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Chương 28: arriving at hogwarts

After she is gone Alex smiled at his girls who are looking at him suspiciously, he blinked while they asked," the guy who kissed her is you, aren't you?", Alex acted like he is innocent and said," I don't know I only saw a pair of green pupils when I saw her future".

The girls is even more suspicions while Alex opened his affection menu with a smile :

[ Susan Black - affection : 99

Daphne Greengrass - affection : 98

Pansy Parkinson - affection : 98

Astoria Greengrass - affection : 96

Cassandra vole - affection : 80

Luna Lovegood - affection : 75

Hermoine Granger - affection : 56 ]

Susan is the highest in the affection meter. Alex smiled at her while Susan turned away with a blush and asked," why are you smiling at me suddenly Alex?", Alex chuckled and said," it's nothing I'm feeling lucky I'm being surrounded by cute and adorable girls".

Hearing his words all the girls in the cabin immediately blushed and even turned red to their ears. Alex smiled looking at them even Cassandra also turned red but there is a subconscious smile she failed to hide.

Alex smiled and looked outside. Doing all things he forgot the time and it is going to be dark outside soon they're going to reach Hogwarts. Alex got up and said," I'm going outside, you girls change to robes we may arrive at hogwarts soon".

The girls nodded while he goes to see harry and saw harry and Ron which made him surprised even though harry isn't the boy who lived anymore he met Ron, this made Alex think maybe it's fate.

Alex smiled and goes to the cabin then knocked on the door. After saying a few words to Ron and harry he also changed yo robes in the cabin then goes to the cabin and knocked while Susan said," wait a few minures Alex. We didn't change our robes yet completely".

He frowned as he heard the giggles and laugheter of girls even a few exclamations which made him raise his eyebrows. Good guy what are those girls doing in the cabin. After a few minutes the door is opened and Alex entered it.

Alex looked at the girls with a smile aand after the train stopped they got out of it. Alex looked at the giant hagird and then at the surrounding students. Malfoy avoid even looking at him.

Alex smiled looking at this and then moved forward with hagird. On the way as he saw in his vision Cassandra almost fell down but Alex saved her from dirtying her clothes and said," careful my dear Cassandra".

Cassandra has tint of red on her cheeks and nodded while Daphne chuckled and whispered into Cassandra's ears," looks like someone who said no boy is worthy of her fell to one even before she grew up".

Cassandra has no expression on her face but she is even surprised by this as she doesn't know when she fell for Alex. It's just too fast for her. Meeting in a few occasions then at diagon alley and a few letters then at higwats express.

Now she is even more confused as how fell love in with him. Alex on the other hand gave her a sunny smile while Cassandra blushed again which made her inner turmoil more turbulent. While Alex muttered inwardly," another one down".

He is very happy as he got many delicate ambrosia in his hand. He is not going for Ginny as his brother will have no spouse at that but same can't be said to Hermoine. He'll get her to his group.

Cassandra is frowning more deeply on the way while thinking about Alex constantly which made her even more puzzled. Alex on the other hand moved forward and boarded his boat with harry, nevile and Ron.

As for the girls Susan, pansy, Daphne and Cassandra took one to them. They moved forward while Alex who saw the dirty robes of Ron and Nevile frowned. He saw Harry is okay as the clothes have auto clean enchnatment to them.

But his brother's shoes also aren't any better. After getting out of the boat and arriving at the gate he took out his wand and used it on them while saying," scourgify", they became clean while Alex warned harry," I heard professor McGonagall is very strict when it comes to your attire. So be clean and arranged".

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