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Chương 64: Chapter 64- Capturing Kaguya

Ren Uchiha POV

He stood at the top of the castle and looked down at the sprawling city beneath him. It stretched as far as the horizon and housed over two million residents within its multi-layered walls.

To say that the former Capital of the Land of Fire was a large city would be an understatement.

Of course, it couldn't compare to the large cities in the modern world, many of which boasted millions, if not tens of millions, of inhabitants. But for a pseudo-medieval world, this city was impressive.

And equally impressive was its knack for giving him a headache with its daily governance.

Truly, he shouldn't have allowed his wives to convince him to take on the rule of this city. He had far more pressing matters to attend to. Yet, for once, all his wives had united, their pleading eyes wearing him down until he relented and agreed to oversee the city and its surrounding lands.

And… as reluctant as he was to admit it, governing the city over the past few months had given him a host of new skills that he wouldn't have acquired otherwise.

And as expected with his Gamer System, his bureaucratic skills, along with his politicking, law-making, large-scale infrastructure, and other city-ruling abilities, have been improving rapidly.

So much so that in just the past few months, the city transformed from a chaotic melting pot on the verge of open rebellion after the death of their Daimyo, to a peaceful, productive city that was a credit to the land it occupied.

It was still far from the idealised version of the city he envisioned, but they would get there in due time.

For now... it was time for him to finally do something he had been putting off for long enough.

With a simple flex of his will, he arrived in another dimension: a world roughly the size of Earth's moon but with twice the gravity. A world his Shadow Clones had ensured would be spatially locked, accessible only to him.

He used Hiraishin and arrived at the location where he had sealed Black Zetsu, then unraveled the Fuinjutsu seal.

A moment later, the space in front of him opened up, and a black, goo-like substance dropped to the ground.

He frowned, pondering if being within the seal had killed Black Zetsu. However, that assumption proved wrong as Black Zetsu immediately lunged at him in the very next instance. And was thrown back just as quickly with a basic Shinra Tensei.

He then held the creature in a Telekinetic grip, his Gamer System's Mana Points being useful for once.

The creature squirmed within his telekinetic hold, its efforts to break free proving futile.

"Stop, or I'll end you," he warned, and the creature immediately ceased its struggles.

"What do you want, monster?" Black Zetsu asked him and he chuckled.

Talk about a Pot calling Kettle black.

"I have an offer for you."

"And what might that offer be?" Black Zetsu asked, eyeing him warily.

"To revive your milf mommy, of course."


Madara Uchiha POV

He reentered the world, his soul confined within an Edo Tensei vessel. Sensing his surroundings, he swiftly realised he wasn't on his home planet anymore.

There was no life around him, which just didn't seem possible. Even the most remote corner of his planet teemed with life, whether it was a bird, a mammal, a fish, or a worm in the ground.

Of course, the presence of three moons in this world might also have contributed to that assumption.

He gazed ahead at the young Uchiha with the Rinnegan eyes, and at Black Zetsu, who hung limply within his grip.

"And who are you?" he asked, curious about this boy (whom he still couldn't sense with his Chakra Sense), and the strange circumstances of his revival.

"Ren Uchiha," the young man replied, saying nothing more.

He hummed in acknowledgment before his gaze shifted to the rather pitiful-looking Black Zetsu. "What happened to Obito, Nagato? Why does this boy have my eyes?"

"The boy killed both of them, Madara-sama. Now it's just the two of us." Black Zetsu said.

He nodded, having already expected something like this.

"And why have you revived me? And in this... peculiar place as well. Do you wish to assist me in achieving my goal of bringing peace to the Elemental Nations?" he inquired, his eyes narrowing. "Or do you believe yourself powerful enough to actually control me?"

The young man chuckled at his words. "Nothing so complicated. I just want to fight you."

He tilted his head, wondering what trick the boy wanted to play. "Fight me?"

"Yes," the boy affirmed before performing a few hand seals. Hand seals that he recognized very well since they were the key to his reincarnation.

