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Chương 86: Chapter 85

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Hydra: Surprise or not, our old nemesis Captain America is still alive!

Of course.

Nick Fury is well aware of Tony Stark's personality.

Tony is arguably the most capricious and unconventional billionaire in not just New York but all of America.

He has some different hobbies compared to other wealthy individuals, which can certainly be considered acceptable.

Perhaps Iron Man privately enjoys these mysterious and supernatural things?

No one can guarantee that he doesn't.

Regardless, Black Widow's theory that Tony Stark might also possess one of the diaries is something that cannot be refuted.

Even logically speaking, this theory seems even more plausible and smooth.

After all, despite Tony Stark's quirks and unique tastes, sn't it a bit sudden that he escaped from the cave and almost immediately got his hands on all of Stane's incriminating evidence?

Not only that.

Incorporating this theory helps complete the logic for Tony Stark's case and also fills in the gaps of inaccuracies in the diary's prophecies.

In other words, he loopholes in the diary's prophecies have found a sufficient and reasonable explanation!

Therefore, considering all these factors, Nick Fury, the great warrior, decides on his stance towards the diary:

The intelligence revealed in the diary is to be temporarily assumed as true!

Even if some of it seems quite absurd and contrary to Nick Fury's knowledge:

For instance, the notion that SHIELD has been exaggeratedly infiltrated by Hydra.

Fury takes every essential piece of intelligence on it seriously and even arranges corresponding action plans!

And if that is the case, Nick Fury will be quite busy.

Because the diary reveals a significant amount of crucial information.

"Director, what do you think?"

Black Widow's voice interrupts Fury's thoughts, with Natasha glancing at the diary as she asks.

"We can't rule out that possibility."

Fury nods expressionlessly; nobody, not even Black Widow, can penetrate his inner thoughts.

"So, Director, what's your plan?"

Black Widow asks for Fury's opinion again, pausing briefly before adding specifically, "I mean, what actions do we take against that 'Satan'?"

"No, not for now."

After some contemplation, Fury makes such a decision.

The diary's tone suggests that its writer, 'Satan,' is clearly unaware of its "readers."

This means that while Satan is the diarist, the person who delivered the diary might not be Satan.

There's a strong possibility it could be someone else!

Even if Fury wanted to act regarding the diary, he should be looking for the person who sent the diary, not the one who wrote it.

Furthermore, precisely for this reason, Fury is even more cautious not to alarm Satan.

After all, if Satan realized his diary had readers, would he still be so unrestrained in spoiling important information?

Let alone the fact that, with Satan's abilities, even if SHIELD truly intended to act, they might not be able to manage it!

Thus, after weighing the overall situation, Fury reaches the same decision as Black Widow and Tony Stark.

Maintain the status quo for now.

"I understand."

Black Widow nods, echoing the sentiment.

Now that she knows her director's stance regarding the diary, she's well-informed.

Therefore, Black Widow immediately makes a request to Fury.

"Director, I would like to request an investigation into the Red Room!"

Black Widow states earnestly.

Previously, without sufficient evidence of the Red Room's existence, she could not broach the subject with SHIELD, but now circumstances are different.

Now that her director is also a "fellow" diary holder, Black Widow no longer has reservations.

"No, Natasha, I will assign the matter of the Red Room to Barton; I have a different task for you."

Fury rejects Black Widow's request after a brief thought and assigns her another mission.

"I want you to infiltrate Tony Stark's surroundings."


Black Widow raises an eyebrow, making a logical inference, "You want me to confirm whether Stark truly possesses the diary?"

"That's just one part of the mission."

Fury doesn't deny this, "Besides that, I want you to assess Stark; I will base the final decision on who joins the Avengers on your evaluation."

"Director, I think the diary has already provided an assessment."

Black Widow shrugs. The diary has made it clear that Tony Stark is a future Avenger.

Not just an Avenger but one of the three main pillars of the Avengers!

"I know what's written in the diary, Natasha."

Fury seems unfazed.

Even if he has decided to temporarily accept the diary's spoilers as true, he does not take the information at face value.

To Fury, that intelligence is just an important point of reference, nothing more.


Knowing her director well, Black Widow doesn't say much more, "Is there anything else you need me to do?"

"Just get those two tasks done."

"That doesn't sound very challenging."

Black Widow shrugs and abruptly leaves Fury's office with her diary.

"Director, do you have any orders?"

After Black Widow departs, Fury doesn't waste any time in summoning the earnest Coulson.

"Coulson, I have a top-secret mission for you."

"Next, I need you to take a team to the Arctic."

Fury issues this order straightforwardly.

The Arctic?

Coulson's mind starts racing. As far as he knows, there haven't been any unusual discoveries in the Arctic.

It seems the director has acquired some new information.

The honest Coulson doesn't ask further; he stands upright, ready like a diligent student, waiting for Fury's commands.

"According to reliable information, your idol may not have died and is lying unassumingly in the Arctic."

"I want you to go and verify this personally."

Fury speaks again, and this time Coulson cannot remain calm.

Coulson's admiration for Captain America is no secret; those familiar with him are aware of this fact.Despite Nick Fury not explicitly mentioning the name "Captain America," Coulson immediately knew who Nick Fury was referring to.

This realization genuinely shocked him.

