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Spider-Man Mayhem Spider-Man Mayhem original

Spider-Man Mayhem

Tác giả: Shadow_D_Monarch3

© WebNovel

Auxiliary Chapter + Note for readers


Before anyone starts saying anything about why I'm using animated Ai pictures and stuff, just know the universe is very animated base

Now you may be asking "What why that's stupid why not just use actors blah blah blah blah" there's going to be r18 scenes in the future and I don't feel comfortable writing about real life actors like that... makes me feel weird and gross

I can read about them perfectly fine as I just imagine their character and not the actually person but I just can't write about them. Sorry not really sorry... cry about it.

"Blah blah blah blah why not use actors for the ones you're not going to write r18 chapters about" cause having both real life people and animated people would just be stupid and confusing.

Y'all can imagine the real life actors for whoever you want i can't stop you lol but these pics are just for you guys to know how I picture them in my head....

Anyways enough of my rant, just enjoy the pictures and enjoy my story:

Peter Parker:

His suit:


Her suit:

Mary Jane Watson:

Harry Osborn:

Uncle Ben:

Aunt May:

George Stacy:




Felicia Hardy:

Ps. Imma be Updating it when characters get introduced and shit.

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