Immediately, the effect of Rinne-Rebirth took hold. His flesh became real, his heart started beating, warmth flowed through his veins, his connection to the Pure Land was severed as he returned to the land of the living once again. Finally, the ashen eyes he had crumbled to dust.

But despite losing his eyes, he could still sense his surroundings with perfect clarity. And he could sense that despite using Rinne-Rebirth, the boy didn't seem to have lost any vitality.

That was... both intriguing and worrying.

"Here," the boy said, throwing something at him. He caught it... a glass container by the feel of it, and paused as he sensed two familiar objects within.

They were eyes. To be precise, they were Rinnegan eyes. But not the ones he had given to Nagato. They were Rinnegan eyes, but not his own.

This raised so many questions, but he was sure he would get the answers once he defeated the boy in the upcoming battle.

He inserted the eyes into his eye sockets and used a basic Iryojutsu technique to attach the optic nerve and chakra pathways into place.

Immediately, he felt immense power fill his body as he reached the prime of his life with two godly eyes.

Yes... with these, he could accomplish any— thud!

He coughed, blood leaking down his chin as he stared at Ren, who was now standing just inches away from him. Then, he looked down... at the arm buried within his torso, clutching his heart.

"What—" A sharp pain consumed his world as the boy removed his heart and crushed it before his eyes.

He gazed at the entire scene in disbelief before collapsing to the ground, his world turning black as he felt his soul being pulled back to the Pure World once again.

Only to open his eyes once again, releasing a gasp as he felt... fine.

He rose from the ground and inspected his chest, which had been torn open... only to find it perfectly intact.

Gazing at the young man, a deep frown formed on his face as he saw the boy standing right where he had taken his heart.

This was... Izanagi?

"How?" he asked, that single word holding countless questions. How are you able to use Izanagi with Rinnegan eyes? How did you not lose your vitality when reviving me? How are you so strong?

"I think there has been a slight misunderstanding here," the boy said, tossing Black Zetsu aside, the creature quietly slinking away in fear. "I do want to fight you as you are right now. Because you are too weak. No, I want you to gain a bit of strength before you fight me."

And for the first time in his life, he found himself utterly speechless.

Him? Madara Uchiha? weak?

He had been called many things during his life. But 'weak' was never one of them.

But… the boy wasn't wrong either.

He chuckled, and soon, the chuckles evolved into full-bellied laughter before he regained control. "And what must I do to attain the strength needed to rival you?"

"Simple," the boy said, opening a portal. From it emerged an enormous ten-tailed monster, towering like a mountain.

"The Ten Tails," he said softly, feeling awed by the immense power it radiated with its mere presence. But what was even more surprising was, "You are not its Jinchuriki... then how did you obtain the power you currently possess?"

The boy smiled. "Become its Jinchuriki. Defeat me. And discover the answer yourself."

And for the first time since his grand battle with Hashirama, his heart started to beat faster and faster from the anticipation of the battle to come.

He nodded to the young man who had just made the last mistake of his life. "In that case, I will oblige you."


Black Zetsu POV

The whole world shook as the titans fought. Entire mountain ranges were created and erased in the blink of an eye as their battle shifted the very tectonic plates of the world, until the tectonic plates themselves shattered into pieces.

The once pristine world now resembled a hellscape, numerous craters dotting its once well-polished surface as the two monsters continued their onslaught.

Every now and then, he would hear their maniacal laughter in the distance, followed by cataclysmic events like earthquakes, tsunamis, cyclones, thunderstorms, or firestorms.

If he were a normal human being, he would've perished as soon as the battle commenced. But as it stood, even with his immortal body, he started to question whether he would survive the collateral damage caused by these two insane Uchihas.

The battle persisted for hours, then days, then weeks, fluctuating in its intensity but never ceasing, until almost an entire month had elapsed.

Finally, with a final roar and a thunderous impact that shattered the planet into numerous pieces, the clashes came to an end.

He clung to a massive landmass, surrounded by countless smaller asteroids that once formed the planet and wondered if both those bastards hadn killed themselves in their final clash.

