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Jake In The Walking Dead Jake In The Walking Dead original

Jake In The Walking Dead

Tác giả: MonkeyDAnish

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Jake

As Jake1 watched the latest episode of 'The Walking Dead,' he couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment. The show had been his favorite for years, but the constant drama and wrong choices made by the characters had started to wear on him. Little did he know, this would be the last episode he would ever watch.

Shortly after the episode ended, Jake passed away in his sleep. He found himself in a white room on top of a cloud, with an old, elderly man slowly sipping on tea. The man introduced himself as God and explained that he had taken an interest in Jake. He had been watching Jake's disappointment with the show and agreed that it could have been better.

God then offered Jake three wishes. He explained that he could be reborn into the world of 'The Walking Dead' and have the opportunity to make the show better. Jake's excitement was indescribable, and he quickly accepted the offer.

For his first wish, Jake asked for a super soldier serum from the Marvel universe. He wanted to have the strength and agility of his favorite superhero, ensuring his survival in the apocalyptic world. God granted his wish, and Jake could feel the changes happening to his body.

Next, Jake asked for 1000 times more experience in anything he did. He knew that this would give him an edge in surviving and making the right decisions in the post-apocalyptic world. God nodded and granted him his second wish.

For his third and final wish, Jake asked for a system that would show his status and abilities. He wanted to keep track of his progress and know his strengths and weaknesses. God smiled and granted him his wish, presenting Jake with a digital interface that would show all his stats and abilities as well as a few other gifts that Jake will need to explore the system to figure out. 

But God wasn't finished yet. He also gave Jake a special currency called 'zombie coins.' These coins would be dropped by the zombies he killed or by those in his group. With these coins, Jake could buy anything from a special store that God had created. The store would have everything he needed to survive and thrive in the unpredictable world of 'The Walking Dead.'

God then sent Jake back to the world of 'The Walking Dead,' reborn as a survivor in Atlanta. He found himself in a chaotic and terrifying post-apocalyptic world, but he was ready for what was to come. 

  1. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fpixai.art%2Fartwork%2F1658305106392814400%3Flang%3Dde&psig=AOvVaw0FrhPfsOlcTFdkhMJs-_oh&ust=1702950964149000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBIQjRxqFwoTCIDz8u7wl4MDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAI
    Not mine its from google

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