"Director, do you honestly believe that a man could lie at the bottom of the ocean for seventy years and not die?" Coulson couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Even though Coulson, more than anyone else, hoped this to be true—hoped his idol was still alive—his first reaction was that the news seemed absurd.

Could even a super soldier be so abnormal as to survive to such an extent? Moreover, various data indicated that, although Captain America's physical capabilities had reached the human limit, they had not reached an exaggerated extent.

It seemed even more improbable to survive seventy years without food or water.

"That's why I want you to go check it out yourself," Nick Fury told Coulson, implying something more profound but without further explanation.

"Understood, Director," Coulson didn't inquire further and immediately accepted the task, saying, "If the Captain is indeed alive, I will bring him back."

"Good, then move out as soon as possible."

Nick Fury waved his hand, dismissing Coulson.

"Hold on!" But just as Coulson was about to turn away, Nick Fury added, "Choose some trustworthy people."

The diary had mentioned that SHIELD was full of HYDRA infiltrators—a fact that Nick Fury assumed to be true for the time being.

"I will, Director."

Coulson, evidently not fully grasping the gravity of Nick Fury's words, simply took it to mean that Fury found the mission of significant importance.

Little did he think of the greater implications.

However, this was something Nick Fury couldn't explicitly explain to Coulson.

He had no choice but to let Coulson remain "in the dark" about it.

"Hill, I have a mission for you."

Nick Fury continued to delegate tasks, summoning Agent Hill after Coulson.

He entrusted her with a highly secretive mission.

"Do you remember Anton Vanko, the Soviet scientist who worked with Howard Stark on the Arc Reactor?" Nick Fury asked enigmatically.

"Yes, I recall. He had a falling out with Howard and was sent back to the Soviet Union. Why do you ask?"

After a brief consideration, Hill questioned Fury in response.

"I've received intelligence suggesting that Anton Vanko might have returned to the States, and he could have a son named Ivan Vanko."

"That Ivan Vanko could potentially have access to Iron Man suit technology, and I want you to verify this."

Nick Fury issued this command to Agent Hill.


Nick Fury had his sights set on the technology of the Iron Man suit! Of course, it wasn't just Fury; after Tony Stark had made the Iron Man suit public, countless people across America and the world set their eyes on that technology.

Nick Fury was no exception.

However, Nick Fury had considered the relationship between Tony Stark and Howard Stark, as well as Iron Man's complex background, before deciding not to take any actions against Tony Stark.

But what about someone else outside of Tony Stark?

Especially someone with ties to the Soviet Union!

What reason would Nick Fury have to be polite? Not to mention.

The diary described a "demonically chaotic" era of superheroes, which was fraught with danger and disorder.

The future self, or rather, a version from another world, also secretly developed weapons because of this, didn't they?

Under these circumstances, Nick Fury had even more reason to secure the Iron Man suit technology!

"Understood, sir!"

Agent Hill, too, accepted the command.

And so it went.

Nick Fury issued a series of commands one after another.

Nick Fury made several corresponding deployments and arrangements based on the spoilers from the diary.

Some of these were for events that had already been confirmed or happened, which were undeniable and required appropriate responses from the Director of SHIELD.

As for events that had not yet happened, Nick Fury harbored an additional intent—to verify the accuracy of the diary's information repeatedly.

Nick Fury spent almost an entire afternoon occupied with the diary, making sure almost everything was addressed.

However, among the most critical and headache-inducing pieces of intelligence for Fury was something he felt momentarily powerless to tackle.

What intelligence? The infiltration of HYDRA, of course.

Rooting out spies was not something that could be accomplished overnight.

Even more so since, according to the diary, HYDRA had more agents than SHIELD did.

In such a scenario, it became all the more challenging for Nick Fury to seek out the spies.

He hardly knew where to begin.

Because if what the diary said was true, Nick Fury had virtually nobody he could trust!

Except for Coulson who "heroically sacrificed" himself, as well as Black Widow and Barton, the two Avengers who were verified by the diary as trustworthy.

Then there was Hill.

Always one of Nick Fury's most trusted confidants, he tentatively considered her reliable.

Thus, he entrusted these few with the most crucial tasks.

As for the others?

Nick Fury, who originally trusted no one, became even more cautious.

Rubbing his temples, Nick Fury made a temporary decision.

The matter of HYDRA spies needed careful, long-term planning.

After all, if HYDRA indeed had numerous agents within SHIELD, any slight action could startle the serpents.

As it turned out, Nick Fury's decision was very wise.

Just a few days later, a large portion of his office arrangements and deployments leaked out.

Reaching the ears of Alexander Pierce.

Luckily, no actions related to identifying spies were among them, or it would have truly aroused suspicion from his own superior.

Nevertheless, even so, Nick Fury still managed to draw some attention from Pierce.

Because some of Nick Fury's actions had surprised even Alexander Pierce.

"Are you telling me that Nick Fury ordered Coulson to search the Arctic for Captain America, believing he's still alive?"

In a top-floor office of the Triskelion.

Alexander Pierce looked at the HYDRA senior operative standing before him, seeking confirmation.

Indeed, Coulson had heeded Nick Fury's orders and chosen some people he trusted.

But how could Coulson have known that even then, he had picked out an entire half of HYDRA operatives?

Every move they made was precisely observed by Alexander Pierce.

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