He hoped not. After all, he had no means of returning to his own dimension. Moreover, he still hadn't liberated his mother, so being trapped in this dimension for eternity was not an option.

Moments later, he felt a powerful gravitational force drawing all the astroids back toward a single point, initiating the planet's reconstruction.

He caught a glimpse of a 'Chibaku Tensei' ball, the size of Konoha, at the centre of the gravitational pull before a Shadow Clone of Ren appeared by his side and teleported him away. Saving him from being buried at the world's centre.

In the next moment, he arrived some distance away from the world and observed as it reformed once again, bearing the countless scars of its destruction.

He could also see an enormous, world-spanning Fuinjutsu seal around the world, being held in place by tens of thousands of Shadow Clones. But although worrying, that was not his concern.

He wanted to ask the shadow clone if Madara still lived. But then the clone teleported them back to the world's surface once again, and he saw the answer for himself.

On one side stood Ren, his clothes looking as pristine as new, as he floated in the sky, emitting an aura that was even more potent than it was at the start of the battle.

On the other side lay Madara Uchiha. His clothes were tattered, his long white hair all but gone, his nose and lips completely non-existent, and his limbs broken into thousands of pieces, his regeneration attempting to heal them but progressing at a very slow pace.

But despite all that, despite being beaten to the point where he looked almost unrecognizable, he could see that Madara Uchiha was attempting to smile.

"That was a good battle, Madara," Ren said, giving a respectful nod to his broken and defeated ancestor. "I learned a lot of things I never thought I would pick up on the battlefield, gained many resistances, and greatly enjoyed myself during our battle. I hope that whatever afterlife you go to is kind to you."

He heard Madara chuckle at the boy's words even as the shadow clone released him, gesturing for him to go ahead and carry out his task.

His eyes glinted as he immediately raced toward Madara. The man was attempting to say something despite his crushed throat, but before any words could form, he arrived in front of Madara and shoved a hand down his chest.

...and released the Fuinjutsu seal binding his mother.


Ren Uchiha POV

He sat, waiting patiently as the transformation finished, and then Kaguya appeared.

She was... not exactly weak, but he could sense that she possessed about the same amount of chakra as Madara. Not the "far greater chakra than Madara" as described in canon.

And he knew the reason for that. In the canon timeline, Kaguya had access to the chakra of every single living person captured by the God Tree. All that chakra poured into her until she became as powerful as she did. But right now, she didn't have that, and because of that, he would guess that she was still at Tier 8 waifu level.

This was… disappointing.

Madara had been a formidable opponent, largely due to his decades of extensive battle experience.

Kaguya, on the other hand, was essentially a pampered princess. While she might have participated in one or two battles in her life thus far, that hardly made her a skilled combatant.

There was a reason why, despite being several times more powerful than Madara, both Naruto and Sasuke were able to defeat her in the end. And outcome that was unlikely if Madara was still their opponent.

It was akin to eagerly anticipating a video game for years, only to find it disappointingly lacking in gameplay.

As if sensing his thoughts, Kaguya opened her eyes, and they locked gazes.

They both studied each other, his gaze skimming over her figure hidden by her excessively large clothes.

Ultimately, the only conclusion he could draw about her was that... she possessed a cute kind of beauty. He would enjoy fucking her, if nothing else.

"You are... not mine," Kaguya broke the silence, uttering words he didn't understand. Judging by the confused look on her face, she wasn't the only one feeling that way. "Your eyes are like Hagoromo's. Are you... his descendant?"

"He is, Mother," Black Zetsu said, emerging from under her sleeves.

Kaguya then paused and surveyed the devastated landscape they stood in. The veins near her eyes bulged as she used her dojutsu to scrutinize her surroundings. "This place... it's not my home. Where are we? Where are the people who took my chakra?"

"We are in a different dimension, Mother. You can take us home later. But for now, be careful of this person. He's strong," Black Zetsu 'whispered' to his mother.

