane, "let me pay for this lunch."

"You seem to care a lot about this," Jane replied with a faint smile.

"At least I want to make sure that your breakfast, lunch, and dinner come from my money," David replied.

"You know, my meal expenses are probably huge." Jane started laughing, seemingly interested in teasing David into showing more determination.

"I'm ready to work," David replied. "After all, it shouldn't be hard to make money when I have powers that ordinary humans don't have."

"My boyfriend shouldn't have to earn money. I agree if you want to pay for my food, but I don't agree if you have to work, especially if it's manual labor. I just want my boyfriend to train, get stronger, and subdue others." Jane laughed again as she responded to David's words.

This time, she said her views on the imperative that her boyfriend had.

David who had already shown his determination was instantly confused.

"Why can't I work?" he asked.

"Work is something that people do, not a king," Jane replied.

"How will I have money if I don't work?"

Perhaps in the future, it wouldn't matter to David because he would have power. He could ask his subordinates for money.

However, that was not possible for now.

Jane gave David a faint smile, and it seemed mocking as she placed her left index finger under her left eye.

It would really be a mocking expression if she stuck out her tongue slightly.

Of course, David understood that she was just teasing him.

Her words weren't serious, but it was probably true that she didn't want David to work no matter what.

"True love only recognizes money that belongs together, not separately as most couples do today," Jane said.

David, "..."

Their conversation was temporarily interrupted as their order finally arrived, brought by a group of waiters.

They all set down the plates and cups they brought with great care, occasionally looking at David and Jane.

"Please eat, ladies and gentlemen," they said before taking a step back.

Jane immediately picked up the knife and fork, but didn't immediately cut into her fried duck, looking like she just wanted to hold the two objects.

She looked at David, probably waiting for his response to her previous words.

The question was what else did David need to say because according to Jane, money was common property.

That meant her own money was also David's.

Working to feed her is just unnecessary nonsense.

"Jane, how many elite women are like you?" David asked.

The previous topic was no longer important, so David chose another topic.

"It doesn't depend on personality," Jane replied. "Everything depends on feelings. If the feelings a woman has for a man aren't enough, she probably won't let a single penny of it fall into his hands."

"So that means your feelings for me are already too deep?"

"Well, to have deep feelings, it might take a certain personality. I might be that type when I'm really comfortable. Saying that you're the most wonderful man is of course an exaggeration, but for me, you're the most comfortable. I could feel it from the moment we started communicating. You know, even in cyberspace, there's no shortage of guys trying to communicate with me even though I never show my identity and photos."

"That's actually natural because your game or social media accounts give off a strong sense of mystery," David replied.

He was probably one of the men who tried to communicate with Jane when he first saw her account.

She sometimes posted certain photos with certain words. Overall, each photo and the words she posts tend to make people conclude that the account owner is a woman of great insight.

"Shall we eat now?" said Jane. Perhaps she was hungry now that she had only had coffee this morning.

David nodded to her, starting to eat.

The way Jane ate was really very elegant, showing that she had been trained how a nobleman ate.

David had never practiced anything like that. He also didn't want to try because he was sure it would only make him look awkward, so he ate in a normal way.

After all, as a Parisian, the way he ate still looked polite, there wasn't anything to criticize.

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