Kaguya gave a brief nod before he felt her scanning him with her Byakugan dojutsu, a slight frown forming on her face as she did so.

"So many eyes... how?" She murmured to herself, and he paused, surprised that she was able to see inside the sealed space in his heart where he kept his EMS Divine Vessel. The Divine-tier item that elevated him from a peak Tier 7 to an early Tier 9 character.

"I have my methods," he said as he began to float toward the woman, ensuring his pace was slow and steady so as not to startle her. "Would you like to know how?"

Kaguya remained silent as he approached her, her hair spreading out around her, twitching erratically at his presence, but not attacking him.

Did she know that he was stronger than her? That if they fought, she would stand no chance?

It appeared that she did, for just a moment before he was finally within touching range, her third eye opened, and he felt an enormous power slam into his world-spanning Fuinjutsu Seal that locked all space within it.

He felt the shield shudder and spasm as it was tested to its limit, hundreds of his shadow clones being dispersed from the shock. But the shield held firm, preventing Kaguya from leaving this dimension.

Kaguya jerked back, as if she had just been punched by an invisible force, and then clutched her forehead in pain.

He saw a trickle of blood pour down her third eye from the backlash and moved forward to Stamp her in her arm. The three seconds starts now.

"Are you okay?" he asked, but the woman responded by generating a dozen bone spikes from her shoulder, hurtling toward him at breakneck speed.

The All-Killing Ash Bones struck his body... and shattered into pieces, accomplishing nothing.

One of Kaguya's most powerful abilities, and his Physical Resistance rendered it completely useless. Though he doubted it would have accomplished anything even if those spikes had penetrated his body. There was simply too much of a power gap between him and Kaguya.

Kaguya stared in shock at her failed attempt at murder, and during that time, the three-second window passed, leaving a Stamp on her hand that would soon transform into a full-blown seal, leading to her Capture within the next seventy-two hours.

And that... was it. The big bad of the Naruto world, defeated, just like that. Well, he still needed to wait for three days before the Capture was completed, but the difficult part was done.

This was... disappointing, especially after his entire month-long battle with Madara.

He now began to ponder whether it would have been better if Madara had been a woman. A female Madara would have earned her place beside him far more than this woman did. But... there was no point in blaming Kaguya for her inadequacies.

The next moment, Kaguya splayed her fingers and shot drilling bullets out of their tips.

The bone bullets struck his body... and bounced off harmlessly, doing nothing.

"This is enough," he thought with great disappointment as he placed a palm on her forehead and used his mastery over Fuinjutsu to seal away her Chakra.

If she were a Tier 9 waifu, he might have found it difficult to do this, but as she was just a Tier 8 right now, it was easy.

Kaguya frowned as the Fuinjutsu seal spread throughout her body. Her third eye sealed shut, and her Byakugan eyes ceased working, causing her to gaze at him in panic.

"What did you do!?" she asked.

He decided not to bother answering her as he chopped her in the neck and knocked out. Thoroughly disappointed by the Capture of the big bad of this world.

'Now... I have to wait for three days,' he thought. 'Enough time to contemplate whether I should even keep her or just sell her off.'


AN: Without an entire planet full of people to draw chakra from, Kaguya didn't reach the same level of power as in canon and remained at the same power level as Madara. If Ren could defeat Madara, then Kaguya, with the same power, stood no chance against him. In fact, even if Kaguya were a Tier 9, Ren wouldn't have had any difficulty defeating her.

If you were disappointed by how easily Ren defeated Kaguya, I apologise. But there's not much I can do about that.

On a secondary note, I wrote Ren vs. Simurgh's fight today. Now that was a proper battle. The entire chapter spanned up to 6.6K words, and both combatants continued to fight from start to finish. I hope you'll enjoy that fight much more because I certainly put a ton of effort into writing it.

Aside from that, I'm very tired right now. Tomorrow, I'll upload the last chapter of this story, as well as the next chapter of the new story. Hope you guys will enjoy reading it.

That's it from me.

8 advanced chapters in Patreon.

Have a nice day.

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